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78 bronco blazer or ramcharger?

Jesse J

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19 minutes ago, Jesse J said:

anything specific reason?

Just always been more into Fords, my younger brother collects 78/79 Ford trucks and Broncos, so I've always been around them.






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2 minutes ago, mnkyboy said:

Just always been more into Fords, my younger brother collects 78/79 Ford trucks and Broncos, so I've always been around them.






oh cool. My dad's gf is trying to get that era bronco

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1 minute ago, 89 MJ said:

I’m a K5 kind of guy. can't hardly beat an SBC for simplistic reliability. 

The Ford 351 and Dodge 360 were similar in reliability from the same era.  The TH350/C4/TF904 are pretty close in reliability, as are the TH400/C6/TF727.  They all used Dana 44's though the Chevy 10 bolt is basically just a GM version that's very close (it even uses Dana 44 outers).  Kind of six of one, half dozen of another there.

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We had a couple of Dodge Powerwagons at work. The electrical system was a little suspect. More than once we had the headlight switch overheat, and the headlights would just go out. We also had ballast resistor issues. And it always seemed to work OK, but the sound the starter makes is horrible. Ours were 4 speed 4 wheel drive with 4.88 gears. Had one eat the motor driving back from North Central Washington, they weren't meant for Interstate running.

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2 minutes ago, BeatCJ said:

We had a couple of Dodge Powerwagons at work. The electrical system was a little suspect. More than once we had the headlight switch overheat, and the headlights would just go out. We also had ballast resistor issues. And it always seemed to work OK, but the sound the starter makes is horrible. Ours were 4 speed 4 wheel drive with 4.88 gears. Had one eat the motor driving back from North Central Washington, they weren't meant for Interstate running.

imagine having a truck where the electrical system is suspect couldn't be me:shaking::roflmao:. that does sound scary.

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2 hours ago, derf said:

The Ford 351 and Dodge 360 were similar in reliability from the same era.  The TH350/C4/TF904 are pretty close in reliability, as are the TH400/C6/TF727.  They all used Dana 44's though the Chevy 10 bolt is basically just a GM version that's very close (it even uses Dana 44 outers).  Kind of six of one, half dozen of another there.

Chevy used D44s in front until 78/79, when the 10 bolt replaced it.  My 78 K20 had a front 44, 79 K5 had the front 10 bolt.  

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This thing started out as a Ramcharger, the body was a bit too big for the PNW trails so it didn't take long for it to look like a crushed beer can.


My buddy rolled the body off, slapped a Yota cab on it then brought it up to the shop were we built an exo for it.


He calls it the "Dota".




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that's such a funky build. I bet that thing is fun :beerbang:  my friend is looking for a replacement for his 87 suburban that he wrapped around a pole a month or two ago and I am trying to get him to get a ram charger . 

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37 minutes ago, strictlyxjs said:

A guy in my welding class just bought a 88 ram charge on 35s it's awesome. He gets more looks in the college parking lot than the huge lifted his with thousands of dollars in mods.

that is so sweet. any pics?

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