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Comanche Club Apparel


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  On 11/7/2018 at 8:25 AM, amsuco said:


It's just like the club business card, only the Comanche isn't colored in.  It's a white outline, like on the coozie.


Incidentally, Amazon shot down our first attempt yesterday.  I'm going to try and get some specifics from them in regards to what they took issue with, in hopes that our second attempt goes a little better.  I could speculate.  But if they will spell it out, that's much better.  I don't want to change the original design any more than we absolutely have to.



If their objection is trademark-related, I'd suggest contacting Fiat-Chrysler (or is it Chrysler-Fiat?) and describing who we are and what we do, pointing out that many of our members also own newer Jeep vehicles such as Patriots, Grand Cherokees, Liberties, and Wranglers, and that we are loyal supporters of the brand who happen to have an eclectic appreciation for the Comanche pickup, so we would like their permission to use the Jeep and Comanche names in the club logo. Include a reproduction of the logo image, and see if they'll bless it.

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  On 11/7/2018 at 8:42 AM, Eagle said:


If their objection is trademark-related, I'd suggest contacting Fiat-Chrysler (or is it Chrysler-Fiat?) and describing who we are and what we do, pointing out that many of our members also own newer Jeep vehicles such as Patriots, Grand Cherokees, Liberties, and Wranglers, and that we are loyal supporters of the brand who happen to have an eclectic appreciation for the Comanche pickup, so we would like their permission to use the Jeep and Comanche names in the club logo. Include a reproduction of the logo image, and see if they'll bless it.



Eagle, at first I thought this was just crazy.  I find it hard to believe that Jeep corporate would give two hoots about us.  But we have nothing to lose be trying.  So I'm taking your advice and I'm trying to locate a contact person/department.  I figure the worst they can do is say "no".


I should clarify that we don't know for sure what issue (or issues) Amazon had with the original design.  But if I was guessing, the word "Jeep" would be my first thought.

Edited by amsuco
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If "Jeep" is the sticky wicket, the "official" Comanche Club logo doesn't use "Jeep," it only uses "Comanche." I wouldn't reach out to Jeep before finding out what Amazon's issue(s) is (are). There's no point in solving a problem that doesn't exist.


Jeep may not care two hoots about us. But if we're that insignificant, they also shouldn't have a problem giving us their blessing to help publicize the Jeep brand. They have to go after small enterprises that use their trademarks or trade names without permission, because if they don't pursue those that's how they lose control over it. (Anybody besides me remember the legal battles that were waged over the use of grilles with seven vertical slots?) On the flip side, it doesn't cost them anything to give us permission, but the fact that they did so preserves their right to control the use of their trademark or trade name.

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Hey Everyone,


We have been working on the original CC logo apparel and decided to get some feedback about how the different options look. The differences are not drastic and opinions may range from "can't really tell" to "definitely this one", but we all agreed it was best to put it out to the club.


Here are the options:

#1 Logo includes the .com and is spaced evenly left and right (front bumper to the last letter m).

#2 Logo includes the .com and is shifted to the right so the MJ image is more centered.

#3 Logo without the .com


There will be various colors and styles, but for this comparison they are all on a black long sleeve shirt.  We may decide to use more than one of the logo options shown here as well.


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The first CC design is live!  We're hoping to have another design and more apparel options to pick and choose from within the next week.  This one can be found at:


or go to Amazon.com and search for "Bedford Falls Collection" (be sure to put it in quotes).  Everything CC related will be under my brand name.

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  On 11/12/2018 at 2:10 AM, Pete M said:

why does the link go to shirts under the category of womens? 






The long sleeve T-shirts are unisex.  So maybe it was just the luck of the draw as to what category they would go under.



  On 11/12/2018 at 2:14 AM, JMO413 said:

Shirt looks good any chance of a 3X?



Amazon is always expanding the Merch line, so maybe down the road?  For right now though...sorry, no can do.  Maybe we'll get luckier on the sweatshirts and hoodies that will be coming soon.

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The way Amazon Merch works, I have no way of knowing who placed the order.  But congratulations.  You're first!


And by the way, feel free to give us your feedback on it.  Especially if it doesn't meet your expectations.

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Dzimm, I know for sure that I can do it in a short sleeve T.  But I can already rule the sweatshirts out for now too.  They don't go that large either.  The hoodies I'm not sure about yet.  I'm sorry.  I'd really like to accommodate everybody.  But keep in mind that this is all subject to change.  The Amazon Merch program is still pretty new.  It wasn't that long ago that short sleeve t's were the ONLY option available.  Now we have all these other items too.  Keep the faith.  If there's a market, trust me...Amazon is going to try and fill it!

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We have another question for the club.  The hoodies we have available to us are the "pull over" design.  That means we can have our logo on either the front or the back.  What's your preference?


All the long-sleeve and sweatshirt designs are submitted to Amazon now and pending approval.  It shouldn't be more than a day or two before they are available for purchase.

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  On 11/13/2018 at 11:45 PM, Dzimm said:

Can we do front and back print?  

Logo on the back with comancheclub.com in small print on the front would be cool



You're just one of those difficult people, aren't you Dzimm?  Go stand in the corner.  :laugh:


As a matter of fact, yes...we can have graphics on both the front and the back.  It looks like it would add roughly $4. to the cost of the hoodie to do both sides.  It's time for everybody else to chime in.  Let us know what you really want.  If we need a small logo of some kind made for the front, maybe we can plead with Nick (bluenotenick) to whip something up.

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This is like another "what is your favorite tire thread, or favorite oil or oil filter, etc." ad nauseaum. As long as the items have the club logo somewhere, are of good quality, don't shrink up, and have a decent color selection, that's all that matters. The rest doesn't matter to me. 

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