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Another JeepcoMJ thread...


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Well, it appears that Pat has struck again. After many PM's to him, I am out $200, and don't have the complete wiring harness in my possession.


Its really sad that it has to come to this again. I gave Pat plenty of opportunities to make this right.


The initial thread that started it all : viewtopic.php?p=173196


From this, Pat sent me a PM, and we went from there. After negotiating a final price of $200 for the complete harness, I sent him $100 to his PayPal account on June 12th, with the promise of sending out the other $100 the following Friday, June 19th, which I did send.


At that point, I knew Pat wasn't going to have it shipped out until after I sent him the final payment, which was no big deal.


PM dated Friday, 19th June, 2009

I'm sending out the harness tonight or tomorrow, you'll recieve it by wednesday.


First PM from me to him inquiring as to where the harness is, sent Wednesday, 01 July, 2009:


Just curious if you sent the harness out or not? I haven't received it yet if you did.






Second PM from me inquiring as to where the harness is. sent Tuesday, 07 July, 2009:


Sorry to bother you again...just looking for an update.




Third PM, and this time I am getting worried. Sent Friday, 10th July, 2009:


Can I PLEASE get an update here? Just tell me you are sick or something. I'm starting to get worried about this deal...


At this point, I learned that Pat had some surgery, so I let it go. I know how rought it can be after something like that, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. In the last thread about him taking a while to send some items, he posted this, dated 24th July, 2009 (One month ago today)

LotGod's renix 5 speed wiring harness is on it's way out the door BTW. it was put off due to the surgery.


After that post, I figured it would only be a short while until I got my harness. I was wrong again. Today, August 24th, is just shy of 3 months dealing with Pat over items that he received payment on within the first 2 weeks of the transaction.


Does it seem rather odd to anyone that Pat has been missing from the board lately? It doesn't to me....


Pat...man up and either send me my money back, or ship the damn harness.

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:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


It's sad it has come to this. Now because he has swindled a few people here, and the victims have made it public, I wonder if this MJ fanatic will show his face anytime soon.


Just make things right JeepCo, then you can come back home. We miss you.

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I personally saw Pat a few weeks back. He said that he doesn't frequent Comanche Club anymore for a few reasons (I honestly do not know them). I don't have a method of contacting Pat other than PM's through the internet, no phone or email, I cannot help you in that regard.


At the time I saw him he mentioned the previous thread and spoke of how this package was sent off and had apparently gotten lost in transit.


I am calling neither party a liar here. This is just the side of the story I heard. Don't kill the messenger.


I hope that this MESS gets resolved soon and that BOTH parties can work it out so that each feels compensated justly. I am considering myself neutral on the topic and don't wish to discuss it further. However, I thought that this information was pertinent to the conversation and before things escalated further it should be publicly known.


Lets get things taken care of before the entire board splits right down the middle on this topic. It is my opinion that we should focus on other topics than this (like our common interest in the Jeep Comanche Pickup).


Godspeed to the BOTH of you to clear this up.

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I personally saw Pat a few weeks back. He said that he doesn't frequent Comanche Club anymore for a few reasons (I honestly do not know them). I don't have a method of contacting Pat other than PM's through the internet, no phone or email, I cannot help you in that regard.


At the time I saw him he mentioned the previous thread and spoke of how this package was sent off and had apparently gotten lost in transit.


I am calling neither party a liar here. This is just the side of the story I heard. Don't kill the messenger.


I hope that this MESS gets resolved soon and that BOTH parties can work it out so that each feels compensated justly. I am considering myself neutral on the topic and don't wish to discuss it further. However, I thought that this information was pertinent to the conversation and before things escalated further it should be publicly known.


Lets get things taken care of before the entire board splits right down the middle on this topic. It is my opinion that we should focus on other topics than this (like our common interest in the Jeep Comanche Pickup).


Godspeed to the BOTH of you to clear this up.



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The guy has a history long before he started screwing people here:



I had a lot of members here who i've never met/spoken to outside of this board step up and help me out when i was getting screwed. LoTGoD, 87mjdriver, i hope some of the members here local to this deadbeat step up for you guys.


what does that link have to do with anything now, it has nothing to do with selling parts, or members of a board, so unless you know him personally you have no clue about anything in that link.


i don't condone ripping people off, and i'm not involved so i am staying out of it, but there's no reason for people to jump on a wagon and bash someone.

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what does that link have to do with anything now, it has nothing to do with selling parts, or members of a board, so unless you know him personally you have no clue about anything in that link.

No i don't know him personally, all i did was link his own words. His words, where he goes on and on about learning from his experiences and trying to do right from that point forward. Something he should have been applauded for, if he followed up...but from his actions on this board it doesn't look like he's learned a thing. A responsible person would have squared up with these guys before disappearing from the board, even if it was a couple bucks here and there. These guys have given him the benefit of the doubt, been patient and all they've received for their understanding are excuses, lies and eventually silence.


Come to think of it, i don't want to know anybody like that personally.

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all i'm saying is try to keep it where it is, no need in going in many directions. keep it on this forum where people are out parts, thats the topic right now.


i'm not, and won't defend these actions, i know the guy and i was shocked last time and this time, all my expereince is he's a good guy. i said it last time, and its harder to say this time but i'm sure he'll straighten it out.

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:rant: you know it sucks that most of us are just guys that share a common interest in jeeps and comanches, and aren't trying to make a quick buck by moving parts or swindling people and we tend to trust people on this site because everyone is so close knit and yet we STILL have these sorts of problems...


i guess it just goes to show you can't trust people.


:bowdown: to all you guys that pay up on-time, and ship out on-time. and aren't into jeeps for the money. :bowdown:


PAY UP PAT! :redX:

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Can someone go give him a hand with shipping out that harness? I know getting together cash might be rough for him right now, but if he has the harness, it should be able to go out with some assistance. right? :dunno:

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if it turns out you CANNOT get this resolved PM me and i'll see if i can get you a harness from the junkyard for cost+shipping...


which, at http://www.pullapart.com they're listing a large wiring harness at 13 bucks +2.00 so 15 and shipping



What harness does he need, I have one out on my 93 he can have or does he need a renix?

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if it turns out you CANNOT get this resolved PM me and i'll see if i can get you a harness from the junkyard for cost+shipping...


which, at http://www.pullapart.com they're listing a large wiring harness at 13 bucks +2.00 so 15 and shipping



What harness does he need, I have one out on my 93 he can have or does he need a renix?

i think he mentioned needing a renix 5-speed harness

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if it turns out you CANNOT get this resolved PM me and i'll see if i can get you a harness from the junkyard for cost+shipping...


which, at http://www.pullapart.com they're listing a large wiring harness at 13 bucks +2.00 so 15 and shipping



What harness does he need, I have one out on my 93 he can have or does he need a renix?

i think he mentioned needing a renix 5-speed harness




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If all else fails, I think I still have ALL the (good) wiring I took out of my '87 MJ 4.0 5-spd (peugot) 2wd base model from when I did the HO conversion; I was planning on just sending it to the JY with the donor...As long as the shipping is covered, I will gladly send it off if it will work. PM me if interested. That said, I suppose I still got a lot of stuff from the conversion, free for the taking +shipping if anyone is interested. Dunno if its worth my time to post a classifieds ad as there is too much random stuff to list, but pm me with what your looking for & I'll see if its still avail. (kinda became a community take what you want parts car amongst my jeeping buddies, so I dunno what all is left, but nobody seemed too desparate for anything :dunno: )



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