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  • Location
    Pueblo, Colorado
  • Interests
    women, anything mechanical, like to take things apart to see how they work. Fix things that don't work.Aviation. Airplanes, Gliders, Parachuting,Anything to do with flying.

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ComancheClub Legend

ComancheClub Legend (10/11)

  1. I had a 72 Chevy P/U running on propane. It had over 300,000 mils on it when I sold it. For a clean burning engine it can't be beat. To help with the higher octane raising the c/r will help There is no way t raise the c/r. except by milling thr head or installing new pistons.
  2. They will offer whatever the public wants, or will buy. I still prefer the old one seat truck.
  3. H0pe everybody is fine.
  4. Ran a ad for a couple Jeep parts I had. A fella came buy and we talked. When he left I was out of the Jeep business. Sold him all 3 of my MJ'S and so far he has loaded 6 PU P/U loads of parts and still got a cupple more. Sorry to see it happen but,,,,,,,
  5. I own it. Been thinking about raising the tourist rates.
  6. Anybody got a can opener I can borrow?
  7. Got a 86 waitin for ya. Just waiting to see what yer gonna do with it.
  8. That's ridicoulus. I.n cleaning the yard out and I gave a 90 MJ away for $100 bucks. No Rust. He had to bring his own batteryy
  9. Asked the wife if I could borrow her bike. She said yes untilI showed her what i was going to do with it. She said sumthin like &*+@# .
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