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photobucket forcing me to upgrade


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  On 7/3/2017 at 12:46 PM, 88whitemanche said:

Looks like this has happened to me to..using Imgur now but through the website not the app...

It's going to suck trying to resave all pictures to my phone then upload to imgur

I use the website, not the app.


I'm liking it. 

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I've got two PB accounts. My original one I caught myself getting nervous at 89% capacity so I used my wife's email address to start a new one. Haven't gotten any warnings and all of my pictures are still good in my build threads. Should I be worried?  :dunno:


For the record, I've heard good things about using Google for photo hosting. Been thinking about starting with them.


EDIT: Just tried a test photo with Google and got You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. :fs2:

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  On 7/3/2017 at 12:46 PM, 88whitemanche said:

Looks like this has happened to me to..using Imgur now but through the website not the app...

It's going to suck trying to resave all pictures to my phone then upload to imgur

Just tried doing this from photobucket and no luck smh

Just keeps saving that crappy 3rd party that's been going on

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Google's image hosting service isn't great for 3rd-party forum use. The links they use aren't the URL of the image file itself, but more a navigation to find the file in their index. Perhaps it cuts down on bandwidth a bit on their end, but the only reason I see for doing it that way is to block use on 3rd-party sites.

Imgur works great. I've been using it for years. There was a point where they were making you pay if you had too many photos stored on your account, but there's no actual need to create an account, so long as the photo gets accessed every so often. How do you access it? Just pop through the thread where you put it. Or have someone else do it.

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  On 7/1/2017 at 2:19 AM, HOrnbrod said:

I have over 800 images on Photobucket. You can download your PB album to your hard drive, rename the pics, then do a batch upload to your new host. The only problem is finding a reliable new host.


That's minor. The big problem is remembering all the forums and all the posts where you have images, and going back to edit every link to an image. And ... many forums don't allow users to edit their posts after a short time-out period. This is a nightmare, and it's going to create a LOT of pain for a LOT of people. I "only" have 230 images on Photobucket, but they're scattered among roughly 20 albums. It took me three evenings to download all my albums -- and that just gets them onto my hard drive as .ZIP files. I still have to unzip them, find a new place to host them, upload them to the new host, and then cruise three or four forums to find all my old posts with images -- and see if I'm allowed to get into the old posts to edit the links.


Piece of cake. So how was your day?

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Fawk 'em.  I just deleted my entire account.  I have most of my pics on a couple different hard drives, so I didn't lose anything, but ALL of my tech threads here, at NAXJA, and other places are jacked now.  Along with thousands of other folks.


For anyone looking for old tech in any of my threads......sorry.  But I refuse to play PB's games.

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Yep - they got around to dumping me today. Bastids. I've downloaded all my PB pics and will start transferring to a new host when I get around to it. In the meantime, if anyone needs any pics I have posted in past threads I can PM them to you.

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