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Looking for the button to "view unread posts". Was that php function not available here? Please tell me you don't have to go into every subforum....


and - wth are "warning points"? Was I bad in a prior life?


Otherwise, Looks Great!


Is there a view my posts button? I used that quite frequently on the old forum. BTW, thanks for all the effort. I know there are some growing pains, but I'm sure everyone will get used to the updates and I love having a mobile version now.


You are both looking for the View New Content tab/button in the upper right under the search box.



The warning points bar only shows up to yourself. It is a system for getting rid of bad people. Only weirdness is that it shows it to your on each post you make. Some think it is a helpful deterrent for those being bad to remind them. Otherwise, you can just ignore it!

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Every time I log on, I check the forums and sub forums, and click only the topics that interest me. The rest that I don't care to view, I then use the mark read button so that I won't have to see them pop up in bold, and so that next time I'm on, I can see where there are new and potentially relevant topics. its a reset button so that I know the next time what's new, so that I can look at it in a concise organized fashion rather than the unorganized hell that is the new topics button




An example. I don't care about events in the areas where I don't live or am not traveling... So I like to keep those areas marked as read, and then when I hit new posts... I don't see the same stuff over and over again.

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Big thanks for getting this forum up to modern standards, but an even bigger thank you for putting up with everyone who is poo-pooing and nitpicking the new forum. I got a glimpse under the hood of the old forum and it had lots of issues. Its simplicity was ultimately its downfall as it wasn't able to keep itself up to date.


Oh, and that huge spike in members...that was courtesey of the old forum and it's primitive default theme that was unable to handle a recaptcha from 2005 that would have, at the very least, increased the security of the site and decreased the amount of spam users registering for the site.

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