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Rant: why the dissing on the MJ from MJ owners.


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Why do i see so many people refer to their MJ as "my old pile of crap" or "this worthless turd" or "this POS." If you don't like it, then get rid of it! If you don't want to get rid of it, and it doesnt run right; then fix it! Thats why these forums are around, to help others with a vast array of knowledge. Rant off :soap box:

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It's showing affection through negativity.  It's a fairly common human trait, and you will see many people in long term relationships where that is the only public affection they will ever show.


My pile knows I love her.  She just has to be tough enough to know my negativity is affectionate.  I've spent thousands of dollars and hours on her in an intimate one-on-one setting, so I'm sure she knows. :rotf:

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Because they are my piles and I will do with them as I like.


How does what others do affect your life? I have a brand new 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk, I took the huge matte black sticker off the hood and you would have thought I talked bad about people's moms.


Like I told them...


Until you are making the payment or are my wife, what I do with my stuff is of no concern to you.



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  On 7/27/2017 at 7:17 PM, shelbyluvv said:

Because they are my piles and I will do with them as I like.


How does what others do affect your life? I have a brand new 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk, I took the huge matte black sticker off the hood and you would have thought I talked bad about people's moms.


Like I told them...


Until you are making the payment or are my wife, what I do with my stuff is of no concern to you.


It looks a lot better w/o it Bo - would have done the same thing. Certain JK models have a similar huge decal on the hood to "minimize hood glare". I've never been bothered by hood glare, have you?  :shake:


And agree with everything you said. There's not a day that goes by that I don't curse out my junk including the lawn mower and power tools. And I'll continue to do it and don't give a damn whom it "offends".


BTW, I hear dissing on your MJ is quite common with Renix owners.  :rotfl2:

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  On 7/27/2017 at 8:12 PM, HOrnbrod said:

BTW, I hear dissing on your MJ is quite common with Renix owners. :rotfl2:

I HEARD differently... in fact those with Highly Overrated jeeps usually diss on themselves & always keep kicking themselves for not getting a Renix.
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  On 7/27/2017 at 10:21 PM, MeanLemons said:


  On 7/27/2017 at 8:12 PM, HOrnbrod said:

BTW, I hear dissing on your MJ is quite common with Renix owners. :rotfl2:

I HEARD differently... in fact those with Highly Overrated jeeps usually diss on themselves & always keep kicking themselves for not getting a Renix.

Obviously you only converse with other Renix owners. :yes:  And according to your signature, you are one of the lucky ones who owns a 91 HO. Did you transplant a Renix system in?

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  On 7/27/2017 at 7:11 PM, DirtyComanche said:

It's showing affection through negativity.  It's a fairly common human trait, and you will see many people in long term relationships where that is the only public affection they will ever show.

So Don secretly LOVES the RENIX system, that's what I have always thought. :rotfl2:

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  On 7/27/2017 at 10:56 PM, fiatslug87 said:


  On 7/27/2017 at 7:11 PM, DirtyComanche said:

It's showing affection through negativity.  It's a fairly common human trait, and you will see many people in long term relationships where that is the only public affection they will ever show.

So Don secretly LOVES the RENIX system, that's what I have always thought. :rotfl2:


You nailed it Mike. With skewed logic like that, it must be true.... :hmm:

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LOL. I owned a 88 pioneer MJ and a 91 eliminator MJ. Parted out the 91 and sold the shell. I still have the 88 renix. Along with multiple XJs over the years.


The 88 MJ is MOST reliable jeep I ever owned next to my 99 XJ.

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Interesting views. I guess I see it differently. Every time I look at it, I think "hot damn it looks sharp for its age." When it lost the alternator a couple weeks ago... I just shrugged it off and told myself "it's 30 years old" I guess I'm not afraid to be proud that I own a MJ, and that it's still running. Especially when I get comments on it all the time.

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  On 7/28/2017 at 2:31 AM, WyoCherokee said:

Every time I look at it, I think "hot damn it looks sharp for its age."


Every time I look at mine I think "Did a pirate with his patch on the wrong eye do the body work on this thing in the dark while on a rum binge?"


I mean, I'm just being realistic.  Don't think I don't love the truck and love driving it.  But it really is terrible in a lot of ways.  I'd love to track down some better body parts and run it through the paint booth at work, but I don't see having the time anytime soon, and I'm probably going to quit working for these guys before then either way.

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BTW, I hear dissing on your MJ is quite common with Renix owners.  :rotfl2:


No, dissing on Renix MJs is a common affliction among the envious souls who are forced to endure with the Chryco injected models.

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  On 7/28/2017 at 4:37 PM, Eagle said:


BTW, I hear dissing on your MJ is quite common with Renix owners.  :rotfl2:


No, dissing on Renix MJs is a common affliction among the envious souls who are forced to endure with the Chryco injected models.


I'm a bit hung over this morning, so I'll not dignify this ridiculous post now with a rebuttal. But I'll get back to it this evening.....   :rotfl2:

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  On 7/28/2017 at 4:48 PM, HOrnbrod said:


  On 7/28/2017 at 4:37 PM, Eagle said:




BTW, I hear dissing on your MJ is quite common with Renix owners. :rotfl2:

No, dissing on Renix MJs is a common affliction among the envious souls who are forced to endure with the Chryco injected models.
I'm a bit hung over this morning, so I'll not dignify this ridiculous post now with a rebuttal. But I'll get back to it this evening..... :rotfl2:
all that chrome must have gotten to your head, LOL
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Don - jealousy makes people say hurtful things. I know it's difficult to hear those things, being the sensitive, caring guy you are. But, just remember the important things in life. Like, we don't own Renix jeeps.


That having been said, dissing your ride when it lays down in you is an honored American tradition.

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A few years ago I led a group of TJ's down the well known Black Bear Pass in Colorado with my rusted out '86 MJ. I came down the steps, completed the first switchback and stopped for a hiker who had just turned around after photographing the water feature at the mine structure. This Ivy League loooking hiker approached my open window with a bewildered look on his face and asked, "Did that f@&ing thing just come down the steps?!?!" I smiled and nodded while my passenger (who affectionately loves beat down old Toyota pickups) simply burst into a fit of laughter. Coincidentally, the same passenger and I just went down Black Bearin my 100 Series Land Cruiser this past Friday and reminisced about that day in the MJ. The Ivy League looking hikers didn't seem bothered by a luxury SUV coming down the pass...


I mention that story because I believe we 'diss' our trucks the same way the general public perceives them. The difference? We cherish the truck for what it is and do whatever it takes to keep the MJ on the road. The 'dissing' is simply the truth we intentionally ignore.

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