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Picture Stealing!


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okay so within the past month or so my friends have directed me to a few people's Facebook pages and they have my Jeep pictures uploaded as their own and now I was sent a link to a craigslist ad in oregon and the guy has one of my pictures in his ad, why? I have no idea why but it's kind of getting annoying! Here's the ad, is he a member on here?


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I wonder if the craigslist guy was simply using that picture to demonstrate the extreme capability of these trucks.


The white truck - For Sale


The blue truck - OP's I assume - ...unless it's a copyrighted photo, once it's on the web, it's "world wide". Craigslist might be able to flag the photo as misrepresentation, but other than that it's everybody's picture. Seems a prospective buyer might ask about the white truck being a blue truck...nice picture though.


This is NOT a picture of my brain.



This IS!



Feel free to use it, even though it's MY brain.

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LOL - Tisn't stealing - - Gotta read the fine print - - Photos put on almost any web thing are public unless copyrighted & a lotta good that seems to do unless there's $ involved - - - My PB album has a pic of my sister-in-law & that seems to have scared away most - - Anyway, CC is well represented online - I google imaged Jeep MJ & copied the 1st that looked familiar plus a liberty truck from NAXJA - - - - - There's nothing wrong/unusual/outside guidlines about the CL Ad - Gotta read . . .


Image Not Found

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A compliment it may be, but unless it was uploaded to a site that specifically mentions otherwise, it's still against copyright laws for him to use it without your permission. Unfortunately, to make an official copyright violation claim through the courts, it has to have been officially registered with the copyright office, or whatever it's called. Which does cost money.

So while he is doing something which is more than likely illegal (it's also considered bad sport to use something belonging to someone else without their permission) there's hot much that can be done beyond making a stink with him and any website he's used it on.

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Unless you copyright it or protect it in some way or form, when put on the internet it becomes public property. It does suck but that's how the world works now-a-days. While it isn't the most ethical way of the way he posted it, it still isn't illegal.

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There are several programs and plug-ins for programs such as Photoshop that will imbed your copyright info into a picture. This of course has to be done before posting it on the web. If I remember correctly, these programs are not cheap. There is also a difference between Canadian and American copyright laws. In Canada, if someone pays me to take a picture, they own the copyright, in the US, the photographer retains the copyright unless specifically transfered when paid for. That being said, though, I think the Canadian gov't just amended the copyright act, so I'm not sure if this is true anymore.

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Unless you copyright it or protect it in some way or form, when put on the internet it becomes public property. It does suck but that's how the world works now-a-days. While it isn't the most ethical way of the way he posted it, it still isn't illegal.


No, absolutely NO! Just posting it on the internet does not make it public property. The act of publishing the work on the internet is in fact declaring copyright on it. It is still copyright infringement and it is entirely possible for Dirteatr717 to serve a legal notice against Craigslist for its removal.

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:yeah that:

Publishing something anywhere is equivalent to claiming the copyright, whether or not it's actually specifically mentioned. In fact, you have to specifically mention for it to be otherwise. In the past, it was common practice for people to copyright things by mailing them to themselves, thereby doing an incredibly brief publication. Also, if they carefully arranged it so the work itself was also the envelope, then it got stamped by the post office, and had an official "date of publication".


Nothing on the internet is public property, or in the public domain (no copyright holder). If that was so, you couldn't be penalized for pirating movies and such.

True, unless copyright has been officially registered, it's incredibly unlikely a court will uphold the copyright unless there's a decent chunk of change involved (mostly because it's very difficult to prove ownership of an unregistered copyright), but just because a crime is likely to go unpunished doesn't mean it isn't a crime.

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Why not watermark the photos that you don't want stolen prior to uploading them?


Regarding the CL ad, I'm sure the guy is just demonstrating a similar vehicle's capability as mentioned above... its obviously not the same truck as the rest of the images.

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LOL - - SUE THE BASTARDS! - - - - - - - - - As an aside: Most contributing to "Counting with pictures" may want to consider wiping their hard drives - removing - connecting to a welder - BFH a few & into deep lake/river or beneath J Hoffas remains - - - - Blame for copyright transgressions, real/imagined, can then be rightfully shifted to the scofflaw NAXJeepForPirate4wheel Pranksters - - - - - - - Going to cancel my PB account - - I feel so victimized



One of my treasures - A gift from long ago - Don't ask - - 40+ yr old Conditions of settlement may still be enforceable - LOL

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Unless it's a pic I took myself, I use the source url for pics I post in anywhere. I'm not copying it and reposting it as my own, just posting a peephole for others to look through to see the original (or at least where I got it). Still technically not legal, but anyone looking into the pic can see where I got it, and if the owner didn't want others to see it, it's not all that hard to put their own curtains around it.

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Exactly^ I'm not looking to sue anyone but it is odd that I've found several of my own pictures posted elsewhere, although the guy in the CL ad didn't claim it as his own, other pics have been uploaded under other people's FB accounts and called their own! That's what annoys me

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