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About this here now Comanche Club forum thang ...


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Since this place was created, it has grown and matured a lot, the forum software has been updated and changed, and the place has come to look and act a lot like ... well, a lot like a real Internet forum. And we have attracted a lot of members since the place was created. I recently had a discussion with one of our member by private message, and I discovered that apparently some members (one, at least) aren't aware that we owe this whole thing to one person: Pete M.


I had to check, because I couldn't remember just when Pete started this place. It was actually 13 years ago -- 2005. How time flies when you're having fun (or just busy living life). I can hardly believe that it's been so long, but it has.



I wanted to mention this because, without Pete's initiative, this site wouldn't exist. We should all be grateful to Pete for starting this place, and now we also owe thanks to the volunteers who help him out with the technical issues of keeping the doors open and the lights on. I guess because I knew it from early on I more or less assumed that everyone knew the Comanche Club was Pete's creation. One should never assume. So, for those who didn't know it ... now you do.


Pete ... thanks.


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1 hour ago, Eagle said:

Since this place was created, it has grown and matured a lot, the forum software has been updated and changed, and the place has come to look and act a lot like ... well, a lot like a real Internet forum. And we have attracted a lot of members since the place was created. I recently had a discussion with one of our member by private message, and I discovered that apparently some members (one, at least) aren't aware that we owe this whole thing to one person: Pete M.


I had to check, because I couldn't remember just when Pete started this place. It was actually 13 years ago -- 2005.


And before this place there was the older Yahoo Comanche group that dates back to 2000, and is still in business HERE. As Eagle says, well done Pete.


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ahhh, the ol' yahoo group.  waaaaay back in the day.  sending emails back and forth like cavemen.  back when I had to actually buy shop manuals and leaf through them to answer questions instead of just googling. :D  


and I still remember when Tom (Aslith) asked if I wanted to take over the reigns of the Yahoo group.  what an honor it was!  :banana: (and still is!)  


but it's you guys that make the club into what it is.  :beerchug:  

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8 minutes ago, Pete M said:

ahhh, the ol' yahoo group.  waaaaay back in the day.  sending emails back and forth like cavemen.  back when I had to actually buy shop manuals and leaf through them to answer questions instead of just googling. :D  


and I still remember when Tom (Aslith) asked if I wanted to take over the reigns of the Yahoo group.  what an honor it was!  :banana: (and still is!)  


but it's you guys that make the club into what it is.  :beerchug:  

That's where I found all of you guys^^^^


Time flies when you're having fun.  I miss/lost touch with many old timers from there (Tom "sportstruck" Swatzall, Jim (BassnTruck)) and many others.


Ya dun a great job, Pete:thanks:

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3 hours ago, mjeff87 said:

That's where I found all of you guys^^^^


Time flies when you're having fun.  I miss/lost touch with many old timers from there (Tom "sportstruck" Swatzall, Jim (BassnTruck)) and many others.


Ya dun a great job, Pete:thanks:


you are officially in charge of sending out emails to the missing guys to see how they are doing. :D  

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You know, I really have to credit you guys for a lot of stuff that's happened to me. Good stuff, at that.  

I bought my first MJ just over six years ago. I would say at the time I was mechanically inclined, but in terms of anything more involved than changing spark plugs, I was pretty lost. I didn't even own a 1/2" drive socket set until Hornbrod thoroughly critiqued me for it. Fast forward to today, in a very roundabout way I'm now an apprentice heavy-duty mechanic in an amazing place, and I landed this gig thanks entirely to the experience I've had repeatedly putting my decaying MJ back together, with knowledge from this club.

There's really no other way to say it. If it hadn't been for you guys and your contagious enthusiasm, my MJ might have been crushed a long time ago, replaced in my life with something newer, more modern, and more boring. I wouldn't have had the courage to tackle large projects on the MJ like transmission and engine swaps, that gave me the confidence to purchase my Lada Niva, knowing I could tackle such large projects on my own should I ever need to. I likely would never have got the experience that made it a natural transition for me into the career path I'm heading down. 


You guys are a bunch of addicts enabling the rest of us addicts, and that's a good thing. The collection of knowledge and wisdom is outstanding, and those who have organized it and had the patience to share it with the rest of us wide-eyed bushy-tailed dunderheads, I owe you a lot.

Forums are a dying breed it seems in many ways, and yet this one still attracts new members. And that's saying something. 


Thank you. 

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As has been expressed better above - Thanks, Pete!  Let us all know when the bills come due.


OR why don’t we all just send a few bucks Pete’s way to keep the doors open and the electrons moving?  PM Pete for his PayPal address if you want to chip in, assuming no objection from him.



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the bills aren't annual anymore, it's now monthly. :dunno:  but god knows you won't find my asking for money every 30 days.  I'd rather just pay it myself than ask for spare change over and over again.  but now that I think of it, I should probably get a donation link on the front page somewhere so guys can throw a buck or 2 at it whenever they feel like it.    

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to Pete first of all and thanks to all of you who have helped everyone else.  I have said this already and will keep saying that this forum is so great because of the selflessness of so many of you willing to help and do it without a condescending attitude.  Everyone keep up the good work!  



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  • 1 month later...
On 9/11/2018 at 11:06 AM, Pete M said:

the paypal ID for the CC account is: comancheclub@hotmail.com


if you need an address for snail mail I can send you that.  :L:  


Thanksgivings for the CC.  Maybe Pete will post the postal address for those that rather send a check

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