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The Jeep homestead

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Holy hell does this house aggravate me at times. Today I learned that one circuit(Garage outlet, door opener, guest bathroom, outdoor outlet, outside motion light and probably a couple others)is all on one GFI. Pretty damn dumb and terrible. I hate saying that yes this house was built in the late 70's and completed in 1980 but dammit there was better practices with electrical by then!


Also the pool has been drained! Lots to be done in terms or maintenance and making it look nice again. It clearly has been drained prior to me as there is some plaster repair but theres lots more to be repaired than just the first step. Also going to be replacing all the jet gaskets as those have all but disintegrated. I am at the point now where I am locating and eliminating spots where water will leak away and keep constantly filling and ramping my water bill to $500 a month. We did however discover that the autofill has a leak somewhere between the control valve and the floater(kinda like a toilet bowl) where it is just leaking up and out of the skimmer. Have not decided my next course of action but I am gonna get a lot of do it right and professionally the first time if I just leave it. 


Now here's a pic of the pool drained:




Oh I also will be doing an acid wash as well to rid of that rust stain and all the calcium build up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, 87Warrior said:

Homeownership is such a money pit! It always amazes me how much cash a house can consume. You did well on your first home, especially with a pool!

And I’ve seen the movie too! Lol. And thank ya! I’m pretty happy with what I landed as is the girlfriend. That pool is very confusing and I can only assume it was built in the 90’s and the plumbing system was refurbished a decade after it was built and a lot of labels on the pipe are wrong. But that’s the fun. I also got the gaskets for the jets and the removal tool. So I’m gonna be doing that along with cleaning and making fixes to the plaster. 

So far I haven’t been able to do much else at the moment. But still have lots to do. TV went out and am waiting on the new fuses to show up, Christmas tree is up and I got new cabinets for the garage that I love. 

Here’s the tree:




Bad spot but it works for now. 

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  • 3 months later...

So up next is getting the pool situated. with my grandparents moving I have been getting a lot of stuff from them. Mostly shelving to situate the storage issue in my garage. I say it’s coming along nicely(just need stuff to sell haha) and add a light fixture for the room. 

Most importantly I can now say that the Jeep family has grown once again. On 2/22/22 I married the wonderful woman/best friend of my life




I am pretty thankful she puts up with my crap and the Jeeps hahaha. Wish I had some more of the fun pics from the wedding but we haven’t gotten them all back from the photographer. 

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Thanks Pete! And yes we had a Star Wars themed wedding. And we brought our lightsabers, more or less me and the groomsmen had the hilts clipped on but we had a free moment where everyone left the room for a hot minute and we duked it out haha. 

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Thank ya!! 

So far so good with everything though. Still slowly getting stuff from my grandparents and the pool repairs should commence shortly as soon as the plaster shows up. To quote Deadpool, “this $&@! is gonna have nuts in it.” 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pool floor has now been patched, it is in the process of being filled. So far so good with the new plaster patches in place. Also put in a new pool lamp and of course it is LED and took all the jets out and replaced their seals before filling and patching the pool. 

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