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what your stimulus check for?

MiNi Beast

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Oh, I want it alright.  But, no sense in spending it on anything non-essential until we see what impact all of this "free" money has on our taxes.  We might have a couple meals out at some local (non-chain) restaurants, and tip very generously.

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2 hours ago, terrawombat said:


If current outstanding student loans are forgiven, then I want a big check for all of the student loans my wife and I have paid over the last 15 years!

I can definitely understand that for sure, unfortunately they wouldn't do that.  Really the student loan issue or "bubble" is the education system's own fault from my point of view.  I can't speak for everyone's experience but with my generation we got pushed so hard that college was the only answer to having a life.  Basically saying you will live under a bridge if you don't go.  They even required us to have meetings with the counselor to help setup our college plans, which included exclusively 4 year schools because "community colleges are a waste of time and money and you can't do anything with those degrees" obviously knowing nothing about college at the time you trust what you hear.


I was lucky and the government wouldn't give me a loan for the second year at Iowa State because I didn't have an income.  They would happily give my parents a loan to pay for my school but they weren't about that so I dropped out and got a real job.  Make just as much now as I would had I finished school and I'm in the field I went for anyway.  


Sorry I just get really frustrated with how the schools don't teach people real life skills and really just set people up for failure when they get into the real world...  RANT OVER.  

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Because apparently this is what our elected officials think $600 will do. Would rather have businesses open and people paid fairly to the current cost of living standards but that's a different rant.


Honestly, it will go to some bills. Between moving, having a baby, home remodel stuff and my wife losing her job this is a drop in a ocean. I'm with dzimm on the student loan/college thing.   I was fortunate enough to work full-time when I got my undergrad and my dad helped me a little that I didn't have any student loan debt. My wife though went for her Masters and we are paying on that. What really chaps me on student loans is the interest along with soaring tuition rates. I don't think they fully need to be forgiven. It would be ridiculous to forgive someone's loan that went to Harvard versus someone that went to a community college. Even if it was something like a flat amount, it would be super helpful. I'd like to see wipping  out all interest and not making them have a mandatory payback timeframe. Sure I'll pay $10 a month for the next 30 years. 

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1 hour ago, scguy said:

I sure pray it's not going to the same place the first one went, to hospital bills to partially pay for our miscarriage in February. 


Probably a freezer, if I can find one.

i had picked up a chest freezer 5 cu ft at home depot for like 200. holds meat and ice cream I'm happy. 

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1 hour ago, scguy said:

I sure pray it's not going to the same place the first one went, to hospital bills to partially pay for our miscarriage in February. 



I feel for you man. We went through that last December. Not only are you crushed emotionally but the bills after are just a reminder and it sucks. 

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This.  This right here.  Is why I'm so "afraid" of .gov.  Ill say no more in this thread so it doesn't go full-on-retard political and get shut down, but suffice to say I'm right at done playing nice with this whole $#!&show.


When There Wasn’t Enough Hand Sanitizer, Distilleries Stepped Up. Now They’re Facing $14,060 FDA Fees. – Reason.com

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4 minutes ago, mjeff87 said:

This.  This right here.  Is why I'm so "afraid" of .gov.  Ill say no more in this thread so it doesn't go full-on-retard political and get shut down, but suffice to say I'm right at done playing nice with this whole $#!&show.


When There Wasn’t Enough Hand Sanitizer, Distilleries Stepped Up. Now They’re Facing $14,060 FDA Fees. – Reason.com

rules are rules. made profit or tax write off business is accountable. they have programs to help them. its a fair deal. welcome to america!  

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5 minutes ago, scguy said:
24 minutes ago, MiNi Beast said:
i had picked up a chest freezer 5 cu ft at home depot for like 200. holds meat and ice cream I'm happy. 

I'm looking for something more in the 20-25 cu ft range. Upright freezer

that would hold many steaks...:rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, MiNi Beast said:

rules are rules. made profit or tax write off business is accountable. they have programs to help them. its a fair deal. welcome to america!  

The point.  You are missing it entirely.  Let's just agree to disagree on this.

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9 hours ago, mjeff87 said:

This.  This right here.  Is why I'm so "afraid" of .gov.  Ill say no more in this thread so it doesn't go full-on-retard political and get shut down, but suffice to say I'm right at done playing nice with this whole $#!&show.


When There Wasn’t Enough Hand Sanitizer, Distilleries Stepped Up. Now They’re Facing $14,060 FDA Fees. – Reason.com


7 hours ago, mjeff87 said:

The point.  You are missing it entirely.  Let's just agree to disagree on this.

just wanted to update if havent heard but federal government has handled this and told FDA to back down from charging said fees.


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I feel for you man. We went through that last December. Not only are you crushed emotionally but the bills after are just a reminder and it sucks. 
Thanks, man. It's rough, especially having to pay out of pocket for them to essentially do nothing. I mean, we were in the ER waiting room the better part of a day, had 1 test and an ultrasound and it was like $7k. There was a total of maybe 20 minutes actually being tested or speaking to someone. Nothing like kicking a family when they're down.
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Probably nothing. Last “stimulus” was $86 for me, wooo! Also owed 5k in taxes last year. FML. Past just over a year has been so @#$%ed for me even before covid I have no idea what’s next. 

But in reality I have very little to complain about, I’m so much more fortunate than others right now that I honestly don’t care about the stimulus. In all seriousness I wish there was a way I could opt out so more could goto people who need it more. 

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54 minutes ago, Sir Sam said:

Probably nothing. Last “stimulus” was $86 for me, wooo! Also owed 5k in taxes last year. FML. Past just over a year has been so @#$%ed for me even before covid I have no idea what’s next. 

But in reality I have very little to complain about, I’m so much more fortunate than others right now that I honestly don’t care about the stimulus. In all seriousness I wish there was a way I could opt out so more could goto people who need it more. 

don't be fooled, you can do good with it. i regularly buy food and items for others i know that can really use it. i find that they are appreciative and feel less of a hand out being from me then "programs".  

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