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what did you do to your MJ today?


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I honestly don't mind that most people walk right on past my MJs without seeing much more than an old truck.
Driving my Lada around the US got me a LOT of attention. It's got a small tank and isn't super economical so you end up stopping for gas a lot. And probably every third gas station someone walks up to talk to you about it. It's understandable given most Americans don't know what it is as they weren't sold in your country. Maybe 5% of people know what it is and are excited, either because they or their grandparents or someone used to have one back in the old country, or people who recognized it from pictures but were shocked to see one in the USA.

But 95% of the interactions would be someone walking up to me, reading the BWA off the aftermarket(ish)wheels, asking questions but never paying any attention to my answers including when I try to correct them on what it is, and then they walk away going "wow that's cool I've never seen a BWA before". One particularly memorable guy in Tennessee walked up and asked what it was, then when I answered said "I didn't know Volkswagen made a 4x4 like that". I must've said "it's not a Volkswagen" a dozen times during an extended one-sided conversation of him asking questions and making up the answers on his own. It doesn't have anything on it that looks like a VW logo, it doesn't look particularly like a VW other than vaguely European styling cues... It's just a frustrating waste of my time when getting gas in your country is already a frustrating process because you haven't figured out how credit card pins work.

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