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Later Guys...


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I'm not ok with this either. I've printed up all cruisers tech write-ups and stuffed them in my shop manual. He's always been the first to respond and has been spot on from my u-joint problems to my tps. He's probably the reason I own a mulit-meter....... Hope you come back

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I can't say how disappointed i am in your leaving, like the others I hope you at least chose to lurk in the background. Your knowledge and opinion is highly valued to me and will be missed as I slowly get my manche restored back. I do understand how a few people can take the fun out of years of participating in a project that you enjoyed being part of, the same is happening to me on a few other projects outside CC. 

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I MIGHT come back.

The vacation has been good. 


These are the conditions for my return:




'll come back, conditionally. 
Nobody messes with my posts. No deleting, modifying, editing, or any way correcting for supposed political correctness, perceived or real. 
Any concerns, contact me directly.
I reserve the right to question the integrity of anyone's post for accuracy and intent regardless of their professed mental issues . 
If those folks get butt-hurt, so be it. 
We're here to help others, not inflate our egos. 
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'll come back, conditionally. 

Nobody messes with my posts. No deleting, modifying, editing, or any way correcting for supposed political correctness, perceived or real. 
Any concerns, contact me directly.
I reserve the right to question the integrity of anyone's post for accuracy and intent regardless of their professed mental issues . 
If those folks get butt-hurt, so be it. 
We're here to help others, not inflate our egos. 


...were those not the terms for everyone before?

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I MIGHT come back.

The vacation has been good. 


These are the conditions for my return:




'll come back, conditionally. 
Nobody messes with my posts. No deleting, modifying, editing, or any way correcting for supposed political correctness, perceived or real. 
So the rules apply to everyone but you. You can say anything you want but must be shielded from the rabble doing so about you. Do you also agree to never criticize or correct anyone else?
Any concerns, contact me directly.
So you and only you control who can respond to your posts? Maybe we should email you any responses or questions first and you can post them for us if you deem them worthy? 
I reserve the right to question the integrity of anyone's post for accuracy and intent regardless of their professed mental issues
We reserve the right to pass those same judgments upon you 
If those folks get butt-hurt, so be it. 
This started as a giant butt-hurt. If you get butt-hurt again from someone enjoying the same rights as you feel that you are entitled to then your getting butt-hurt is to be handled as "so be it," yes?
We're here to help others, not inflate our egos. 
Have you read what you posted? It screams inflated ego and this whole thing very well could have been a "poor lil' ol' me" just to get some positive strokes. There is no way to tell but the fact that you said you were gone yet kept reading might be a clue. Your whole "thou shall not look at nor question the man behind the curtain, peons" thing certainly reads as if it were a pronouncement from upon high. If you were not fishing for people to stroke your ego you would have just walked away. Some months later there would be a "hey, have ya heard from so-and-so lately he hasn't logged on in months" post and that would have been it. The drama llama doesn't need to visit for someone to quit posting. And that includes you.


It seems to me that the conditions for posting here are well known and enforced uniformly by the owner & mods. No one here is worth the extra special kid-glove treatment you require no matter how highly they value themselves. The mods do not make special exceptions for themselves and they follow the same rules as everyone else. That should be the same for all of us and is, to my experience, they way things run here.  IMHO if you can't handle this tame forum and its in-place rules that is your issue to deal with and granting you special privileges is not a good policy. If this bugs you refer to the butt-hurt comment you made above.

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I didn't realize a forum member has the authority to state the conditions under which they will participate in public discussions.


If you want to be part of the forum, then do so.


If you don't, then don't.


Either way ... stop being a drama queen. 




I MIGHT come back.

The vacation has been good. 


These are the conditions for my return:




'll come back, conditionally. 
Nobody messes with my posts. No deleting, modifying, editing, or any way correcting for supposed political correctness, perceived or real. 
Any concerns, contact me directly.
I reserve the right to question the integrity of anyone's post for accuracy and intent regardless of their professed mental issues . 
If those folks get butt-hurt, so be it. 
We're here to help others, not inflate our egos. 
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I MIGHT come back.

The vacation has been good. 


These are the conditions for my return:




'll come back, conditionally. 
Nobody messes with my posts. No deleting, modifying, editing, or any way correcting for supposed political correctness, perceived or real. 
Any concerns, contact me directly.
I reserve the right to question the integrity of anyone's post for accuracy and intent regardless of their professed mental issues . 
If those folks get butt-hurt, so be it. 
We're here to help others, not inflate our egos. 


This is great news.  I will try to respect your expertise and involvement.


I know there is discussion going on about treatment, forum rules etc.  Bottom line:  Cruiser54 provides value to the forum.  If cruiser54 asked to be respected in his posts, I will do best to oblige, since without him on these forums, the expertise level drops.  ComancheClub is a great place due to the high expertise level of many of the core members.


Thanks for your help.

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Guys, it pretty much boils down to cruiser's and my personal opinion of a certain overblown windbag ego stroker on the forum. Obviously not one of the mods, but a certain someone who seems to derail most every thread they engage in.



I feel the same way you do cruiser.

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Don't like egotistical folks, this forum is no place for them. When the "I know everything" folks started answering every post awhile back, I didn't whine...I just stopped posting as much and watched.


We are here because of our interest in Jeeps. It should not (IMHO it does not) matter how much experience you have, or lack thereof. I could care less if you've spent your entire life working on Jeeps, there is always something new to learn. We are (mostly) adults here, and should know how to act - even if we are correcting someone or being corrected.


Believe me when I say this: there will always be folks here who think they 'know it all' (and are not afraid to try and convince others of that fact) as well as butt-hurt folks because of some perceived slight they have experienced. If you cannot play nice in the sand box go find your own. 


No one person here is any more important than anyone else - we all have value to add by both asking questions and providing information.


If my comments irritate your butt, so be it, but its time for this love fest to be closed.

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If I learned one thing from 20 years of Naval Service it would be that even the "perception" of favoritism will inevitably ruin any organization..... or club.... or Forum. Too often in my time in the service I had sailors who thought their exceptional knowledge of their job allowed them to say and do whatever they wanted, while everyone else watched in amazement...... it seemed they felt they were so "Good at what they did" the "Navy" couldn't go on without them..... Most of these situations ended with the sailor heading back home on a bus with a bad haircut. I guess... this time, maybe I'm the one who leaves........

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What part of we are all here bonded by our passion for comanches is being sidelined here. Oh yeah pretty much all of it.

Hell this is bordering on why I don't watch reality TV. Sure I appreciate the knowledge and experience,

But enough of the posturing and pontificating already.

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Buffalo, I'm with you.  SO


Let's start a new rule:





A.K.A. OYAJI, stop posting unless your crap is directly relative to factual basis of the problem at hand, and drop the theory and distraction.


He does that, we stop arguing with him, favoritism goes away.  Here's the deal:


Cruiser and I are the "A-holes" right now.   We are, because we are the only ones actively trying to stop the crap.   Our stuff gets deleted because we point out the flaws of a person who has pointless offerings, his stuff stays even though it is the cause and we are the effect.


If we can do that, we can all be happy.   We all get treated accordingly, and we have no problems.


The issue at hand is that there are those of us who respond to his b.s. and even though our responses are effectively doing the same as his, we are somehow the problem.


The problem is not Cruiser or I.  The problem is that favoritism is in effect, in that pointless posts are not being moderated equally.


Real simple to solve.   start deleting pointless posts, regardless of intent or content.

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