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Snow Covered Mountains and Ice Covered Trees


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On 1/31/2021 at 4:33 PM, gogmorgo said:

Not my photo, this car was posted for sale a couple hours away from here.561EBB2C-8CA2-4EA7-BDA4-5E508D8D3879.jpeg.114a620358959a37b9b706622209ce4c.jpeg


For those of you looking for moose.

Looks like a cow moose?   Or young?  Can't tell with the car in front.   Love the big critters you have out there.

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sometimes it snows in north GA.   but sometimes ya gotta shovel some good ol' michigan snow into a cooler and bring it down to your nephews because I don't want to wait until next winter  :D 


if you're curious, dry ice is key to making it survive the journey and the next day while they are in school. 






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Gorgeous morning today, although a little on the chilly side. Coldest morning so far this winter. With it being so clear though I managed to get some shots to the south before the sun was high enough to interfere, just from within the yard at work. 






And for those wondering, possibly a bit jealous of the views, today’s forecast includes the phrase “frostbite in minutes”. It only got down to -36°C, but with a windchill warning of -40 to -55°C. I’ll let you guys do your own math on that. It’s not quite the lower extreme of what we’ll get, but it’s not warm.

Felt pretty bad for my 2.5 this morning. Parked it across the street a few days ago and wasn’t inspired to start it just to get it into the driveway to plug it in last night. It did fire right up but it sure wasn’t happy about it.

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5 hours ago, Manche757 said:

A perfect picture.  Snow laden trees. Fresh snow. Serene blue tint sets off your MJ. 

That was almost an accident as I was walking back up to the truck. I’d gone down to spot where a couple rivers come together to try to catch a good shot of the mountains that I’d got a couple summers ago, but once I got down there remembered how much carefully picking my path over rocks I’d done to stay dry and with a couple patches of obvious open water I decided it was best not to walk too far out onto the river ice.


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