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OK Guys, new to the club, but am the orginal owner of my 87 MJ. Bought it new when the 4.0 was introduced, and was driving it daily until a year or so go. Guy ran a stop sign and put "Eugene" out of commision. Now my project to resurrect her. Here are the urls if you want to see what a 47 year old Comanche owner looks like.




Don't laugh too hard, you will be old one day also!


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  • 1 month later...

Reviving but not posting a pic of yourself? That's lame.


I don't have a Comanche yet, but here is a pic of me during finals week, lol.


EDIT: sorry, didn't think anybody'd have a problem with it. I'll find a different pic of myself and post it later

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  • 10 months later...

I'm usually the one behind the camera so my photos were mostly work shots. Here's one that kind of explains my screen name. When a lion or bear finds itself in a place where it shouldn't be I get called. It's not my main duty just "other duties as required". (Note: No lions were harmed in the making of this picture. He woke up with a hangover and a numbered earring)

When I have the time I explore old mines and hunt for meteorites in the desert.8)

Here's my son last weekend. He goes by "MJ'87" on this board. The Mojave Desert isn't known for its mud holes but a broken water main outside of town provided a few yucks. This hole claimed quite a few victims over the holiday weekend.


He starts most outings on 4 wheels, goes to two wheels, then ends up on one wheel. We do the sanctioned desert grand prix thing.

The MJ trailer gets used for firewood going out, and anything bleeding, stinky, or muddy coming home.

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  JeepcoMJ said:
you look a bit cramped in that last one :eek:


man you wouldn't believe how comfortable that drivers seat is... its like a big lounge chair in there. When the turrets turned like that theres a passage up through the turret.

makes it easier to enter exit.

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