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Words on my many absences


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I enjoyed Teddy R park, but I'm sure it had a lot to do with the buffalo walking through our campsite.  as in a couple strolled between the van (where we were) and the tent.  up close and personal!  turns out they just wanted a drink at the camp spigot, which one proceeded to activate.  dang animals didn't bother to turn it off though.  :laugh:


Yellowstone is in a league of its own though.  sooooo much scenery! 


glad to hear you're doing well :L: 

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On 9/25/2020 at 3:25 PM, Pete M said:

I enjoyed Teddy R park, but I'm sure it had a lot to do with the buffalo walking through our campsite

Funny you mention that. We had a few buffalo get really, really close.



And also, got some pictures of idiots being idiots and getting WAY too close to animals. A park ranger came by and yelled at them right after this picture was taken, thankfully.



Some more pictures - picking out the good ones as I sort through them. For all that are curious, photos taken with a Canon SX50 point-and-shoot using manual settings by a crappy (AT BEST) photographer. For what it is, this camera has served me very well in the last 7 years or so. If anyone wants a full size version of any of these pics for a desktop background or something, lemme know.



















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Here's some hot and spicy drama for you:


After I went to the hospital at the beginning of all of this, I was referred to Neurologist #1, one of three neurologists working as part of the hospital system in my town. After a couple of months, I got very tired of how hard it was to get in touch with Neurologist #1 (and the fact that I had to pretty much start at day one every time) and demanded a transfer to Neurologist #2 (with some difficulty, I might add - I actually had to get kinda nasty for them to transfer me).


Why did I have so much trouble getting in touch with Neurologist #1? Out of the three neurologists in the hospital system, two of them quit suddenly, leaving Neurologist #1 with all of their patients that didn't transfer to an independent like I did.


Well, the other day I got a letter from the hospital. They must have thought that I was still with Neurologist #1. The letter explained that Neurologist #1 has also quit, without any notice, and that they'd be happy to transfer me to any other neurologist, which I'd already done earlier.


Which makes me wonder - what the hell is going on in that hospital system to make three neurologists quit in a couple of months? Also makes me glad I got out of there when I did. Also makes me feel better that I fired Neurologist #1 when I did, because if you can't do your patients the honor of at least saying something when you decide to quit your job, I don't want to have anything to do with you. It's just my independence and livelihood hanging in the balance here, no big deal.:furious3:


I will now exit my soapbox.


I also just realized that the title of this thread is now a pun; the type of seizure I mainly suffer from these days are sometimes called "absence seizures" :cool:

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10 hours ago, Minuit said:

what the hell is going on in that hospital system to make three neurologists quit in a couple of months?

Sadly, healthcare is a business and providers within a hospital system are contractually obligated in many ways.  Even the best medical facilities are having staffing issues and many specialists are forming group practices outside hospital systems and acquiring 'privileges' to see and treat their patients when in-patient. 


When they leave a hospital, they are not allowed to disclose where they're going. 


I work for an Otolaryngologist in private practice (rare these days).  He has surgical privileges in several local medical facilites.    


Sorry about your trouble and I share in your frustration.  I was affected by transitional providers mid treatment as was my late girlfriend.  It sucks. 


On a more positive note ... Awesome pics! 




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something changed in the system (don't remember what) that resulted in my dad losing his primary cancer dr and no one said anything until he was making an appt and then found out the guy was no longer available.  he liked the guy so he tracked him down at his private practice, learned that his insurance would still accept the dr and so he switched over to him. 


the system is... weird.  :dunno:

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Welp, woke up this morning with a headache, bit tongue, all of my muscles sore, and a new lump on my head that wasn't there last night.


On one hand, getting mad doesn't solve anything. But on the other.... :headpop::headpop::headpop::headpop:







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Just now reading this thread.

Some of us believe that there's always a purpose behind suffering, though it's not a guarantee we'll ever really know what it is/was.  Not sure if we share this perspective, but I'm praying for you regardless.  

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52 minutes ago, A-man930 said:

Just now reading this thread.

Some of us believe that there's always a purpose behind suffering, though it's not a guarantee we'll ever really know what it is/was.  Not sure if we share this perspective, but I'm praying for you regardless.  

I can't say I share the same perspective, but your thoughts and prayers are appreciated nonetheless.


18 minutes ago, Pete M said:


dammit. :(  


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  • 1 month later...

Hey, medicine update time?


After the last episode they put me on a different medication. It took about three weeks to fully complete the transition but things really do seem to be looking up this time. I've been going long enough between the little staring spells to almost forget I even have them - my best record so far is 9 days, I think. Previously it was a few to dozens a day.


Downsides: side effects! I seem to have picked up a persistent little tremor in my arms and hands that goes away if I concentrate on it. That might just be me getting weak from not going to the gym in so long, but it's a common side effect. It also makes my stomach ache sometimes, but both of those are prices I'm very much willing to pay.

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On 9/28/2020 at 1:51 AM, Minuit said:

Which makes me wonder - what the hell is going on in that hospital system to make three neurologists quit in a couple of months? Also makes me glad I got out of there when I did. Also makes me feel better that I fired Neurologist #1 when I did, because if you can't do your patients the honor of at least saying something when you decide to quit your job, I don't want to have anything to do with you. It's just my independence and livelihood hanging in


Must be part of that "new normal" someone mentioned several posts above.


I had heart surgery in 2014. The surgeon was on the staff and faculty at Yale New Haven Hospital. I felt fortunate to have had him -- he was the guy who taught other doctors how to do it. Several months ago I received a letter from Yale New Haven Hospital informing me that the doctor had left Yale and they would follow up about my care. Never received any follow-up, but hopefully I won't need more surgery. My cardiologist is also affiliated with Yale, so I'm still with their system


For other medical stuff, I mostly go to the VA hospital. I had been with one doctor there as my primary physician for about 15 years. Then she moved on to head up a new women's health unit at the hospital, so they arbitrarily assigned me to another primary care doctor. She was "okay," but I didn't really warm up to her. Last week I received an unsigned letter from her announcing that she has transferred to the women's health unit, so now I'm being assigned to yet a third primary care doctor. And, once again, I don't get any choice.


Doctors are just like everyone else. They do what they perceive to be in their best interest, and we patients just have to adapt.


Keep on persevering.

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On 11/29/2020 at 7:58 AM, Minuit said:

Hey, medicine update time?


After the last episode they put me on a different medication. It took about three weeks to fully complete the transition but things really do seem to be looking up this time. I've been going long enough between the little staring spells to almost forget I even have them - my best record so far is 9 days, I think. Previously it was a few to dozens a day.


Downsides: side effects! I seem to have picked up a persistent little tremor in my arms and hands that goes away if I concentrate on it. That might just be me getting weak from not going to the gym in so long, but it's a common side effect. It also makes my stomach ache sometimes, but both of those are prices I'm very much willing to pay.

Those medications are the same ones used to treat bipolar. I was on like 3 or 4 different ones after an episode that left me in the hospital for a few days. I would get tremors and an occasional rash on my stomach. 


With that being said after 6 months to 1 year I noticed side-effects of most of those medications would go away as my body adjusted to them. Hopefully that is the same for you. Although I am no longer on them. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Words on my absent absences


Still looking good. Staring spells are still completely gone. The medication no longer makes my stomach hurt, and the tremor might be getting better too, hard to say. It might just be all in my head, considering I never had a perfectly steady hand to begin with. I have a blood test scheduled for next week, and if that looks good I'm clear to start working out and being active again (cautiously, considering exercise triggered the May episode). Good, because I'm not even gonna say what this lockdown has done to my fitness level.


Also, I used to get migraines. I haven't had one since being put on the current med!


I'm now of the opinion that the previous medication was doing absolutely nothing the whole time... at best. The staring spells were never worse than when I was at my highest dose of the previous meds. At the starting dose, they were mostly fine too. Since quitting that medication and moving to another one, they've gone down to literally nothing. It sucks to waste time like that, but it is a part of life when your disease is not fully understood and the treatment procedure is "make change -> wait six weeks -> repeat".


Independence day is currently April 2.

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