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Words on my many absences


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Some of you who pay a lot of attention may notice I've been very scarce recently, making a post here and there from my phone. Some of you may care, but no hard feelings if you don't. Some of you already know. Feel free not to care - I just felt like I should put this out there.


On Wednesday morning, right before I was due to leave for work, I was taken by ambulance to the hospital after suffering what is almost certain to be a grand mal seizure. From my point of view, I blinked out of existence in my bathroom as I was brushing my teeth and woke up in the back of the ambulance right as I was getting to the hospital. Apparently, I walked out to the ambulance, but I don't remember any of it. I can walk and talk just fine now, but I look and feel like I got beaten up, I bit a nice chunk out of my tongue, and I might have permanently lost a toenail. Not bad, all considered. If it would've happened about 10 minutes later, the outcome would have been very different indeed.


I've been told that I can't go to work, drive a car, or operate heavy machinery (double whammy, since I sometimes act as a forklift operator at work) at the very least until I see a neurologist. They did a brain scan on me while I was in the hospital, so hopefully I'll get some answers soon... like if this is going to be a recurring thing, or if I'll ever be able to drive again.


So - anything that I have to do that involves driving a car by myself has been put on hold. I'm already going crazy because of it, so it's quite likely that radio orders will be opening up on a LIMITED basis again. I'll either have to schedule pickups or get help with dropping off packages until I'm cleared to resume normal activity.


Sorry if this bums anyone out, but considering this is where I spend a majority of my time online, I feel like I have a duty to put it out there.

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So glad you are doing better Jeremy, that sounds scary. Take care of yourself and hope you get some answers soon so you can get back to being able to drive and work. Rest and try to enjoy your down time.  

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5 hours ago, Minuit said:

Sorry if this bums anyone out, but considering this is where I spend a majority of my time online, I feel like I have a duty to put it out there.


Duty, hell. You're FAMILY, man. We (most of us, anyway) care what happens to our MJ brethren. That's definitely a bummer -- probably even worse than my two medical crises a couple/few years back.


I'll add you to my prayer list. Let us know what the doctors figure out, and take care of yourself.

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Glad to know you are on the road to recovery.


My M-I-L had a seizure last year.  Her first ever - and so far only.  She has been seeing a doctor and was prescribed anti-seizure meds.  My wife (her daughter) found a "smart watch" that can detect seizures.  My M-I-L now wears it.  She was told not to drive for several weeks until her doctor told her she could.  Now she just drives locally - to the store or short trips.


Good luck.  Stay well.  Follow Dr's orders.

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My big toe has finally recovered enough to where I'm not worried about reinjuring it wearing socks and boots, so I got a little rust work in today. Appt tomorrow - hoping for some answers. Might tear some seats down and make a start at getting the garage under control before that. Feeling a little better every day. Making a point to drink at least a gallon of water a day. Thanks for all of your kind words - they've helped more than you know.


Time to find out what lies under that innocent looking floor brace... ouch.


I poked my prybar straight through the floorpan into the uniframe channel under that brace in a couple of spots. Every bit of metal the brace covered is completely rotten.


This is all going to be part of a writeup eventually. More than anything else, this is making me nervous for what this spot looks like on my 91.

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Glad that you are allright and pulling through recovery.  I was just thinking of you earlier looking up info on your site. 

A friend of mine also had seizures and went through a similar ordeal- she was able to drive after 3 months, and now has no residual effects.  Keep stayin positive!

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