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Theft to my garage .


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Tuesday, March 9 I woke up around 5 AM to noises outside. I looked outside at my neighbors house at 122 ( I live at 126 )  and noticed a red 97-01  red Jeep Cherokee XJ in their driveway. The Cherokee had a loud exhaust, and a front off-road bumper with lights . I walked outside and noticed the individual unloading a yellow wheel barrel and a red lawnmower out of the red Jeep Cherokee . It seemed strange that the individual would've been there at 5 AM (and I also have Cherokees myself) so I had some parts outside that might possibly be worth something to him. In fear of him stealing something , there were several parts that I wanted to put in my garage. I opened up my garage doors and put those parts inside . When I put the parts inside my garage my Lincoln welder and dyna-glo heater were inside my garage . I also barricaded the front garage doors with my vehicles as added protection . The individual wheeled both the lawnmower and wheel barrel behind the garage on 122  , Then left around 5:10 AM.I left my house between 5:15 to 5:20 AM to go to work. The evening of Tuesday March 9, I returned home to find both the wheel barrel and lawnmower were gone , and no work had been done at my neighbors house. Saturday, March 13 I walked behind my garage to find my rear window had been broken out (originally thought to be due to the High winds we had days before )but several hours later I went to the garage for the first time since Tuesday, March 9 I noticed my welder and heater were missing . I knocked on the door of my neighbor (the previous owners girlfriend/ roommate he willed the house to ) at 122 to find out who is in the red Jeep Tuesday march 9th  , she said his name is Frankie Howley . Frankie Howley is the stepson of the previous owner Jim at 122  , He visited there frequently when his step father owned the house and I know who he is and what he looks like .My neighbor said that he was not supposed to be over there and kicked him off her property , also saying he  came back an hour later in a black Jeep and picked up the red lawnmower and yellow wheel barrel he dropped off at 5 AM Tuesday morning. When she confronted him Frankie Howley said that he didn't think anybody lived there also saying his name was "Mike ". I then called the police and filed  a report. Talking to some of my neighbors, I found out that I was not the only person that was vandalized. After doing some research on Sunday march 14th we found a relative of Frankie that was friends with my neighbor. We went over to her house and asked what she knew about the theft . She said she didn't know anything, but she would get in touch with Frankie and ask him about it. We left the relatives property and I returned to my house , around noon Sunday march 14th . Five minutes after returning home, Frankie's relative and her friend had brought my  Lincoln welder to my house. I asked where the heater was and they didn't have an answer for me. At the time of this statement I still have yet to receive my heater back. We found out that Frankie was at his girlfriends house on 122 N. Manchester , which is only two streets away from me . Saturday evening March 13th My dyna glo heater was for sale on Facebook marketplace,  Charlie  was the person that listed it and I have a screenshot of his listing. A mutual friend of mine and Charlie's messaged Charlie asking about the heater, and who he got it from. He said he was just listing it for a friend and that it was not in his possession. Charlie  found out that Frankie Howley sold the dyna glo heater to another person named Frank P. , and that Frank P sold it to somebody else. When Charlie told Frank P that the welder was stolen, Frank P said that he was going to buy it back off the person he sold it to and return it to me, This was on March 14. And again at the time of this statement I have yet to have my dyna glo heater returned to me. 


 This was the statement I gave to the police, some things have been taken out to protect certain peoples identity. If it doesn't come through clear just ask questions. 


 At the date of this post my heater is no longer able to be had because the person that stole it said that I'm not getting it. They have also made threats to my house and myself , and those have been forwarded to the detectives. After all this the detective said that there's not enough proof to get Frankie, but they can get Frankie's  aunt for returning the welder to me, because she received stolen property. 


 The day after they told me that they could not charge anything on Frankie there was a several thefts five minutes up the road from me and they found stolen items at his Aunts house I visited with my neighbor (who was also burglarized)  which leads me to believe that the aunt is not as innocent  as she says she is. 

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Take them all to prison!  Honestly if charges are pressed on the aunt, Frankie's conscience may get the better of him and he may turn himself in to keep her out of jail.  Also if they do arrest the aunt they may get more information and have more to get Frankie on.  She may also spill the beans on him to save herself.


Thieves are the worst.  It's unfortunate but these days cameras and home security systems are becoming a must.  Even in small towns it's becoming an issue.  Just hope we don't lose our right to own the tools to protect ourselves with otherwise "Frankie" may go for more than just the welder and heater in the garage...

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sounds like it's time for a security system.  even if it's just auto-on lights.  I'm sure all your beautiful trucks have some sort of anti-theft on them, right?  kill switch?  no battery in them?  trained robotic attack dog in the pass seat?


I hate thieves.  :fistshake1: 

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  On 4/6/2021 at 3:00 AM, Strokermjcomanche said:

 and noticed a red 97-01  red Jeep Cherokee XJ i


first off that sucks. I really hope it all works out. second only a "jeep dude" especially an xj/mj dude would notice it was a 97+ xj just something I found funny when reading. I agree with pete robo dog in the passenger seats of your trucks. 

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I'm not advocating it, because that would probably get me into trouble, but vigilante justice is most likely the only chance you have of getting anything out of this that resembles justice.  The folks that you are forced to deal with legally, have very little (if any) incentive to do their jobs.  They're a lot more concerned about the easy revenue / little work involved situations like seat belt violations and zoning issues.  Even the DA only goes after the cases that are getting enough attention that he thinks he/she really has to.  Or if it will further their political ambitions.  Sad, but true.  The exceptions seem to be pretty darn rare.

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  On 4/6/2021 at 3:27 AM, Pete M said:

sounds like it's time for a security system.  even if it's just auto-on lights.  I'm sure all your beautiful trucks have some sort of anti-theft on them, right?  kill switch?  no battery in them?  trained robotic attack dog in the pass seat?


I hate thieves.  :fistshake1: 



Motion activated lights. Game cameras if you can't afford an actual security camera system -- or both security cameras and game cameras. If a monitored alarm system isn't possible, Harbor Fright has stand-alone alarms that might at least make a thief decide it's time to unass the area of operations.



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While not as involved as this I had a pretty nasty theft problem at my house when I first moved in. If it wasn't bolted down or in the garage it would get stolen. Even brazen enough to open the gate to the backyard and grab stuff from behind the fence. Wish I would have done it before $800 worth of my $#!& was taken though. 


I bought an 8 pack of Power Over Ethernet IP Cameras and a cheapo NVR from amazon for ~$500. Installed the cameras on a computer battery backup, bought 2 signs stating that cameras were on the property and placed one at the front door and one on the back fence. No issues since. Worth every penny as a deterrent. The nice thing is that at night they have a red glow to indicate night vision. 



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That sucks! Around hear they are steeling catalytic converters like there is no tomorrow. the police have them on camera under a van in a grocery store parking lot at noon on a Saturday and tell the guy “ well insurance should cover it” and leave. Thief’s are getting bold today and seems no departments care because they don’t want to arrest anyone because of WU-FLU! 

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Man I hate a thief. I had a transmission stolen when I lived in a different state a long time ago and that still annoys me. 


Now we have security cameras all around and get notified on our phones when noise or movement is detected, or if a camera goes offline. Google Nest; pretty neat service, it even specifies on the popup notification what was detected (person, dog barking, people talking.) A bonus is our neighbor across the street is nosey, we have a  dog who loves to bark, my wife works from home, and we are well armed. 

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That sucks that even your precautions didn't thwart the bastid.


Sounds like the aunt already rolled over once and she'll do it again to save her skin.  


Glad you got your welder back, hope you get the heater.  As to Frankie, there's Karma. 

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Extremely frustrating! I'm glad you got the welder back. Sad truth that the justice system favors the crook and not the victim. Here in WA all drugs are legal now, terrible idea. Too much crime and no place to put them. Take a theft of 2k to be a felony as of last month. They get a week in jail as punishment so why not keep stealing. 

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  On 4/7/2021 at 3:00 AM, rylee144 said:

Sad truth that the justice system favors the crook and not the victim.


Ain't that the sad truth,  had my xj stolen in broad daylight couple years ago. They caught him driving around and arrested them. after that I had to fix it, I'm getting the cost of parts, no labor. That's if I'm lucky to ever see a check.

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Thanks for all the replies fellas. As most of you know it sucks, especially being I left out  he just got out on the 7th of march . He stole a hearse, ran out of gas and then proceeded to break into the garage of the house he stalled in front of to steal  gas can to fill up to Hearse .  The cops asked him if it was his and he said it was, they were in the plates and found out that was not true. Pretty sure that's what he just got out of jail for, he will never learn, Especially when there are no real consequences. He's only looking for his next score so he can get high on meth.



 I had cameras, but the way my neighbors yard is set up it wasn't pointed in that direction. I can promise you I'm gonna correct that though I'm going to purchase several more cameras.  I'm going to buy some of those detectors  that Eagle posted as well. I also put expanded metal over the windows in the garage with some really long special fasteners that don't have a standard bit that would be found in a normal tool kit. Although I'm taking these precautions I truly believe it was a isolated incident, for the people that have been at my house on the site should know what I mean. Everything is all fenced in around me and people that drive by  can't see what I'm doing because their review would be obstructed by my jeeps. 



 I'm not sure about other states, but Ohio is getting a stand your ground law in effect shortly. Which is a step in the right direction protecting you if you are protecting your property 

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