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1 hour ago, eaglescout526 said:

I’ve been hooked on these two lately. 


A ‘57 classic


And a BBC version of a song from a famous ‘64 album



I should post more songs from my record collection that I enjoy. 

Yes you should

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RIP Pieree. Not sure if anyone has ever heard of Naked Raygun but major influence on a lot of bands and huge part of the chicago punk scene.  Pierre was the bassist for naked raygun and pegboy. Self taught and just all around great bassist. 





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On 8/6/2020 at 7:26 AM, tugboat95 said:

I used to like a lot of country but as I get older I don't like the newer stuff. I find myself listening to Amazon 90s country and 80s hits. It goes full circle. I've turned into my Dad listening to 60s music on the oldies channel while I was growing up.

89 Comanche
5 speed PukeGoat
Factory Original



Haven't we all? Although, I am warming up to some of the Country and Folk artists Mom would listen to at full-volume on her stereo record player (a Sears Silvertone, if you want a visual). Annie's Song and another song I don't know the name to, by John Denver, are a couple examples.

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I'm listening to the flame flicking as it depletes the last of the kerosene. I'm going to freeze now unless i move to the shop and enjoy the sound of the turbo heater and enjoy the smells of burning diesel. eh yes, winter is near. collect your wood and steer clear of mr. frost. as long as the wood burns, no winter you can't endure. 


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I've been running my old 5 disc changer while I am working.  I had forgotten how much I like listening to whole albums.  This is some of their newer stuff but I've been listening to Fates Warning since Night on Bröcken was new.



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Currently listening to Emmy Lou Harris, Luxury Liner on vinyl.  The lady of the house is out with the girls and I can crank it up.  Critical listening with the system as it is currently.  However a couple of Marg's might facilitate that effort. :beerchug:

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Next!  Soundtrack to Metropolis (vinyl).  1984 "contemporary" soundtrack to the 1926 Fritz Lang movie, originally presented with a live orchestra.  Giorgio Morodo production featuring Freddie Mercury, Pat Benatar, Jon Anderson, Cycle V, Bonnie Tyler, Loverboy, Billie Squire, Adam Ant. 


Plot...The year is 2026, a Dickensian "best of times, worst of times," where total oppression and manipulation of the masses is wielded by the unquestionable power of the few.


I have the video of the movie, also.  Portions of the original are missing but still, fascinating movie making. 


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Next!  Songs for Beginners...Graham Nash.  200 gram Quiex Super Vinyl.


Military Madness was killing the country

Solitary sadness creeps over me

And after the wars are over

And the body count is finally filed

I hope the Man discovers

What's driving the people wild

Military Madness is killing your country

So much sadness between you and me

War, War, War, War, War, War.

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