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Jeep Comanche Disappointment


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Alright well I just typed this whole story only to have it accidentlally get deleted... Perfect! :)

This is actually my first real post on CC so please bare with me. Anyways, before I get too into this story, here are the pictures of what disappointed me. I reccomend reading the whole thing first but I know how most people on here are (myself included ;) ) my iPad for some reason doesn't agree with posting pictures directly to the forums so here they are on photobucket.



So this whole ordeal goes back about 4 or 5 years ago when my older brother got his XJ. It was then on that I was hooked and wanted an XJ. My good friend has one (6.5" long arm lift, 35's, locked, ect.) and we go wheeling at rausch creek once or twice a month. It wasn't until about 6 months ago that I started to get interested in comanches. I had always thought cherokees were cool, and thought the idea of a "jeep truck" was more of a novelty than anything. One day I just really got into it. I spent countless hours on CC, youtube, and other forums just researching MJ's basically. It really grew on me. It was then on that I had to have one. I got bit by the bug.


I looked far and wide for the perfect MJ. I had a very specific list of things it needed to have to suit my needs. I looked everywhere; craigslist, eBay, autotrader, even racingjunk. I'm actually only 16, so price definately played a good sized role in the jeep I would get. Not sponsored by mommy and daddy (although I kinda wish I was XD) I got a job early on in the summer and after working 20-35 hours a week I managed to get a decent chunk of change.


I actually looked and found 2 jeeps that I thought would be great for me. Short beds, 4.0 inline 6's, both 4x4. Perfect! Exactly what I wanted. It wasn't until going to look at them with my older brother that I realized this was going to be quite a task. He was an auto technician and worked in a body shop for many years. Needless to say when it comes to vehicles, he's got some pretty high standards. After we went to look at them he told me he doesnt want to see me in a junker. The floor pans, rockers, unibody, and wiring on both of them had seen better days for sure. Looking back I was pretty upset but I realized he was looking out for my best interest which is why I'm glad to have an older brother like that for sure.


It wasn't until just this week I stumbled upon, which to me, was the nicest comanche I had found on craigslist. It was perfect in my eyes. It was an 89 short box, 4.0 liter, 4x4, automatic with floor shifter like on a newer XJ, even had factory bucket seats and center console! But the best part was, 150K original miles, on the original motor and tranny. It was absolutely perfect. Everything I wanted and then some. What I also loved about it, was that it met my brother's approval. Sounds funny,I know, but what he says goes. And I trust his word over anybodys. It was even in my budget! Needless to say it didn't take long until I was getting in contact with the owner. And thats where things went uphill, and then straight downhill....


After about a novel sized conversation with the owner, we had agreed on a price, and a day for me to come check it out and if she was everything I wanted, I would be bringing her home! That day happened to be today. (Sunday, November 9, 2014) It was all I thought about. At school, at work, even just laying in bed. I'm gunna buy myself a jeep sunday. The very thought was just awesome. So I woke up today very excited. Woke up and gave the number he provided, which I had talked to him on before, a call. It was pretty early so when I called it went right to voice mail. Great, his phone must be off. I thought OK, probably at church or something, it is sunday afterall. Whatever just wait it out I'm sure he'll get back to me. An hour passes by... Nothing. So i get anxious and call again....same thing. This continues on until about 1-2 o'clock. Call every few hours to get no response. Even left a voice mail. I realized I waz being a pain, but good lord I wanna go get my jeep!


Unfortunately after multiple phone calls, text messages, and even a voice mail, he has yet to get back to me. I'm pretty bummed out for sure but I'm still hopeful that he just wasnt able to. I could understand that. But as for right now its definatley upsetting. I though I'd be going to sleep tonight with a new (well new to me) jeep comanche in the driveway. Boy was I wrong :'( . But I will wait it out for sure and hope for the best.


Sorry for typing so much but I thought it was appropriate considering the topic. Would do you all propose I do? Any suggestions? Have any of you had anything like this happen? I will continue to keep this post updated if he decides to get back to me. Who knows, maybe I will get it after all and I'm just being extremely impatient. Haha well thanks anyways for reading.


The photo bucket link shows the jeep I was going to get. Pretty beautiful if I say so myself...


Maybe if any of you recognize this MJ and hes on CC give me his username. I'd love to see where it came from. Thanks again...




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Thats just the problem. Hes 2 hours away and I only know the town its in. Also he personally took it off craigslist for me. What a bummer it would be if it got sold right under my nose! Is telling me its sold really too much to ask?! But only time will tell...


Thanks for the comment




Ps. Its now my mission to find out what happened to it! Lol

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I chased down several trucks in a similar fashion when I was looking and was let down countless times....


Now I have strangers stopping by my house to ask me if I want to buy their MJ. Oh how the tables turned.


I have learned if the craigslist find is newly posted and is what you want, GO! It won't last, regardless of what the seller says.

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Where exactly in MD are you? There are several trucks that are in or close to MD that range from fixer upper to fully restored/resto-mod. Have you considered a truck that needs work? Sometimes it really pays to start with a base truck and then build it to match your needs/capabilities.

Here is a basic truck, sure it needs an engine but a 3.4l swap is cheap and very effective.


If you want a running driving truck try this:


This one has been for sale for a long time so he should be a little flexible on price.


Same here,


If you have really saved your money, this is already well built.


And finally if you really want to go all out,


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I appreciate all the kind words everyone. Still havent heard anything so I think its safe to assume it was sold :(


And Richasco, i'm in Forest Hill. Small rural town about 45 minutes away from baltimore. trust me I've seen every single one of those trucks. I'm on craigslist non stop. The poblem with not having a diesel truck and trailer is that I can't just jump on a good deal. I have to have my brother or friends or someone to rely on. Soon enough I'm sure have a nice MJ. I already have lots of plans for a jeep I don't even own yet >:)

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That 1990 with the D44 is absolutely gorgeous.  Me want.


Where in Maryland are you located?  I'd consider selling my 92, but it's probably not what you're looking for.  It also needs a slave cylinder and since it's an AX-15 with an internal slave I haven't really been motivated to do it...

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Like others have said you will get one. I have had 3. My resent one was just a lucky find. Driving through a small town where a Comanche has been for a few years. Saw a sign in window went back. After talking to guy made deal. Next daygave him $325.00 and drove it home. Had the normal rust spots. But when I get it back from guy doing body work. Cab corners, rockers, floors, and bed will be fixed. And adding a 99 XJ front clip. Good luck on finding and getting one

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  • 1 month later...

Alright well its almost 1 am and I just got off work a couple hours ago but I couldn't help myself to wait to post this..

It was meant to be after all. Yesterday I was on craigslist and happened to find THIS EXACT comanche! Turns out the previous owner gave it to his uncle out from under me in exchange for some work. His uncle didn't need it because he has a nice dodge 2500 yadda yadda. Anyways I found the jeep 3 hours after it was posted on craigslist and jumped on it. Woke up today and drove 105 miles to go get it. It was spectacular. We drove it home, it was doing 80 on the highway with no problems at all! Made it the whole trip without any issues at all. I'm going to start a build thread soon once I really get the hang of this but for now I will get to building and breaking my new 89 comanche! Thanks for everyone who followed and once I get it started I'll post the new thread on this one.



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