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Where / How often do you see Comanches?


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I feel like I must be blind since besides my own I havent seen another MJ since August... :confused:. Being in Colorado I would expect a decent amount. I remember back when I first saw one I was a huge XJ fan and didn't even know what a Comanche was, and I thought, "What knucklehead would grind off the back of their XJ to make a pickup?" So anyways I've been on the hunt for an MJ since then, how often / where do you typically see Comanches? (Meetups excluded)

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There is one other one in my area. A black and yellow one. I've seen it twice since I bought mine 2 months ago, but have no idea who owns it. I was told there was a green one recently but the owner passed away a little over a year ago and it disappeared shortly after.

89 Comanche

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Every day. They aren't rare, I have 2 of them in my driveway! :))


In the wild (and not counting Jeep gatherings), not many at all. A single digit number in the last year, for sure. I did see a really clean red HO longbed in Tullahoma, TN a couple of weeks ago as I was coming home from a junkyard. The ones I used to see regularly around town, I haven't seen at all recently. I'm even starting to see less 97+ XJs, and clean 96- XJs are starting to get downright uncommon :(

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Whats bad is these trucks are literally hidden in the most remote areas too. I can tell yall right know where a black one is in the middle of Nevada just sitting in someone's yard with about 20 truck camper shells on other peoples properties. 


So MJ's are out there, they are just hidden.

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I've only seen 2 here in town (pop'n 90,000) including mine.   There's a silver one just down the road across from where my kids went to elementary school.  He uses it a fair bit but to him it's just a "truck".   I saw it parked on the street one time so I pulled in behind and took a pic.




Last summer I came out of a store and saw this one (on the left) parked next to me.   The guy was just passing through and stopped in to the same store.




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I live in a small town of about 4500, I know of 3 MJs. Mine, a red short bed with a roll bar, and another short bed that is sitting for probably 15+ years. Owner isn't interested in selling.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk

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A long, long time ago, I was surrounded by hundreds, if not, thousands of MJs. Even more XJs. Now I live in the "Land of the Ford Ranger". Haven't seen one in over 30+ years, but I keep looking and looking and looking......

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Yeah, they're getting pretty hard to find... :sad:

I recall on 285 near Evergreen seeing the back of a parked Comanche, but it was dark and I only saw the taillights and some lettering on the tailgate, but it was probably just a Dakota. Hopefully this summer I see a ton more :L:

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I used to see about 5 of them every week, say 5-10 years ago. There was a Comanche Chief here for a few months. Could have been a Summer Intern. I think I saw one a few months back in a town about 15 minutes from me.  I would say, that I see a lot of XJs. The Jeeps seem to have survived more that anything from the 80s and 90s, or ever '00s

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Seen about 6 in my travels around the state. I live in central Oklahoma, and I have the only one in our town (pop about 6000). There was a long bed across the river but it disappeared awhile ago. There is a black one with a factory roll bar about 40 miles from me that I have thought about trying to get once I have my shop built.

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