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Are Stupid People Everywhere?

Comanche County

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Check out the description of this Cherokee from a CL ad:


http://denver.craigslist.org/bar/1169794821.html ----"i have a nice jeep i need to trade for a truck 2 wheel are 4 jeep leaks are uses no oil moving to ala need truck to pull trailer one owner 6 cyl auto power everthing works goodyear tires pioneir stero perfer extra cab 303 507 #### needs to run good looks not to important"


Would you buy from someone who has a driver’s license, actually drives, but lacks 2nd grade literacy? I’m becoming more and more afraid that morons like this may be in the lane next to me. :hmm:


He or she might be a great American, but if you can't read or write, why publish your ignorance? :dunno:


OK, I'm done, sorry for the rant.

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I have a hillbilly friend who will be sending a texk message to someone and have to ask how to spell every word with more then 4 letters.



Well, eventually he'll learn, right?


I can't stand terrible spelling and a lack of basic grammar on forums/webpages. It takes a lot of effort for me to figure out WTH is going on. Then by the time I figure out WTH is going on, I've expended too much effort on the topic and won't bother to reply.


I'll admit that I've been cheating recently myself. Firefox has spell check built in. I used to proof-read everything and google words that I really couldn't figure out how to spell.


(WTH is 'what the hell', I have no problem with acronyms)

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Yes. Stupid people are everywhere...and unfortunately they are breeding. I work in retail and deal with them every day. And some of them are just so unbelievably dumb, it is amazing that they can eat breakfast without hurting themselves.

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Yes, they're everywhere. Almost every Jeep I see on CL has a 4.0L V6. (If you don't know the difference, don't specify.)


Some of them are indecipherable. I really got a kick out of the 86 XJ with the inline 300 motor, and the 87 with the 2.8L V6.


And, of course, all the larados, coommaanncchheees, charakees, 4.0 HD and HP engines (they were in the same post, along with the larado and the camero).


I can only remember seeing one Jeep post that everything was correct. I went and looked at it, and bought it.


Is it really that hard to read over what you've written before you post?

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Let me jump in here. Stupidiy is in the eye of everyone else. Ignorance is truly bliss. When you don't know you're stupid, you're happy but everyone around you isn't, but you don't notice that either. Judging the person based on the poor grammer and inaccuracies is a bit haste because they really don't know they are wrong. Sure they may not have paid attention or purposely didn't want to learn, but typically, no one purposely makes numerous mistakes unless they want to portray themselves as someone who can be taken advantage of. However, judgement can be made to those individuals who after being informed of items like the fact that all 6 cylinders are not V6, get upset at the informer rather than thanking them. These people are just being difficult.


If the concept of 'you don't know what you don't know' was truly understood, nobody would say 'if you don't know, just ask'

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Would you buy from someone who has a driver’s license, actually drives, but lacks 2nd grade literacy? I’m becoming more and more afraid that morons like this may be in the lane next to me. :hmm:


He or she might be a great American, but if you can't read or write, why publish your ignorance? :dunno:


OK, I'm done, sorry for the rant.

The fault lies with our "education" system. Schools now value the students' self-esteem more than they value actually teaching anything, so teachers rarely (if ever) correct writing such as this when they see it on assignments. Young people today graduate high school as functional illiterates. Those who go on to college don't get any better there, because the professors' view (rightly, in most respects, but also wrongly since it perpetuates the problem) is that it isn't their job to be teaching high school grammar and punctuation ... so they don't. Which means that most college graduates are also functionally illiterate.


Ask my brother some time what he thinks of the University of Connecticut mens' basketball team.


Then spend some time on any Internet forum. Even this one. How many posts have we seen asking how to bleed the breaks on a Comanche, or asking if running 33" tires will brake a Dana 35 axle? Whatever vestiges of the English language the high school English teachers haven't destroyed, Hooked on Phonics has finished off with the final coup de grace.


Would you buy from someone who has a driver’s license, actually drives, but lacks 2nd grade literacy? I’m becoming more and more afraid that morons like this may be in the lane next to me.

Personally, I am much more afraid that morons like this are being elected to positions in which they write the laws we are expected to follow. How the blazes can you write a law that makes any sense if you can't spell your own name correctly?

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I have a hillbilly friend who will be sending a texk message to someone and have to ask how to spell every word with more then 4 letters.

I thought the whole point of text messaging was that NOTHING uses more than four letters. If u cnt say it in 4 ltrs it dsnt cnt.

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I have a hillbilly friend who will be sending a texk message to someone and have to ask how to spell every word with more then 4 letters.

I thought the whole point of text messaging was that NOTHING uses more than four letters. If u cnt say it in 4 ltrs it dsnt cnt.


idk my bff jll

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I have a hillbilly friend who will be sending a texk message to someone and have to ask how to spell every word with more then 4 letters.

I thought the whole point of text messaging was that NOTHING uses more than four letters. If u cnt say it in 4 ltrs it dsnt cnt.


Seriously, everyone mark this date on the calendar. The Big E has made a funny!!!!!!! :clapping:

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i got a phone with a keyboard so i can spell words instead of shorthand that tweens use. annoys the crap out of me.



My phone doesn't have a keyboard. It is unable to take pictures or movies, nor can it accept text messages with embedded content. It can't browse the internet, or send an email. It doesn't even offer me any information unless flipped open (no external screen). And it certainly doesn't have a touch screen or play music.


Yet, it can send text messages. And I pride myself on NOT butchering the english language simply for convenience. I type complete sentences, and even punctuate accordingly.


You'd swear I was typing as I am now...

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My phone doesn't have a keyboard. It is unable to take pictures or movies, nor can it accept text messages with embedded content. It can't browse the internet, or send an email. It doesn't even offer me any information unless flipped open (no external screen). And it certainly doesn't have a touch screen or play music.


Yet, it can send text messages. And I pride myself on NOT butchering the english language simply for convenience. I type complete sentences, and even punctuate accordingly.


You'd swear I was typing as I am now...



But, like ... how do you drive while you're doin' that?

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i got a phone with a keyboard so i can spell words instead of shorthand that tweens use. annoys the crap out of me.



My phone doesn't have a keyboard. It is unable to take pictures or movies, nor can it accept text messages with embedded content. It can't browse the internet, or send an email. It doesn't even offer me any information unless flipped open (no external screen). And it certainly doesn't have a touch screen or play music.


Yet, it can send text messages. And I pride myself on NOT butchering the english language simply for convenience. I type complete sentences, and even punctuate accordingly.


You'd swear I was typing as I am now...


What a liar!


This is a text message I recieved from DirtyComanche today even.

R U going 2 B runnin 4 pres again lol I hope U win


He texts me all day.

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I have a Razr. I hate my Razr.


Takes decent pictures though, but the texting setup can be annoying at times. I still type everything out, use punctuation, even though they make it enough of a pain that most people wouldn't bother. I liked my first phone better, it was an LG something-or-another, didn't text, take pics, didn't have any games, or even a color screen. It could send and receive cellular phone calls.


I cannot stand the texting shorthand. :wall:

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Maybe this is a good place to post other things that really annoy me about forum posts:


1. Quoting a post, INCLUDING all the pictures, just to say something like, "Nice rig".

2. Big pictures or large text in signatures .... its annoying and takes up space.

3. Starting posts with the words Ok, So, or Alright. For example .... "So, I've got this old Jeep and it won't start ...... Ok, so I lifted the truck and now I have death wobble ...... Alright, I've been working on this for hours and I'm stuck." Sheesh, just start typing your question.

4. Asking questions when you are going to do it a certain way no matter what anyone says.


The list goes on and on.

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