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4.0L TPS mounting screws

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Wow! Never would have thought that these screws would be so hard to Find!

M4.5-.75 x 25, are you kidding Me! My local machine shop has never heard of that size and added that there wouldn't be enough meat to tap if I wanted to go to a m5 size.


If you Google it, zip, Nada, no such Animal!


Has anyone ever come up with a fix using more common Materials? Studs,

Self tapping? The used parts yards won't just sell screws. Can't blame em.



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Yeah, a M4 would be to small. The old timer at the machine shop didn't think a M5 would even hold after retapping. I going to check to see if a #10 or #8

Machine screw will work, haven't tried that yet. Whatever I do its going to be permanent.


What ever possessed jeep to use such a unique Size? As far as I found, it only has a single use!



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Yeah, a M4 would be to small. The old timer at the machine shop didn't think a M5 would even hold after retapping. I going to check to see if a #10 or #8

Machine screw will work, haven't tried that yet. Whatever I do its going to be permanent.


What ever possessed jeep to use such a unique Size? As far as I found, it only has a single use!



Nope, been there done that.



Stick to the stock screw. 

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These TPS screws only were used on the renix systems 87-90, I 99% sure of that.


Just go to a pick and pull and get a cheap part you could use and snag the hardware you need while you're there. As far as they know it came off with the part you're buying.

Yeah, thought of that too

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These TPS screws only were used on the renix systems 87-90, I 99% sure of that.



Just go to a pick and pull and get a cheap part you could use and snag the hardware you need while you're there. As far as they know it came off with the part you're buying.

Yeah, thought of that too

I didn't realize bolts like that would be different year to year. This is why I hate automotive bolts, they always seem to be a stupid 'custom' size. I had to buy 2 whole Shackle kits for my XJ just for the bolts cause nobody had them anywhere close to me and I needed them that day.

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Well I've solved the problem. I'm going to use ez lok inserts to accommodate a M4-.7 screw. By using a Allen head socket screw, I'll be getting a much higher grade than the original screw, and still have room for adjustments.


I really didn't want to spend 50$ for 2 soft screws and a part I may or may not use.



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The HO's use common 5mm screws, available anywhere in any head style you prefer.  :thumbsup:

Leave it to Hornbrod to ALWAYS find a way to poke at us Renix owners :rotfl2:


It's OK, we're just "UNIQUE"!  :yes:



"UNIQUE" is one word you could use to describe the Renix system. "ABERRANT" or "DEVIANT" would be more apropos.   :rotfl2:

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The HO's use common 5mm screws, available anywhere in any head style you prefer.  :thumbsup:

Leave it to Hornbrod to ALWAYS find a way to poke at us Renix owners :rotfl2:


It's OK, we're just "UNIQUE"!  :yes:



"UNIQUE" is one word you could use to describe the Renix system. "ABERRANT" or "DEVIANT" would be more apropos.   :rotfl2:


Well aren't we using big words today??!! :rotf:  :laughin:

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The HO's use common 5mm screws, available anywhere in any head style you prefer.  :thumbsup:

Leave it to Hornbrod to ALWAYS find a way to poke at us Renix owners :rotfl2:




Considering that out of the MJ's production run from 1986 to 1992, HOs only accounted to the last 2 years of that. 5 of the 7 years were Renix. 

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