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I'll be michigan soon.  should be showing up some time on sunday and staying through weds morning.  I can also just leave the leafs in the shed and you can pick them up at your leisure. :L:   

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1 minute ago, Pete M said:

I'll be michigan soon.  should be showing up some time on sunday and staying through weds morning.  I can also just leave the leafs in the shed and you can pick them up at your leisure. :L:   

Oh cool. Yeah be headed down in the jk as may explore a bit as well. I'll shoot you a text as I did get my new number for the year. :beerbang:

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So I await for a new iac censor to be dropped off with some new rubber for my peddles. The clutch peddle was worn through and for a few bucks I'll take 2. Thanks. :D So meanwhile I'll be having to deal with the radiator again and create some room for engine flex. Solid mounting them soon. Very soon. :shaking:


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Parts arrived and it's running smoothly again. Got the fan figured out. Made some slight mods and made it worked. Should be good. Fix it as I go, you know. Figure the gap will let more air out or in..:teehee:

Now thats done, still awaiting driveshafts, so shall move on to next over the road project addition. Dual battery setup with some power supply. Figure I'd set things up to build off of or expand if needed later. I enjoy seeing what other people do themselves, but most the time it's not directly applicable for me. So I try to learn how they did it and try to avoid their mistakes all the while learning from my own mistakes. Never know how something might work out unless you try it for yourself. :grinyes:


Finally figured out a real battery holddown setup. Simple enough. :shaking:










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26 minutes ago, MiNi Beast said:

Someone gave me a reason to play with wood. :teehee: and perhaps another reason to get a bigger toy. :grinyes: :beerbang: to playing in the woods. 


Umm I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your suffering short bar syndrome. Consult your local husqvarna dealer for the cure.

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19 minutes ago, watchamakalit said:

Umm I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your suffering short bar syndrome. Consult your local husqvarna dealer for the cure.

For sure. :brows:


Mills min is 14" but this 18" be prolly the smallest I'd use. My 14" is only for climbing trees and through brush piles. :shaking: I've been. Looking at a 28" setup at my local store. 1600 is a little much currently so perhaps if when get that 4th stimulus check I'll for sure get it to support my economy and all. :grinyes:

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Today on.. "hard core tech"..  We're in #MaynardHood and we got broke down #FedEx truck, I diagnosed as a bad starter silonoid, got that good sir some water and a seat to relax while awaiting his company mechanic to come. Did he come after 30 mins sure, what's he do, same thing I did 25 mins ago. What's he find, he thinks he needs to try jumping battery, while waiting he calls a big truck expert to help tell him what he and I already figured it out to be. So I had to babysit truck while it still sits blocking my drive. No biggie as we just watering the garden and flowers. Enjoying my day as yes he broke down while delivering my package. Good man he was just trying to leave me be with my package. :teehee: and to true form, I begin to work on installing the gas tank skid when I notice a damn scratch, must be from the package handling. :fistshake2:so putting a game plan together on this hard core skid install, when I've been having them running issues one after another it seems. Well I got real hardcore and got this problem solved, I'd tell you. If she fires up and stalls. If she runs a bit then quits. Fuel is good and spark is great, and if you just installed mechanical temp gage. Essentially eliminating the problem factory equipped one that has had enough. Then like swapping out an auto for a manual. You gots to ground out the old sensor to keep the computer happy and working. It seems to cause the kill switch to be triggered and the @$$ sagging isn't keeping that mercury switch level anymore. :sad2: so hard core tech lesson for today... when in doubt get the paperclip out.. :applause:





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9 hours ago, Pete M said:

did you install the "new" leafs yet?

Not yet. Get jk back from repair on friday so been waiting as have to haul girl to work. So anticipating tearing it down staring this weekend. Plan to combine the old springs into the new set and gain that extra hauling capacity with that additional lift to level it back out. Will be replacing tcase as well and getting the new driveshafts installed. And i think i may end up dropping the fuel tank as well and getting a new oring installed on the sending unit. Mad dash for next month. Details...so many details....

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