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Getting there!! It’s looking damn good...and damn cramped. Learned a couple things today:

1). Your father has a better idea of things and thus I learned to fish an AC line through this small crack between the radiator and it’s support like so;



2). The water pump pulley is bare metal for a reason on the groove for the belt....

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5 hours ago, eaglescout526 said:

Well she is back together. Took a little drive around the block, ran great! Forgot to plug in the speedometer, than goodness I have cruise. 

Wonder how she will do when the system is good and charged.

Good to hear. Hopefully some cool cruising coming soon!

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10 minutes ago, WesD said:

Oh no.   Hope it didn't contaminate your lines, condenser, and evaporator.  Make sure you don't have metal shavings in the oil (I'm guessing you used PAG)

Actually it blew more in an exciting fashion. As soon as I clicked it over to AC the clutch locked up and blew a seal. So there will be no metal shavings anywhere. 


So all in all everything passed with flying colours. Just the clutch didn’t like it. 

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Well its been a busy day! Met up with pirate and picked the salvage yard. Compressor came in and will install that today. And I have thrown in the towel on cruise control(sorry for the confusion, lol)I don't know why or how this happened but it is beyond me. Damn. Wish AMC was still around.


Edited by eaglescout526
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17 minutes ago, fiatslug87 said:


Ok what I should’ve said is cruise control. I haven’t really given up on either lol. I can see the confusion. (Gonna go fix it) It just moved to the back burner for now. With no known good regulator for me to use, It has since become a low priority. Plan is to fix the one that burnt a resistor at some point and see why the heck this other one won’t do a bloody thing. 

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5 hours ago, eaglescout526 said:

Well its been a busy day! Met up with pirate and picked the salvage yard. Compressor came in and will install that today. And I have thrown in the towel on cruise control(sorry for the confusion, lol)I don't know why or how this happened but it is beyond me. Damn. Wish AMC was still around.


hey thats me

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