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Elephant in the room.


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Surprised a thread for this has not been made yet.


Who is where? How is it? Thoughts?


As much as i like hearing about juicy conspiracies something tells me Pete wouldn't, at least not on here, even if it is the Pub. So i guess keep it to a minimum?





I'm in South Florida and as far as i can tell its business as usual. Store shevles are still stocked, k-12 kids are still in school, i think, people still going to work everyday.

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I was also wondering how long it would go without mention.  Central Iowa, no toilet paper anywhere.  Everything is still easy to find but some stores are starting to limit water, coffee, and bulk groceries.  Gas has dropped to $1.75 a gallon ($1.71 with FleetFarm coupon) which is nice.  Most businesses are starting to tell people to work from home and limiting visitors.


On another note, I too was quite sceptical about this whole thing until I got some legitimate information that this is actually worse than it's being broadcast. 


We have a good friend in Iowa City who is directly involved with the virus vaccine research.  The strain being seen in the US is completely different than what is overseas.  It's mutating quite rapidly and they are very concerned about the delay in response in the US.  He wasn't able to give us too much detail but said the state borders should have been closed weeks ago and at the rate we are going, it's going to get bad.


I know some of you won't believe it, don't care, think it's a conspiracy, ECT.  But think about your family and what could happen.  It's better to be prepared and not need it, than need it and not have it.

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Here in the US, we're doing things a little... different. Yeah. Different.


South Korea is testing roughly 10,000 people every single day. You can just drive up in your car and get the results in a day or two. Today they reported more recoveries than new cases.


The richest country in the world has managed to test 14,000 people since the beginning. The CDC had its budget cut massively a couple of years ago. WTF? Those in charge have failed us, as usual. It's almost as if they want this to be as bad as possible. And then we have the legions of morons that think hoarding a bunch of toilet paper is going to make the situation any better.


I'm young and in above average health. Relative to most I have pretty much nothing to worry about. But the right time to get our act together was months ago.

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I am just north of Orlando, schools started spring break today and they have already added another week so students aren't scheduled back until March 30th as of now. What is really telling is that Disney and other parks are closing after Sunday until the end of the month. Disney has only ever closed for a hurricane as far as I know. They did announce that the hourly employees will be paid for their scheduled shifts during down time. Most activities involving crowds have been cancelled for the Orlando area. 

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I'm in Eagle county Colorado, we have the most confirmed cases in Colorado. I work for the hospital so it's been interesting. We have a behavioral health director that used to be an epidemiologist so he's been leading the charge through a lot of this. Luckily the hospital was extremely proactive in doing things. Before they set up the drive-up testing site in Denver we had one. It's technically the building that I work in. I do agree it's been an absolute crap show lately with people buying everything and anything. I don't consider myself to be the prepping type, but I did make it a point a few weeks ago to go and stock up on some things to avoid the hustle and bustle that's happening right now. 


I believe it is 100% a major issue. I find it disturbing that so many people are sticking their heads in the sand on this issue, especially our so called "leaders". Obviously working in healthcare I have a certain bias to these types of things. Someone put it in a good analogy though, think of it as a campfire. Under the right conditions and being monitored and quarantined closely it's not an issue. It's only when those conditions change and it no longer be contain that it becomes issue and can have devastating effects. As stated the strain has started to mutate into a more deadly version and will continue to do so until we get in front of it.

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A few numbers: In the 1300 and 1400s, the Plague wiped out 25 million people which was about a third of the European continent. Those are deaths not just the total that got Black Death and recovered.  If one fourth of the people in the USA got the disease that would be about 80 million people. With a death rate at 2 %, 1.5 to 2 million people would die. That is about equal to the population of Phoenix. It is thought that quarantine lead to slowing the plague.

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I'm in Alabama. We just got 3 cases confirmed. One in my county, one in the county I used to live in, and one about 2 hours away. People are going nuts and I don't understand it. My wife is a respiratory therapist and has been testing people (she also was in the room with one of the confirmed cases) and we are not stressing about it at all. My stress is that I am a grocery manager for Publix supermarkets and this virus has made me put in 70+ hours this week and my department is still demolished. The toilet paper/paper towel section is nothing but empty shelves. Hand sanitizer is now considered liquid gold for whatever reason.



We're surviving.

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My university starts spring break Monday and now we will have a week of online classes when we “come back” from spring break. There is talk of extending the online classes to the end of the semester depending on how things go.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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guess who was previously going to disney in a week.  :fistshake1:


plenty of toilet paper on the shelves in south east michigan.  :dunno:   the stores look completely normal. 


schools are closed.  nursing homes are on lockdown.  concerts are cancelled.  and no sports of course.  going to be an interesting month we've got coming.


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check the CDC and look at the facts. If you don’t believe our government, look at every other health agency in the world. This is unprecedented and extremely serious. 

——We are in this for the next 5 months-—



Here in Southern California, people are in emergency mode 100%. I know many people think it’s not something to worry about. It’s very serious, and I urge everyone to wash there hands and stay clean. Although many here may not think the virus will effect them.

we are out of -


-cleaning supplies- wipes, detergent- hand soap- Clorox, Lysol etc.

-paper towels and TP

The economic effects of it alone are astronomical. Small businesses like mine have been effected tremendously. I’ve taken a lot of actions to secure my finances. Including having assets that can be quickly liquidated just in case is ATMs close at some point. 


Also is 25$ a barrel currently. If you have money.....I just dropped 5 grand in oil stock. 




if you have extra money. My friends and I are all taking money and putting it in Oil stocks.


we are connected globally more than ever. Many live thinking 

“ it won’t happen to me “ 



I got stocked up on water, rice, beans, toilet paper. Etc.


not worried about the virus, more so the people of LA. Long term quarantine, I don’t think anyone is dumb for taking safety measures for their families. 





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  On 3/14/2020 at 4:24 AM, CODriver said:

I have plans to get back in the stock market game sometime soon with healthcare and travel stocks. It seems the more populated areas are having more panic.


if someones sick.....someones selling alot of tissues (;


really though if you have a small business like me. These stock moves are keeping my practice alive. 

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