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How old were you when you got your first cell phone/pager?


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Ok with the texting thread all around I thought this would be a good side topic.


How old were you when you got your first cell phone or pager? What did you intend to use it for and how much?


I'll start. I got my first pager when I was 16 I think. I got it so my friends could get ahold of me and vice versa. The problem was finding a pay phone that you could page someone and then sit and wait for a call back while they found a pay phone or if they were at home.


I got a cell phone at 18 since pay phone's stopped taking incomming calls. My plan was $30 for 30 minutes and that was a deal since I was a member of the school credit union, the plan was normally 15 minutes for $30!!

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mid 90s I got a pager. needed a way for my folks to reach me while I was on campus at Wayne State. I could call them from a payphone, but they couldn't reach me.


first phone came in 97 with my first good paying job (and a 3 hours commute).

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I got my pager when I was in high school, 15 or 16 y/o and I had it for a couple of years, until I went to college, when I got my first cell phone, mostly because I was driving 15+ hours each way with an 11 y/o car. I still have the same # btw

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I think I got my first personal cell phone when I was 15 or 16 in 2000. Used it to call my parents when I went out somewhere. I don't think any of my other friends had a phone at the time - I was one of the first. I could have it out and use it in high school whenever I wanted...heard they take the phone from you now if they see it.

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Got my first cell phone when I was 16, shortly after I got my first job.



Carried a pager for work 18 years ago. Also had a 100W 2 way radio on a private frequency in the truck. I was 22 then.


Now 40, still no cell phone.


It's a good idea to pick up an older one for a few bucks and keep it in the truck without a plan.


Even without a plan, it will still call 911.

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Got my first one about 6-7 months ago. Hated it. I was 76. GF got it for me so she get a hold of me without wandering all over the place looking. The first one 'accidentally' got lost when it 'fell' into the rear of a car going to the crusher. The second one befell a similiar fate when it 'accidentally' fell out of my pocket and into a pile of horse manure I was cleaning out of the barn. At this time she explained how much the d*mn things cost and how useful they could be if someone just wasn't to stubborn to learn how to use it. She then gave me the third one which I still have, and still don't know how to use. As for CB, 20 years ago I got so disgusted at the language and abuse going on over the air and the congestion making it impossible to use, ch 9 or any other channel that I haven't owned one since. Excuse me while I build a fire. Gotta call 911. Hand me that blanket, will ya please? soapbox.gif

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I was 17 years old. It was peace of mind for my folks when I was out 'driving' (yeah, not wheeling) my 90 YJ. It was only a few year back when I started to utilize text messaging, and I hardly use it!


Now my cell phone is my MJ and TJ FSMs.... Have the .pdf FSMs loaded on my phone and can check stuff on the fly whenever I want/need. Even makes for good reading material when riding out to the in-laws with the wife :rotf:

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I got my first "cell" phone in the early 80's. It was a Motorola Iridium satellite phone that weighed about 20 lbs. in it's box with the charger and antenna. I was working for DoD installing military communications sites all over the Pacific theater in places so remote that nothing else worked. It used the Iridium satellite network to communicate and it worked anywhere in the world. The rates back then were over $2/minute for voice-only comms! The Iridium satellite network is still the most reliable way to communicate worldwide today.

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I picked up my first cell phone when I was 17. It wasn't until I turned 24 that I finally got one that does data, like pictures, internet, and such. Now it's game on. I use it to Comanche Club, take and upload pictures, GPS, entertainment, learn, and one of the best features is the OBDII bluetooth scanner I have for it. $15, and I can read/clear codes, plot voltage signals, monitor PID's, and run diagnostics all from my phone. Awesome.



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First personal phone in 2008

@ 39 yo.

First work phone in 2002

@ 33yo.


& before someone starts a new thread.....



First kid in 2004

First laptop in 1998

First dog in 1998

First Comanche in 1998

First house in 1995

First Jeep in 1992

First apartment in 1989

First AMC in 1987

First motorcycle in 1987

First car in 1985

First job in 1985

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I could have it out and use it in high school whenever I wanted...heard they take the phone from you now if they see it.


At my high school, you can use a phone during break, lunch, passing periods, before, and after school. If you get caught during class, most teachers will give you a warning, then take it away if you continue to use it. They usually give it back at the end of class or after school.


My parents rule was that we could get a phone when we start junior high school (7th grade). That applied for me and my older sister, but of course my younger sister got hers in 5th grade I think. :rant: :nuts: I mostly just use mine to call my dad, my mom never answers hers. EVER. I use it to call or text my friends to make plans too, I never really just text people just to talk.

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Got mine when I was 14ish? Prepaid, base as a phone gets. 30$ lasts 3 months, and I had a paper route so one check a month was completely devoted to making sure I had minutes. Parents made me get one because I started riding bmx and was all over the place. I think it was mainly to call EMS!!! :rotf:

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Got both Jan 95 for a new sales gig. Phone was a Motorola bag phone that probably weighed 6lbs. I think it was 5 watts, could get a signal in an auto plant basement plus cook a meal wrapped in foil on long drives.


Yup, those old analogue motorolas got reception everywhere and wouldn't die.


Now I'm lucky to get a call inside an elevator.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was 43 or 44 & had my 1st pager in a pants pocket - set on vibrate because of construction noise in my new shop - when it went off I was about 12 ft up a ladder & just starting to open a 480V 3phase panel - instantly knew I was going to ground/already dead - Took awhile & some of Dr. Budweisers magic nerve elixir to regain composure - - - Pulse rates kicked up just recalling that scare, might have to head for the medicine box. :shake:

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:shake: Sometime in the late '90s... so lets say late 40 years old...was driving truck and wife thought it was a good idea.

Still have one, would get rid of land line if it weren't for the interweb.

No text service, no online, pretty much just use it for long distance.

Never come close to using my allotted 450 minutes. :wall:


Danbyrambler, that is funny :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

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1990- pager



So...25-ish. Cells were really cost prohibitive before about 1990. My first couple of Motorola's were still the best most rugged cell phones I have ever owned. May not have done anything but function as a phone but they did that very very well. I thought I was hot crap with the first flip phone from them.




Still have the same cell number after 21 years.

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