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Vote for Steph!!!!!


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Heads up, guys!


Rickie is catching up. Not an issue ... yet ... but let's not get complacent and have to pull a collective all-nighter at the last minute. Steph's margin had been hovering at around 1500 votes for the past 24 hours or more. It's now down to about 1400 due to a surge by Rickie's team.


I just logged onto that comments web site again. A lot more comments have been added since I first saw it, and I gotta say, that Homovich gal with all her blathering about "cheating" really irritates me. She knew the rules when she entered the contest. If her friends don't care enough to man the trenches, she doesn't deserve to win.


Gentlemen, your assignment is to ensure that Steph remains comfortably in the lead. I am assigning myself the mission to ensure that Cynthia Davidson ends up with more votes than Kellie Homovitch. If there's anything worse than cheating, it's calling someone else who is playing by the rules a cheater.


Roger that..... You can count on my voting sir! Homobitch is outa there........

As for you guys,,,, pump those voting fingers up and start clicking!!!

Hooah... jamminz.gif :redX:

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I think they set up the contest this way so people would sit on the page and refresh it... The ad at the top has a counter, I'd think. More counts, more revenue...


Or they're just stupid.



I threw in a few votes.

I'd guess the former.


Doesn't mean I'm going to let anybody sneak up behind us and position themselves for a last-second surge. Drafting should only be encouraged in NASCAR, where it helps both drivers ...

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Signing off.


Steph is at 4,000 votes and the margin is back to a respectable number, so I can sleep soundly.


Got a thing with numbers. Who got #4000? I was late and got 4001. But I'll sleep soundly too. :cheers:

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Call to arms!


Lads, the price of freedom (or, at least, a make-over for Stephanie) is eternal (at least until 10 August) vigilance.


Rickie's co-workers were busy today. VERY busy. The margin was down to around 1200 points earlier today. I've been whittling away and it's now back to around 1300, but IIRC it was over 1400 when I logged off last night, so even though it may seem like a comfotable margin ... we lost ground in 24 hours.


Was it Yogi Berra or Casey Stengel who said, "It ain't over 'til it's over"?


I hope some of you west coast keyboard wizards can put up a few votes before you crash for the night.


http://photocontest.freedom.com/shelby- ... ?mode=most

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I hope some of you west coast keyboard wizards can put up a few votes before you crash for the night.


Yah, I think I should be able to get a few once I get the rugrats to bed! I'm BLLime powered this evening, so should be good for a few hundred... (How many BLLimes do you suppose it takes to equal a daily serving of fruit?)

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I hope some of you west coast keyboard wizards can put up a few votes before you crash for the night.


Yah, I think I should be able to get a few one I get the rugrats to bed! I'm BLLime powered this evening, so should be good for a few hundred... (How many BLLimes do you suppose it takes to equal a daily serving of fruit?)



I'd have to say at least 12.... :laughin: :beerhead:

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I hope some of you west coast keyboard wizards can put up a few votes before you crash for the night.


Yah, I think I should be able to get a few one I get the rugrats to bed! I'm BLLime powered this evening, so should be good for a few hundred... (How many BLLimes do you suppose it takes to equal a daily serving of fruit?)



I'd have to say at least 12.... :laughin: :beerhead:


Crap, I just finished the last one and I'm not quite to 12 yet... i do have some of my Wife's Apple Beer out in the Beer Fridge that should count too...


Man that 5:30AM pick-up to the Airport (to Boston) is going to be awful rough...



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I think they are going to get sneaky about a day till...

I agree. That's why I hope we can build up a big cushion now. First, it may result in their throwing in the towel. Second, if they decide to pull a blitzkreig at the end, it'll be that much MORE work for them, and that much less work for us.


I'm just plain obstinate. I've wasted enough time on this that I refuse to allow it to be wasted. It sure does slow down my web surfing, though. I'll be happy when it ends.

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I think they are going to get sneaky about a day till...

I agree. That's why I hope we can build up a big cushion now. First, it may result in their throwing in the towel. Second, if they decide to pull a blitzkreig at the end, it'll be that much MORE work for them, and that much less work for us.


I'm just plain obstinate. I've wasted enough time on this that I refuse to allow it to be wasted. It sure does slow down my web surfing, though. I'll be happy when it ends.


You!!! I sit here and say to myself,,,, "WTH have I gotten myself into!" :D


Then that message board pops up now I have to share my PC! :fool: lol


But I must say,, you guys rock and I'm very indebted to all that even took the time to punch in a few numbers and click "vote"......



:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Ok, took me awhile, but I voted. She has a rather commanding lead.

It's not a commanding lead if the "other team" cuts into it by 50 or 100 points or more every day. At one time the margin was slightly over 1,500 votes. Then it dropped to less than 1,200. Last night, after some work, we got it back up to about 1,300. This afternoon it was back down to a bit over 1,200.


I don't consider that to be a commanding lead, when we still have two weeks to go. They can hit it hard for one afternoon or evening and wipe that out when we're not looking.


Do not become complacent.

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DAMN! A little hardcore about this aren't you there oh Wise Bird?


LOL, easy there Eagle, eaaaassssy. I think "complacent" might be a bit strong of an adjective to describe our role in JT Honey's little contest. Ahh but I like the competitiveness in you Bald One With Beak. It burns strong in you! :D

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G man.. I have officially handed over my command to my Sargent Major Eagle..


don't be giving SGM a hard time or youll be digging holes and filling them back up.. :brows: :D

The world needs more persons as him around thats for sure!!


I also finally received my wheels!! jamminz.gif A little sugar blast and then their off to get a nice gloss powder coat melted on for no less then 20 a pop!! :eek:

Hopefully have them all done by winter.. Ill shot you some pictures when done!! :chillin:

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DAMN! A little hardcore about this aren't you there oh Wise Bird?


LOL, easy there Eagle, eaaaassssy. I think "complacent" might be a bit strong of an adjective to describe our role in JT Honey's little contest. Ahh but I like the competitiveness in you Bald One With Beak. It burns strong in you! :D



However you choose to look at it, I just logged on at 10:55 p.m. to find Steph's lead has been cut to 1,111 votes. It was 1,300 earlier today. If you don't care about helping a fellow Jeepr's gal in this thing, that's fine. Don't help. For those of us who wish to help, I repeat: Do not become complacent.

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