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Today the D44 finally came out.



I threw around several ideas for a rear axle and decided to run the D60 that I already had, just before I installed it a buddy put a D60 up for sale that already had 5.38s in it and was set up for disc brakes so I picked that up and used it instead.

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I was off work from Christmas though the end of the year,pretty much all of it was spent on the MJ, I got a ton of work done but as of Monday it was back to work so MJ work is gonna slow down again.


Last night I was able to get the steering built,I need to pick up the correct hardware so it's kinda just mocked up on the truck but it looks like it should work well.

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I swung by the hardware store and picked up some nuts and bolts so now the front suspension and steering are all bolted together properly.

I also cut a hole in the tunnel for the doubler so I can add a shifter and I mocked up a YJ 4wd shifter for the 231,then I installed the driver seat too see if it would clear the t case that's now coming through the floor,it bolted right in with no interference and it looks like if I get creative with my hydraulic hand brake I may be able to keep my center console too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Lately i have been flexing the truck and taking measurements,making adjustments then repeating.


I've trimmed some stuff and moved the rear axle back some,i also had to remove the tube portion of my front bumper so i get to build a new bumper.

Once everything is where i want it i will set the bump stops and set up the shocks.


I am also considering ditching the coils and getting coil overs up front,this will simplify things and i will be able to rework my trac bar.

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Had this thing show up at the shop,it just happens to have the right length coil overs for the MJ and the guy plans to buy new ones for his build.


I will have to rework some stuff but they will be a nice upgrade.


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Mastercraft MXT 37x12.50-17s,I'm pushing to get the truck to NWfest in June (hopefully Naches will be open by then) so i went a little cheap on the tires to help the build along.


They are made by Cooper and were supposed to be similar to the STT,now that i have them i can say they are no STT but they should work for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was playing with the 4 squirrels of fury yesterday,still dumping the exhaust at the header so its a little obnoxious but it sure sounds mean,i found that the YJ header down pipe contacts the upper link so it will need to be modified then i can start figuring out how i want to route the exhaust.


Still needs some stuff cleaned up under the hood but its getting there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • mnkyboy changed the title to Mnkyboys 89 Comanche project

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