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Found 16 results

  1. Hey All! My 4wd ax-15 is on its way out and I found a nice 2wd ax-15 at the junkyard for under $200. I have read that the spline counts are different (4wd 23 ; 2wd 27), but I am under the impressions the tail housings are interchangeable and want to make it work because a transmission rebuild kit is $400 from Novak. My question is if anyone has any thoughts about making it work... perhaps a new input shaft for my 231? Sorry if anything in this post is off, I am a bit new. Something along these lines... NP231/233 Input Shaft, 27 spline, '88-'94, Wide Bearing; Part # 17191
  2. So I plan on doing the 4wd conversion to my 1989 2wd automatic 4.0L MJ. I obviously want the cheapest route and don't mind the work needed. I guess my question is, if i found another xj within the years 87-90 (renix) does everything swap right in? besides the rear driveshaft (I know that would have to be re-sized). I also have an automatic tranny right now and keeping it would be less costly and less work than getting a manual trans but would my ax4 be a good match up for a transfer case? Or would I have to swap the trans from a donor with a 4x4 auto? This is my first big project for me so help would be appreciated! :thumbsup:
  3. This is a project that has been sat on for quite a while. It was purchased 3 years ago with 280k miles, A blown engine, and rotted out floors and rockers. When I was 16 I stripped the whole interior, cut the rot out of the rockers, put all the parts I need in random places and then just lost interest in it for a while. fast forward 2 years and I finally get the motivation to work on it again so I don’t have to daily the 60k mile survivor MJ in the New England salt land. The engine came out of 2001 XJ That rolled over and was then purchased by my dad in 2003 to be used as a parts truck for his MJ. The 01 Motor sat under a bench for 19 years and fired right up and runs great with a little seafoam in the oil to clean things up. The transmission and t-case came out of my dads old 98 2dr that rotted apart on us and got cut into pieces by us. Rip 98 2dr the rest is being saved for a future trailer build Old engine out The one ton crane from harbor freight doesn’t lift high enough to get the engine+trans out with the header in place New engine in
  4. Just picked up and added to the collection of MJ’s with an 87 Comanche Chief. This truck is almost fully optioned out from factory with all the skid plates, Tow Mirrors, RollBar, Bedlight, 4wd 5spd, and Air conditioning. The body is 99% rust free, the plan now is to do a full day 1 restoration on this truck. Here’s a link to the guy I bought it from’s build thread
  5. Hello everyone, I'm newer to the forum but have used many of your threads as some solid guides to help out with my comanches. I have seen many threads about this topic before, but none of them cover exactly what I need or want. With that being said, as the title states, my 4WD is not engaging.. Took it to the dunes the other day and noticed that the T-Case would engage but not the front axle. I narrowed it down to the shift fork not locking the axle into 4wd. I have seen many videos and tutorials/guides on how to do a CAD delete and just manually lock it in so it never fails again, but I have been told this also engages the running gear and will cause more friction and wear down the road (not to mention take my MPG down a notch or two). So, I'm guessing its the vacuum lines that aren't working, but I'm having a hard time finding where the lines go from the front axle. Anyone have any ideas where I might be having a leak/where the lines are going to? Also, the jeep overheats when I put into 4 Low and drive it for a bit... And before I forget, I have three 1988 jeep comanches, all 5 speed manuals, all 4.0 inline 6's, all relatively stock (bought them all used). The one I'm working on is a 1988 jeep comanche base model, 4.0, 5spd, AC/Heat, NP231 Command Trac transfer case, 153k miles. Thanks guys.
  6. I have a 1988 Comanche pioneer that I just bought and when I turned the wheel all the way to the right I heard a pop/click sound and then my steering wheel had a little bit of play but my tires weren’t moving. I had to pry the sway bar off of the track bar in order to have motion in my steering wheel again and be able to move the wheels. I’m wondering what the previous owner did, but more so how I can fix it. Hopefully the pictures explain it better than I did. Thank you for the help first picture is before and second two are after I turn all the way to the right. Last one is upside down but a panned out view of the front end.
  7. I've owned this truck for a couple years now, but never got around to posting, so here goes... This is Amelia, my 1988 SWB 4WD Pioneer. I picked her up in Tiger, GA with no visible rot and only minor surface rust. She had around 130k miles on the original 4.0 and BA10/5, and appeared to have sat under a tree for a while. Something special about this truck (that I found out months later) is that the original Vehicle Building Order page was still stuck to the inside of the driver's door panel. 30 years in Georgia humidity somehow weren't able to destroy it, and it's a special piece of this truck's history. Since purchasing, I've already changed, updated, and fixed a bunch of things, and will post some backdated updates as I have time. My goal is to restore to a factory-level, with small upgrades that I would have ordered if I bought this truck new off the line. In the meantime, I've enjoyed driving her around, playing in the garage, and researching what I'm planning to do.
  8. --Visit profile for picture-- 1992 Jeep Comanche Pioneer 1J7FJ26S0NL163889 Purchase: 3 NOV 2015 I6/ 4WD/ 5 speed 225,560 miles
  9. Hello everyone! I joined the Comanche Club last week when I purchased an '88 Comanche. She's a beauty. But I'm having an issue that I can't explain. When it's in 2wd, it goes great. But when I put it in 4wd, the rear driver side wheel seems to move slower than the rest, and just skids along. It almost looks like it is trying to go backwards. Everything that I can think of that would explain it, would also manifest in 2wd. So I'm super confused. Any thoughts?
  10. I'm interested in buying a project Comanche Jeep. I'm looking to put Dana 60 axles in it and a 4.0L stroker and fresh paint. I have big plans. I need a solid platform. To make my life easier I'd like to start off with a 4.0 engine so I have the wiring harness already and whatnot. I'd like to re-use the stock AX-15 transmission I would like it to be a short bed and if possible it can come factory with 4wd. Also no rust would be a plus. Text me at (631) 806-1839 for any leads, I'm located in Western New York. I don't mind driving within reason to pick one up.
  11. I've been wanting to buy a Jeep Comanche for a while and one finally came up for sale in my area. It's a 1989 4wd 5 speed with 208k miles. Owner claims it is his daily driver and everything works except AC/Heater. Also says no rust but I find that hard to believe. He's asking 2500 do you guys think that it is a decent price? It obviously needs some work interior and exterior but I don't mind a summer project. Thanks for the advice!
  12. Hi guys, I'm new to this forum so sorry if this has already been covered/asked elsewhere in these forums, but I'm still kinda learning how to navigate. But anyways I've got a 1992 4x4 cherokee loredo, and am in the market looking for a comanche, and I've came across quite a few comanches, but they are all pre-1991 and was wondering what would need to be done (modifications, fabrications, etc) and how hard it would be to swap in EVERYTHING from the cherokee (wiring, harnesses, transmission, t-case, H.O. motor) into the comanche?
  13. Ok, there seem to be plenty of people around here with Comanches that won't shift into 4 wheel drive, but I'm having the opposite problem. I can't get my truck to shift back into 2 wheel drive. For short trips I've been pulling the CAD connector off to allow the front wheels to spin independent of each other, but I'd really like to have this thing FIXED! The front drive shaft does not spin freely; it's always locked in no matter where the shift lever is located. The truck is an '87, 4.0L, automatic trans, Command-Trac. Linkage feels tight and responsive to the lever (moves full stroke). I believe the truck has the wrong gauge cluster in it because the "Full Time 4wd" light is constantly lit, but that isn't even an option in this truck (no Select-Trac case). The hoses running to/from the vacuum tank behind the front bumper were in sad shape and my not have been connected properly when I got the truck. I've replaced them, but don't know if they're going to the right places. Here's my question...can I apply vacuum with my hand pump to one of the ports on the t-case vacuum switch to see if the problem is a vacuum supply issue or an internal t-case issue? I don't know what each of the 4 colored lines on the vacuum switch is supposed to do, or if vacuum needs to be seen on multiple ports to get the t-case internals to come alive. I appreciate the help!
  14. Hi everyone. First time poster here. I bought my Comanche a few months ago from a guy who bought it with the intention of fixing everything up, but then I guess lost interest/lacked knowledge, and wound up unloading it for cheap. I've been working through many of the problems he avoided (and some of the ones he fixed... ...) but one so far has left me baffled. The thing is stuck in 4 wheel drive! It has the NP231 (Command Trac) and when I start the vehicle it shows 4WD on the dash, plus, when I drive it around the block I can definitely feel crow-hop going on. With the t-case selector in 2wd it's in 4wd. With the selector in 4wd high, it's in 4wd. I think it switches to 4 low with the selector, but haven't really checked that. Regardless, the case won't switch into 2wd. In order to get the truck home from where I bought it I tried everything I could to get it into 2wd. I went in reverse and backed up, I tried turning while in reverse, doing 30 I dumped the trans into neutral, played with the t-case lever, and then back into drive, I got under the truck and manually moved the adjuster, I banged on the adjuster with a rubber mallet to make sure it was making full travel (I think it was)...I've still got nothing. In order to get the truck home from where I bought it I wound up pulling the vacuum coupler off the CAD which turned off the dash 4WD light and eliminated crow-hop (it was definitely in 2WD) and then I drove it 150 miles home. When I got home I tried connecting the CAD vacuum once again to see if it shook free of 4WD and even after all that it still hadn't. I took the CAD fork assembly off and pulled vacuum on each of the ports to see if it were hanging up somewhere and it moves freely in both directions. I think part of the problem is I don't fully understand what happens when I pull the t-case lever. Obviously the front drive shaft becomes engaged, but what activates the CAD? What switches the vacuum from one side of the CAD diaphragm to the other? Where is that valve/switch/doo-hickey located? Where does the 4WD dash light signal come from? I obviously interrupted it by removing the vacuum coupling from the CAD, but the mechanicals in the t-case are still in 4WD orientation right? Can someone supply a play-by-play of whats supposed to happen when I throw that t-case lever into 4-hi? Or at least a list of things I may want to check. Anyway, this general lack of 4WD understanding is keeping me from driving my Comanche! So...any help is much appreciated. Thanks guys!
  15. In a few I am going down to a buddy's shop and attempt to install the Novak Cable shifter. I will have to drop the tranny a few inches to get it installed. i will take pics and add commentary. Be back soon! http://www.novak-adapt.com/catalog/shifters/sk2xc.htm
  16. yesterday i finally swapped front axles on my MJ. and i was finally able to hook up the front drive shaft as well as put it into full-time 4wd. and it makes a odd clanking sound whenever i turn... last year sometime my stock BA-10 /w 231 died (the TC was fine) I replaced the old transmission and TC with an AX-15 / 242, i drove it home with the stock axles (D30 with CAD locked and D35 with 3.07 gears) it had the same strange sounds. I locked the cad to the open position and the sounds stopped. so i replaced the front and rear axles to a non cad D30 and a D44 with 3.55 gears. and hooked up the 4wd and it makes the same sounds. before i put the new D30 on i checked the gears for cracks and broken teeth, it was good. if i go straight there are not any strange sounds only when i turn.
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