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    Northwest, ct western mass
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Comanche Aficionado

Comanche Aficionado (4/11)

  1. I'm sold out currently but I sell them all the time stay in touch!
  2. Guys and gals I'm back! Most of you have following me on Facebook but I got my start here in this website and I think it's time to get back to advertising on here! If you don't know me I part out jeep comanches for a living(used to do xj but we all know there not as cool). As of this post I have owned 76 trucks with 77 and 78 comming this week! I do not sell new parts everything is oem for the most part occasionally I will find some aftermarket stuff! I'm now located in northern Maine but I still have my connections and towing outfit down in ct! With that all being said inhave parts for sale! Alot! Too much to list individually but I will provide some info below so you can easily find my post and products. Currently I have 7 trucks in stock all models 86-90 2.8 2.5 4.0. I sell anything big or small and I ship internationally. Even if you need hardware if you got a 20$ bill I'll pull ya any nuts an bolts ya need! I'll leave some contact info below best way to get ahold of me is email or Facebook. You can also check out my ebay page where most of the rare stuff ends up....I'm flexible with ebay prices so just ask me I'd love not to pay them 15%! Email Kk02108@gmail.com Facebook Kody Kilmer Ebay https://ebay.com/usr/linnaj_38 Please contact me anytime I frequently sell parts at 3am out of a dead sleep it's very normal 😅 Since it's been almost 8 years or so since I've posted if some of the ole time customers of mine can leave some feedback it would be much appreciated! Currently no roll bars tail lights or tailgates! I do have a metric ton dana 44 3.55 76k on it ! 600$ in New England can help.with delivery!
  3. i got a bunch email me kk02108@gmail.com and ill check for ya
  4. i have one email me for pics and price kk02108@gmail.com
  5. i sold the tan one i had this weekend though but ill look for another.....i have a newer style Cherokee center console if ur interested in that then ull have cup holders lol
  6. i might have one email me kk02108@gmail.com and remind me on there i check my email more often then cc ill look tomm for ya
  7. i have a full set of blue plastics on ebay right now under kkilmer87 go take a look i would remove listing and make u a package deal
  8. i have one or can get one email me kk02108@gmail.com
  9. Kkilmer87

    Bench seat

    I'm in connecticut and i got a few benches for sale i believe i have blue and grey left only ill have to look email me kk02108@gmail.com
  10. email me for pics and info i can ship most of it just not the dash or seats if you local and can pic up we can make a deal kk02108@gmail.com
  11. i have a full interior for sale what is you location?
  12. theres a relay that velcros under the lower dash did you replace that thats usually the problem......if not i got all the part you need and i accept paypal and ship fast email me if you need anything kk02108@gmail.com
  13. i got one 35 shipped i take paypal and ship same day
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