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What vs wa't vs antidisestablishmentarianism

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has anyone else noticed that if they've mis-typed what as wa't (with out the apostrophe) it reads antidisestablishmentarianism




here i'm typing wa't with out the apostrophe





this only took 4 edits to get it to read correctly :)

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We had a member who was consistently too lazy to put the "h" in "what". After repeated attempts to get him to correct his action, I changed to auto correct to make him change.


Yes, I know I could have just had it auto corrected to the correct spelling, but that wouldn't have made him learn. Spelling and basic grammar are great skills to hone, even if it takes the guiding hand of the Comanche Club.



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I don't like language filters that try to correct your spelling, especially if they are wrong.


I'm on a board that used to automatically change its to it's. It took myself and three other people two WEEKS for the administrator to finally believe that its is a perfectly valid word (as is it's). The problem I had is that I used its correctly, and the language filter would automatically change it to the wrong it's.


But AFAIK, wa't without the apostrophe is not a valid word, and if it is, I'm sure I would never use it.



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Well it kinda freaked me out when I started reading back over a post I had written, I started thinking wth did my computer get a worm or virus etc and started looking at older posts and didn't see it anywhere but in one of my recent posts.


Thanks for prompting a few virus scans and a mal-ware search or two. Once I had come up empty handed with that avenue I edited the post and found that I had actually pressed a 't' instead of a 'y' for way and typed w a t. :thwak:


Glad to know I'm not crazy.

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A quick search of the long word will lead you to the thread where I originated the correction.





I searched antidisestablishmentarianism prior to my post and only found two posts about weekend plans. Then searched w a t and there were tons of posts showing the corrected form.


I find it quite funny now that I'm aware.

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We had a member who was consistently too lazy to put the "h" in "what". After repeated attempts to get him to correct his action, I changed to auto correct to make him change.


Yes, I know I could have just had it auto corrected to the correct spelling, but that wouldn't have made him learn. Spelling and basic grammar are great skills to hone, even if it takes the guiding hand of the Comanche Club.





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