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Garage-Mahal 3.0

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On 8/2/2020 at 5:18 PM, Pete M said:

is there an official path for driving down to it?

Not really and there probably won’t ever be. I’m not interested in paving down the hill, nor do I want to rake gravel back up each year. See, I’ve been renting a field trimmer every other year now to knock over the yard to let it all compost on itself and build up some top soil. Should it come the day that I’ve got a beautiful yard I think I’ll just live with a couple goat paths where tires line up.


This shed isn’t intended for parking in and driving up and down each day. I’d like to make a carport up by the house for her car to park under, and I’m sure my CJ will remain happy enough parked under its tree. 

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The carport is nearly done. It’ll need more bracing but I’m ready for an inspection and I’d like to hear it straight from the horses mouth as far as exactly what they want to see.




... and then it started raining. Roof panels are on their way for the carport. Really need to wrap up the rest of the siding next. 




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Looks good. I just started the process of building my own shop. Luckily I don't have to deal with a town or permits etc. I've chosen 24 by 34 by 12 foot tall. plenty of room for the Comanche but my Ram crew cab fills it up. I also want a lift. The height is killing me on price. Almost adds a third more and straining my budget for it. Gotta finish the wife's kitchen remodel them I'm pulling the trigger on the shop. Lived here for 18 years and always wanted one. Decided last month I was too old to crawl under a vehicle anymore. So a lift is needed and a building to wrap it in. Wife agreed after I told here she can have the garage on the house for anything she wants....I'm moving my shop out.


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Didn’t put too much effort into pictures this time as there’s so much smoke in the air with all the wildfires lately. The sky is just a haze. Everything smells.



The siding is complete minus finishing the doors. I’ll cut panels and I think I’m deciding on white to match the other door. Roof panels for the carport should arrive this week too. 



I like finding little things like this so it’s a habit of mine to leave notes and things on projects when I do them. Fingers crossed I won’t need a reason to open this corner in the future. 



... a keen eye will notice the sweet fort my a$$hole of a neighbor has “constructed” so they don’t have to look at reminders as to why their property values are going up. :shaking:

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I doubt it. The air is really just hazy with smoke. Haven’t noticed even so much as any soot or dust. Months ago he started putting up the railing extensions on the deck. I got word from the city that they weren’t happy about anything I was doing with my property. Apparently my shed is “blocking their view”... of my house? :confused:

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My brother is coming out this week for a visit and he needed a place to stay. The house can get a bit cozy with its massive 478 sq ft stance so today I prepped the “guest quarters”





It really needed it anyhow. The exterior construction is coming to an end. Makes me start thinking about bringing home my Eliminator. :brows:

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Thanks guys!


I’ll be insulating and finishing the same as I’ve done with the past two shops. I really like white pole barn tin on my walls because it’s super bright and easy to hose off. Might break this one up with some wainscoting. 

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My brother and I got the carport roof on. I’ll need to figure some trim for filling space between the carport and the shed. Otherwise I suppose it’s doing its job. 



He also surprised me with a long running joke between us. I’ve got a thing for “garage eagles” and he recently bought a house that was beautifully adorned with this creature but didn’t care for it.








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1 minute ago, neohic said:

Rain comes in from the west. I was watching the rain drops yesterday afternoon and the direction of the carport is perfect. :beerbang:

So happy we got it too, we needed it

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Time to start thinking about the condition of things before winter. I need to get my doors finished on the outside to satisfy my permit. Before that can happen I needed to finish the interior of the doors as I had more screws to put through from the outside.






They’ll get jazzed up later on. I’ve been talking with a friend of mine who’s dad is an electrician. My house is running on 100 amp service and I need more to be able to put a sub panel in my shop. His dad needs some metal work done on his camper so we’re working on trading labor.


Glacially slow, but we’re getting there.  

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Pretty sure this is the last “big” building I’ll ever do. Should we ever move again in the future a workable space is a must have. So much of the problem comes in to what’s considered my off time and then what I could be doing with it. I’m so much happier using a space rather than building one. :twak:

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