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back pain

Pete M

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on occasion I pull a muscle in the middle of my back, practically crippling me.  don't know if it's the same muscle each time, but it's always in the same general location.  one thing I've noticed is that it's NEVER when I'm doing something stupid, like wrestling with a Comanche bed.  I spent all week moving rocks around, hauling heavy or awkward things out of junkyards, and today I was dropped mid-sentence as I was just standing there and turned slightly to the left.  what the heck you stupid body!  :fistshake2:  It could be worse (things can always be worse) as my dad has had spinal issues much of his life, but jeez that sucked.  due to my other health issues I don't feel "good" every day, and so losing a day like today that could have been quite productive really stings. :(  but the pain has subsided and tomorrow is another day.  might pop half a muscle relaxant tonight. 


how many of you guys have back pain related stories?  I'm sure there's more than a few.  the human body sure is... complicated.

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We were getting my brothers orange J10 and wild we waited for mom and dad to come with the trailer. We saw these people trying to move an older piece of farm equipment (don’t remember what), so we jumped in to help as they were older. Moving it I tweaked my back just a little. A week later, when I was almost back to 100% I sneezed and was screwed up again. 

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I don't have back pain but the knees, stupid, stupid knees......years of football, lifting, neglect and stupid weekends have made them pretty much useless. The thing that has helped me the most is CBD cream. Honestly stuff is amazing. I go to the dispensary since they have to test them as it needs a very small amount of THC to work. The CBD shops I don't do as I don't think most of what they sell works. My dad has a bad shoulder and I gave him some and he was amazed at how well it works. 5 minutes and hes almost pain free. 

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The first time I blew my back out was bending down to put my pants on , second time picking up a small tire with no wheel . Every time since then it's always been something you wouldn't think would be damaging to your back , never doing the heavy lifting. I've gotten better with paying attention to my back, learning to know when to push it and when to go lay down. Definitely be careful when you are on muscle relaxers , you can mess your back up worse . 

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I had to take almost a month off work this spring after pulling something in my back in a bad lift. Don’t put 3-ton floor jacks in tiny little hatchbacks and expect to take them back out again safely. It was a bit odd because I felt the tweak a bit when it happened, but then it was almost a week later I was bent over a workbench doing something not very intensive, and then when I tried to straight back up again, my back just kinda said “no”, and seized stiff. 

The doctor wasn’t super helpful, just kinda said “these things happen, you’ll get over it”, pretty much told me to walk it off, but after the first week with no improvement he prescribed physio, “stretching and strengthening” and the physiotherapist I got was amazing.

She explained what my back was doing. Basically you injure it slightly and it goes into a kind of “protection” mode to immobilize it until the injury heals. Then you have to stretch it out and teach it what safe movements are again. She gave me a bunch of exercises to do, roughly half an hour or so every morning. I might still have the link to the program she set up for me if you want me to pass it along. It was pretty interesting at first, because there’s some movements that were pretty new to me, and difficult to do as a result, but it was very helpful. I did it every day for a month, before cutting back to every few days, and now every so often if I’ve been having issues.

Back issues suck. Hopefully you figure something out that works for you.

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My knees and my back and I am 26 and of average weight for my height...


With that being said... you should get a foam roller for rolling out the center of your back. If I do that regularly I seem to have less issues with that part of my back.

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Oh yeah. 32 years ago I was cutting brush with a machete at work, hit a rotten spot, and the machete went.through with no resistance. Tore muscles where the upper muscle group and lower muscle group came together. Usually when I have problems now, I overdue things, tighten up, THEN do something stupid. And I have been fighting kidney stones for the last two years. Really ready for that to get figured out...

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I used to have knee issues through high school and college but they seem to have gone away.


My current issue is my back, very similar to what you posted Pete.  Mine is a disk pushing on my spinal cord.  It can be minor where I just can't stand up straight, other times I get stuck and can't move because of the excruciating pain and have to get help to get down to the floor.  Those days are not fun.  I usually have flare up after doing projects such as working on the Jeeps all day.  Today it's sore from replacing our tub/shower this weekend.


I am worried tho as I get older as my mom has disk issues as well.  I can't remember what her issue is called but they have told her she will need surgery to fix it.  It is however the most invasive surgery you can get because they have to go through the front to fix it.  The big reason she hasn't done it yet.

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gotta do all you can to reduce the times you pick up the heavy things.  and I mean ya gotta reeeeally make it a priority.  hire a pro or just bribe a younger friend or family member with pizza to help.  I'm thinking on installing one of those little hydraulic cranes in the back corner of the trailer so I never have to struggle with hefting up an axle or transmission again. :D 



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yup, that's the one!  :D  just thinking about never ever picking up a transmission again makes me oh so happy. :banana: the back pass corner of the bedliner is even torn a small amount so I don't have to cut into a flawless liner to do it! 

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28, very bottom end of acceptable weight for my height, no genetic disorders/family history to blame. Ever since my first job at a plant nursery I haven't been able to stand on hard surfaces for longer than 10min without being in considerable discomfort, not sharp pain, more like a dull ache/feeling of compression. Last 6-8 inches of my spine is where it's at, pops when I bend over. I was medically DQed from joining the coast guard because of it, actually all branches of military. Honesty johnny that I am, I reported I had occasional lower back pain in my initial paperwork. ☹️ MEPS said I had "lumbago". Despite two outside physicians clearing me for active duty, I was still DQed.

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  On 12/7/2020 at 2:42 AM, Pete M said:

gotta do all you can to reduce the times you pick up the heavy things.  and I mean ya gotta reeeeally make it a priority.  hire a pro or just bribe a younger friend or family member with pizza to help.  I'm thinking on installing one of those little hydraulic cranes in the back corner of the trailer so I never have to struggle with hefting up an axle or transmission again. :D 




A $20,000 tractor is cheaper and more fun than back surgery.

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