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Ok i understand that they are trying to slow the spread of this thing but the governerer of rhode island has ordered ri state police to pull over and question drivers with out of state plates. This really makes me upset...the last time i checked this is america. We don't live in nazi germany. There are no laws in place tobstop these peoplen from traveling they are simply pulling them over and questioning them.

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do you have a link to that?  I can't find anything on the RI website other than people coming from other states need to self-quarantine for 14 days.


I just drove from MI to GA with a giant 7' box strapped to the top of the Jeep and no one batted an eye at me.  :dunno: 

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here's the link. My father is a teamster and drives for pepsi. Because pepsi distributes water my dads considered front line essential. Hes been on the road and has seen the national guard and state police pulling over out of state plates at the border. The ACLU is filing a lawsuit against the state.







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  On 4/15/2020 at 2:58 AM, strictlyxjs said:

The ACLU is filing a lawsuit against the state.



good. :L:    that is the system working as normal.  the legislative and executive propose things and the courts decide what's truly allowed.  assuming the courts aren't all closed of course. :(  I'm pretty sure "probable cause" doesn't include "my car is registered in another state". 

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I wish i could fill you in on the stuff this govener tries to do. I hate living in mass/ri... A few months ago they tried adopting a bill that would allow elected officials to have tinted windows and windshields (a very strict no-no here for the common man). These people think they are above the law! I could go on for days..

but ill spare everyone....lol.

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I work for a gun cabinet manufacturer as well as being a bartender. I haven't had a day off from making cabinets since they closed the bars in Iowa a month ago. the stability is reassuring for me that I can at the least pay rent and put gas in my car. I am making time to do more work on my 87, especially as the weather gets nicer. My truck is one of the things I don't want to be without if $#!& really hits the fan. I did make a run to Illinois with my roommate today to stock up on a couple gallons of rum and whiskey. 

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Other than my son's college now doing it online, it's business as usual in eastern NC. Both myself and wife working our normal jobs. Toilet paper was scarce but not anymore. Personally I think The world has gone nuts. I'll be on an airplane on Tuesday flying to LA just like I do every 3 weeks.

By The way. 4 year university can now be 100% online....then why have I been paying room and board last 3 years? Boy could have stayed home and saved me tens of thousands of dollars.

89 Comanche
5 speed PukeGoat
Factory Original

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my grandma is still showing no signs of infection.  soooo, so far so good I guess. :dunno:  the nursing home doesn't give out info on other residents so the only infected/fatalities numbers we know are from the news report that is now a week old. 


One of my nurse friends has come down with it and is now on the sidelines for 2 weeks.  thankfully it's a mild case for him. 


the rest of my friends/family seem to be doing fine.  :L:  My father has become pretty adept at doing video conferencing to stay in touch with their various church groups.  :D 



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  On 4/19/2020 at 2:11 AM, tugboat95 said:

By The way. 4 year university can now be 100% online....then why have I been paying room and board last 3 years? Boy could have stayed home and saved me tens of thousands of dollars.


I teach mathematics at the college level. My campus moved to 100% online 4 weeks ago. Based on this, I feel qualified to answer your (possibly?) rhetorical question:


College can't be 100% online. Even if you could switch all classes to an online format (and trust me that is extremely difficult, time consuming, frustrating, and only results in a mediocre class setting) classes =/ college. They are a part of it. But not the totality. Kids need to get out on their own, but not completely on their own. They need to form groups, socialize, try new things, make mistakes, and LEARN. Not just class learning, not just homework learning, not just textbook learning, and not just life lessons learning. But all of it together. That is why college can't and shouldn't switch to a 100% online format.


Not to mention how much of a pain in the keister it is trying to make a math class fit an online format. I am working TWICE as many hours to get it done. But am only reaching HALF as many students. Let me tell you, this semester is FUBAR'ed. Very badly. And if anyone tells you differently, they are lying. Just imagine if you were teaching Chemistry or Physics. How could you do all the labs that promote learning? *SMH* I can't wait to get back to normal. 

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  On 4/19/2020 at 3:53 AM, JustEmptyEveryPocket said:
I teach mathematics at the college level. My campus moved to 100% online 4 weeks ago. Based on this, I feel qualified to answer your (possibly?) rhetorical question:
College can't be 100% online. Even if you could switch all classes to an online format (and trust me that is extremely difficult, time consuming, frustrating, and only results in a mediocre class setting) classes =/ college. They are a part of it. But not the totality. Kids need to get out on their own, but not completely on their own. They need to form groups, socialize, try new things, make mistakes, and LEARN. Not just class learning, not just homework learning, not just textbook learning, and not just life lessons learning. But all of it together. That is why college can't and shouldn't switch to a 100% online format.
Not to mention how much of a pain in the keister it is trying to make a math class fit an online format. I am working TWICE as many hours to get it done. But am only reaching HALF as many students. Let me tell you, this semester is FUBAR'ed. Very badly. And if anyone tells you differently, they are lying. Just imagine if you were teaching Chemistry or Physics. How could you do all the labs that promote learning? *SMH* I can't wait to get back to normal. 
I could less about him getting out the house and hanging with friends. He's there to get a degree. (2 actually) He already has 2 associates he got while in high school. If he could have gone there Online and live at home he would have. Online courses are really big around here. I know a teacher that got her degree and never stepped foot on a campus while raising 2 kids. I know labs have to be done for certain classes, but my kid is doing digital arts and computer science. Got internet written all over those degrees. Unfortunately he is a Senior and got thrown off campus last summer due to lack of housing so we got him an apartment. (State law First year students must live on campus, they have first priority.) Actually just signed another year lease for his Master's right before all This happened. Sure do Wish I could put that rent back in my bank account.

89 Comanche
5 speed PukeGoat
Factory Original

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