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COVID Chances


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My county has a 38% chance of getting COVID.  That means I have 62% chance of not getting COVID.  That's approx. 2-to-1 against.


I'll go about living my life, thank you.


I will wear a mask when I am out.

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14 minutes ago, 87MJTIM said:

My county has a 38% chance of getting COVID.  That means I have 62% chance of not getting COVID.  That's approx. 2-to-1 against.


I'll go about living my life, thank you.


I will wear a mask when I am out.

The percentages change based on how big the group is.

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8 hours ago, Eagle said:

Bookmarked. Thanks.


Unfortunately, your map tells me I shouldn't open the door to my house.


Naw, it just means you shouldn't go down to the neighborhood bar and start frenching the locals :laugh:

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According to this map, it doesn't get all that much worse than it is here.


Not surprising to me at all, considering the number of morons in this state that can't bear the very minor inconvenience of putting on a cloth mask for the protection of others.

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4 minutes ago, Minuit said:

Not surprising to me at all, considering the number of morons in this state that can't bear the very minor inconvenience of putting on a cloth mask for the protection of others.

Uggh I know It makes it so much harder for everyone else:fistshake2:

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2 minutes ago, Minuit said:

According to this map, it doesn't get all that much worse than it is here.


Not surprising to me at all, considering the number of morons here that can't bear the very minor inconvenience of putting on a cloth mask for the protection of others.



It's not only about protecting others.  Wearing a mask diminishes the viral load acquired when one is exposed and infected which can be a determinant in how severe ones infection becomes.  I saw a video interview recently by a nurse in S. Dakota who says even when people are literally dying from Covid, that they refuse to believe the virus exists.  It's a hoax they say.  I must have the flu, or pneumonia, or even cancer and demand the medical people do something about it.

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30 minutes ago, Minuit said:

According to this map, it doesn't get all that much worse than it is here.


Not surprising to me at all, considering the number of morons in this state that can't bear the very minor inconvenience of putting on a cloth mask for the protection of others.


"But, but ... mah rahts! The gummint ain't got no raht ta tell me I gotta wear a damn mask!"

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18 minutes ago, rokinn said:

It's not only about protecting others.  Wearing a mask diminishes the viral load acquired when one is exposed and infected which can be a determinant in how severe ones infection becomes.


I don't think that's true for the masks most of us have access to. That's only true for N95 masks.

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Masks could mean getting less sick

And it might do more than quell the outbreak. A hypothesis among some infectious disease experts is that those infected while wearing masks breathe in a lower dose of the virus, and as a result often have less severe illness. 

A forthcoming article in the Journal of General Internal Medicine lays out the theory. 

It makes a lot of sense, said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, an expert in health policy at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

“Wearing a mask may protect the mask wearer more than we realize," he said. "This paper provides a new explanation for lower rates of death in areas where mask wearing is common, as well as an even stronger rationale for all of us to wear masks when around others."

The rationale is based on the medical concept of "viral inoculum," or how much virus someone is exposed to. The evidence about viral, bacterial or fungal exposure affecting how sick someone gets goes back to the 1930s.

“We know this for gastrointestinal viruses, sexually transmitted diseases and respiratory infections. The bigger the load the more you get in your system, the more severe the disease,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, a professor of medicine and infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco and co-author on the paper.



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7 hours ago, Eagle said:


I don't think that's true for the masks most of us have access to. That's only true for N95 masks.


still applies.  :L:  the droplets that spew out of someone's mouth are rather large (comparatively speaking) and so can still get trapped in regular masks.  it's one of the reasons why they should be washed regularly (or disposed of) especially if you've been close around others. 


BUT, the 2 biggest preventives are still distance and everyone masking up.  gotta catch the little buggers in the contagious person's mask.

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Here's the answer! Perfect for large social gatherings.
I see people in these home made type get ups every time I fly. If I'm that terrified of something, I just ain't gonna go. I had to go to Quebec to catch it last month. Now this week a worker brought it into my wife's plant and gave it to a third of the employees. She's got it now. I'm not a fan of the masks but if you've been exposed and know you have (co-workers wife) stay home for the 3 required days you will get paid for. Get tested. If you have it, stay home AND GET PAID. Kinda pissed at him. Plant management is too. They've had to shut down for at least a week, maybe 2. The guy (Burmese national) didn't understand stay home you still get paid. I had a cough and that was it. My wife is in the bed sick since last Saturday, and I'm starting to get worried about her.
As for the map...it tells me we've got less than 50% chance, but the Midwest is a no man's land. I'd feel better in South Dakota than I would in eastern NC. A whole less people to be around.

89 Comanche
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I don't like wearing masks, but out of respect, I will. But the governor of PA just mandated wearing masks in your own house if there's anyone there that doesn't live with you. Inside your own house, that's too far. 

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37 minutes ago, scguy said:

I don't like wearing masks, but out of respect, I will. But the governor of PA just mandated wearing masks in your own house if there's anyone there that doesn't live with you. Inside your own house, that's too far. 


Nothing against the thought behind it, but I... have the feeling that will not hold up in the courts.  but we'll see.  Maybe it's more for like when a repair guy comes by to fix the plumbing?


but that's part of the beauty of living in this country.  :D  when a law gets handed down, it can then be challenged in the courts.  other countries don't have that luxury.  :( 

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Just an observation on mask wearing, Disney World has been open for months now. 100s of thousands of strangers all mingling all day long. It's a testiment to what the basic practices can do. If masking and cleaning and distancing didn't work, this would be an insane hotspot and it's just... not. Not even for the workers who are here every day.  My folks feel safer there than walmart (which has essentially the same policies in place but doesn't really enforce anything past entering the front door.  Disney will legit kick you off property if you don't comply.  :D

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16 minutes ago, Pete M said:

Just an observation on mask wearing, Disney World has been open for months now. 100s of thousands of strangers all mingling all day long. It's a testiment to what the basic practices can do. If masking and cleaning and distancing didn't work, this would be an insane hotspot and it's just... not. Not even for the workers who are here every day.  My folks feel safer there than walmart (which has essentially the same policies in place but doesn't really enforce anything past entering the front door.  Disney will legit kick you off property if you don't comply.  :D

If Disney can open, why can't my school? We have the same 1,400ish people there day in and day out.

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Can your school maintain 100% mask wearing and a 6ft separation between all students? 

That is the challenge and it's harder (but not impossible) for a small entirely indoor situation. But where there's a will, there's a way! :D Gotta have that 100% "will" first though and that seems hardest of all. :(

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