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your favorite youtube channels

Pete M

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Cinemasins, check 

Primitive tech, double check, sh*t is amazing.




A few to add.




NickInTimeFilms: Hilarious jeep enthusiast. How to jeep videos. Inventor of the very VERY cool Renix engine programmer/status module.





Active Self Protection: Countless (15+min) videos dissecting actual self defense encounters. Warning: some are extremely graphic, usually knife attacks. Very professional and down to earth method of presentation with easy to understand suggestions and tips. He has a ton of other more gun related content as well.





Great Big Story: Many inspiring short documentaries, sometimes narrated. Top notch cinematography. Beautifully shot and edited. Each one is a joy to watch.






Two very talented handymen. Many many videos showing how things are done. Enduring charm is more geared towards "how to's".


Enduring charm:



The Handyman:




Hand Tool Rescue: Some very unique old tool restos. Gas powered curricular saw!? Mostly sped up videos, NO stupid music, no talking, some subtitles.





Danger Marine: (Aussie) Fantastic outboard mechanic as well as other marine/boat related repairs. 





EatTheWeeds: A literal walking encyclopedia on wild edibles, particularly for those living in Florida. Actually shows you examples of what to look for, how to find it and how to prepare it, if necessary. 





Phil Pustejovsky: Realestate guru. Bit of a fast talker, but I feel his heart is in the right place and what he has to say makes a lot of sense to me. Watch a few videos and tell me what you think.












Here's another one.



Essential Craftsman: Construction/blacksmith

Only a couple dozen videos on his channel, but everyone is pure gold. I can't recommend his videos enough. His ability as a speaker and presenter are second to none. A wealth of knowldege.



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Bleepin Jeep - Awesome Jeep stuff.  NEW MJ PROJECT COMING SOON!!!



NickInTimeFilms - Jeep tech/builds as well as REM build



Project Farm - Awesome experiments that will interest you all!  Most of them have to do with engines and the products we stare at for 10 minutes at the store before deciding what to buy.



Motor Trend Channel - Hot Rod Garage, Dirt Everyday, Roadkill, etc.



JayzTwoCents - Technology channel geared towards PCs.  He also loves cars so there is a car video every once in a while.



Barnacules Nerdgasm - Mostly a tech channel but he does everything from programming, 3D printing, super nerdy stuff, and Rally racing at Dirt Fish Rally School in Washington.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll add a few of my more favourite subscriptions, in alphabetical order:

Bad Obsession Motorsports: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHvBHWBzzB7NyU5tIiEZHBg

These guys have an original Mini stripped down to bare steel, and are working on getting a Lexus (Infinity maybe? It's been a while) engine into it. They don't put out huge amounts of content, one video every few months, but still good stuff.


BBC Earth Lab: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdsOTr6SmDrxuWE7sJFrkhQ

Random weird sciency stuff. Intended for maybe a younger audience but I'm a nerd. Occasionally James May (Top Gear, Grand Tour, etc) has appeared. The channel's been through a few iterations, called itself Head Squeeze a few years ago.


coldwarmotors: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoculxk4_H8XzjPS_zbYUpQ

This guy and his crew do super home-video style productions, but they're into oddball cars and saving ancient cars from wrecking yards, getting them running after they've sat outside for 40+ years, that sort of thing. His latest video is about the Kaiser Fraser he used as a daily driver for the last year.


Finnegan's Garage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1IdPylqngGiuHFLJqHbG_g

Mike Finnegan from Roadkill. Fairly educational, with fabrication and hotrodding stuff, it's mostly him working on his own projects, some of which have appeared in Roadkill episodes.


Soup. George Karellas https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl9I7RgD0i7JZ58CK17kKHQ

A little overproduced (stop motion car disassembly is weird) but it's a guy with some classic cars going through the journey of teaching himself how to restore cars by restoring them on a budget, with some other interesting automotive stuff tossed in. He's currently working on an older Range Rover and a Lotus Elise. He's Irish with some kind of Greek connection.


Grand Touring Concepts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUpmR1ydr6OQ8LrccIARSPg

These guys based in Edmonton can be a bit difficult to watch, a bit like a highschool theatre production. But they've been doing some cool stuff with a Lada, among other things, and anyone making new Lada content in English is a thing I'll watch.


Hagerty: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLgEVx4mzk3T3mzgbKG54Eg

Yeah, the insurance guys. Well produced stuff on classic cars. I'm a big fan of the Barn Finder series. Lots of cool and unique stuff.


Maximus Ironthumper. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5iNSo8ml7fq31t3K6m5Vgw

I only started watching this guy recently, and haven't really figured out what he's about. Some offgrid living stuff it would seem. But the draw to me is he's got this old Zil 131 (soviet army truck) that he calls Project Awesome. Again this thing with English content related to Soviet vehicles...



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In no particular order... And these rotate in and out with my attention span... But here are the current winners:


Hoovie's Garage... Dude who used to be a used car salesman turned restaurant owner... Now has a youtube channel where he buys really high end cars for cheap needing fixes... Most work out great. Bought an XJ for $300 at an auction, AWD Chrysler Minivan and put BFG's on it, some really interesting supercars/high end stuff so cheap that it makes your gears turn.



Cody's Lab... Really cool science stuff from a guy who looks like you met at a Jeep swap meet. In depth, cool experiments.



Bosnianbill... All locks, all the time. Walks you through picking locks, people send him challenge locks and try to beat him. Interesting stuff, tools, locks. Never knew how TERRIBLE master locks were until I started watching his channel.



LazyGameReviews... Cool look back at old technology from the late 90's and early 00's. Cool channel for techies.



iamjake... Guy decides that he wants to road trip the united states, living out of his Jeep YJ. Some pretty incredible footage at times, and very interesting way of life.



ChrisFix... Average guy who started making videos about cars. Simple, not overproduced... And a super nice guy to boot.





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So glad this thread is still going. YouTube is such a MASSIVE site. A wealth of knowledge, creativity, and source of inspiration. The majority of content is garbage, but there are some real gems amongst the slag. 


Genuinely looking forward to hearing about other people's favorite channels. :))




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I wanted just wanted to shameless plug but my favorite youtube channel is my own :brows::brows:

my channel--> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9rOwvYBsmOAZSR74edZ1MQ?view_as=subscriber


I used to really like dirt everyday till the changed the whole format of it. I watch it every once in a while 


I also like 1320video  https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=1320video


and Last week tonight w/ john oliver


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  • 4 weeks later...

Some that I'm currently subscribed to:


General Car Stuff 

Brainsmobile1, Scotty Kilmer, ChrisFix, & EricTheCarGuy: pillars of the DIY car fixing and troubleshooting corner of YouTube, in my opinion. 

Jay Leno's Garage: a series of videos documenting how one man spends his $350 million dollars. 

Doug DeMuro: car reviews for car enthusiasts, with some humor. 

Engineering Explained: How cars work, explained in detail. Probably intended for newbs, like me. 


Jeep Stuff

BleepinJeep: ... of course 

NickInTimeFilms: just some guy filming his jeep ventures, repairs, troubleshooting, etc. 


General Learning

Essential Craftsman: blacksmithing, logging, mastering carpentry, framing, anvils, old-school machinery. One of my favorite channels. 

Active Self Protection: .... as mentioned earlier, insightful lessons-learned from caught-on-camera self-defense situations (gun attacks, knife attacks, police encounters, etc.).  Videos uploaded daily. Very graphic sometimes, but every other video is a humbling reminder of how fragile life is. 

dfw crown: small channel about trim carpentry, painting, woodworking. 


(Mindless) Entertainment

Fury Road: Dash cam footage, road rage, crashes, etc. Without the annoying dubstep music most of these type of channels have. 

PowerfulJRE: Joe Rogan's podcast. For me, only about 10% of the guests are interesting and worth listening to (I'm not into MMA), but I've found there's typically something for everyone. 

ExplosmEntertainment: Cyanide and Happiness; dark, sometimes adult-themed cartoons. 


Politics and Religion

... umm, on second thought, maybe not... :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Trying to add ones nobody else has said...


South Main Auto Repair - a mechanic from upstate New York who puts an emphasis on diagnosis and finding the root of the problem rather than changing parts. Lots of good material about auto electronics theory, using an oscilloscope for diagnostics, and a whole lot more. Also shares my burning hatred of aftermarket modifications. Videos are well filmed, easy to digest, but very educational.


Techmoan - British guy who reviews stuff. Focuses on vintage A/V equipment and cameras, but he reviews a lot of gimmicky kitchen stuff too. 


Forgotten Weapons and sister channel InRangeTV - Firearms videos without all of the stupidity. Forgotten Weapons focuses on rare old guns and the history behind them, where InRange is about sensible discussion, very indepth reviews, match shooting, and some other stuff.


OsbornTramain - LOTS of vintage car commercials and dealer videos. Some Jeep and AMC stuff mixed in too.


Kurzgesagt - Science videos about lots of different things. Very well polished. The background music is almost always excellent.



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I added this one to my subs after Curious Droid lead me there.




It's not really videos, more like podcasts, but he has thought out a lot of how we could could leave this rock, and the implications thereof, without relying on any technology that we have no understanding or scientific capability for at this point.

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On 2/5/2018 at 7:41 PM, DirtyComanche said:

I added this one to my subs after Curious Droid lead me there.




It's not really videos, more like podcasts, but he has thought out a lot of how we could could leave this rock, and the implications thereof, without relying on any technology that we have no understanding or scientific capability for at this point.

Hard to listen to though... sorry, had to say it.  


edit: I thoroughly enjoy Curious Droid


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29 minutes ago, A-man930 said:

Hard to listen to though... sorry, had to say it.  


edit: I thoroughly enjoy Curious Droid



I spend a lot of time talking to natives, so his speech is fairly easy for me to follow, but I could see it being quite the struggle for some people.

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