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  beaterjeep said:
  smithe1811 said:
mine is just my last name and my initials, then the day my wife and i met. its universal and easy to remember. if i mat quote jtdesigns..K.I.S.S


You met your wife in 1811? How old are you, like 300? :eek: :D


Don't mind me, I have a lot running through my head right now, and am a lil :nuts: .


guess i walked into that one huh?i guess i better squash this one in case there are any aspiring resident smart@$$es with an idea. 1811=18 november......smart@$$! :beerhead:

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I attended the University of California at Santa Cruz whose mascot is the banana slug, the UC motto if fiat lux (let there be light), and I graduated in 1987. So a combination of the three yields – Fiatslug87 (Let There Be Slug 87)

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C.W. Longshot......


My pop saddled me with this one, many years back.


Way back in and just before my high school days. I was bent over car /jeep fenders swapping parts and "fixin" stuff. In those early years, like all kids, you THOUGHT you knew it all. So you tried anything. Well, I royally screwed up a little Holley 4bbl I was "fixin".

Pop to the rescue. His first question...What did you touch? TYPICAL KID answer...NUTHIN'!!! Well after about 20 Min's of resetting the float levels and re-setting the mixture screws he had it running pretty good. He called me... Carburetor Willie, and told me to keep my fingers OUT OF THAT CARB!!! I learned a bit that day and the first part of my name had struck. My whole family was calling me CW.


The long shot part came a couple years later aft high school.

In my family you grew up outdoors. hiking, fishing, hunting, riding horses etc. I was hunting since I was about 12, shot my fist deer with a bow just a couple years after that. Around that time compound bows where just getting popular, having come out a couple years before. My first compound was a Allen compound and I got REALLY good at shooting with it. Well, with aluminium arrows, it shot fast and flat in comparison to the recurve stick bows pop grew up with.

One day while heading out of the woods for lunch, we saw a couple three deer feeding across the other side of a large field. There was my grandfather, my father, my brother and my self. Pop cut off to try to get close enough for a shot. We staued there to watch the show. The deer continued to feed along totally unaware of the three of us looking at them from the tote road. We watched my pop for about 45mins, slowly creeping along to get with in the twenty yards he needed for a good shot. One or two on the deer separated from the others and fed out into the middle of the field. This brought them to about 60 or 70 yards of our position. I said to my self, heck I shoot that all the time on hay bales. I am gong to shoot one before dad!!! Well, I moved just a bit to get a clear shot and drew back and drilled the lead doe form where I stood. My father was flabbergasted, he had spent the better part of an hour sneaking and waiting and here I shot one from 60 or so yards out. LONGSHOT was born. :brows:


I use this name for everything I do that requires a handle.



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My name used to be TwistedSymphony. I used to frequent another forum where the head mod was named TwistedSymhony...but when I registered here I had NO idea where I got that name from. I knew I read it somewhere, but had no idea where.


Any ways, I wanted to change it and on a trail run a guy started to call me Twisty. So I decided to change it. I try to use Twisty everywhere...but I use other stuff too.


My weirdest screen name ever was Isllamamon.

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:chillin: Well mine's fairly simple BMJ many X's Many C's and Y's But not too many MJ's that trail this little corner of Baja..... I also use it on other forums .

So yea :cheers: BMJ jamminz.gif .

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I picked up my MJ for free from a coworker and wanted a unique name. I work for a generic Pharmaceutical company. The old timers will recognize the drug Quaalude- marketed by Rorer with the number 714. One of the most famous generics for the drug (at least in the PA area) was the Lemmon 714. I always have a tough time trying to explain to people what I do in engineering. All I need to say to them is "We used to make Quaaludes- you know 714's." All of a sudden there is deafening silence and Can you still get me some? Just my way of keeping a sense of humor. The other choice would have been 70GeTXed for the 70 Plymouth GTX that is under construction.

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  Lemmon714 said:
I picked up my MJ for free from a coworker and wanted a unique name. I work for a generic Pharmaceutical company. The old timers will recognize the drug Quaalude- marketed by Rorer with the number 714. One of the most famous generics for the drug (at least in the PA area) was the Lemmon 714. I always have a tough time trying to explain to people what I do in engineering. All I need to say to them is "We used to make Quaaludes- you know 714's." All of a sudden there is deafening silence and Can you still get me some? Just my way of keeping a sense of humor. The other choice would have been 70GeTXed for the 70 Plymouth GTX that is under construction.


Hey can you still get me some???????









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High school wrestling coach started call me Wildman......and well.....it stuck.


Mostly from my last name, and from all the wild things I've done over the years :roll:


So out it the real world.....that also my nick name :D

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Well named my jeep after me, MiNi Beast, being that we are both small in size but unleash like a beast. Don't judge a book by it's cover is my philosophy, so you may see the jeep but you may not see what's in it or under it. My jeep will not just be one of those bone stock with massive body lifts/blocks and some tires (cough...Ford..cough...Chevy...) and the drivers think they are Jimmy bad azz because of it. At first glance to most yeah, but to me my first glance is what is on the other side as I look through that 3in gap that their $150 just paid for, then was to cheap to buy gap guards... :nuts: :nuts: what a tool. But nope I love the unibody and a true suspension lift, and I will love it when get stoker in to shut some of those ford guys up.


So remember to watch out for MiNi Beast...

and what's about to be unleashed!!!!!!!!




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well in highschool it was refered to as the P.O.S. and some where in the mix it got changed to F.U.B.A.R. and the 86 is for the year and the name has just stuck . when i get the body mods done the name will make more sense , lets just say flat fenders ,round headlights and lotsa tube :nanner:

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  beaterjeep said:
CW, don't take any offense to this one, but yours is one of the main ones I was wondering about. Now I know (as does everyone else :D ) and it makes perfect sense too.


No offence taken. None at all, its all good!! jamminz.gifjamminz.gifjamminz.gif



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CW, don't take any offense to this one, but yours is one of the main ones I was wondering about. Now I know (as does everyone else ) and it makes perfect sense too.


I too was wondering. I work with a guy named Chris Long and we call him "Longshot", (but for reasons unrelated to marksmanship). Your story was better for me, being an archer myself.

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