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Dallas Cowgirls


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For the forth year in a row, the TX cowgirls lost a must-win game to make the NFL playoffs. Not that it makes me unhappy, because it doesn't. This was a great year for them to escape from their NFC East mediocrity since this was the weakest division in the NFL, but the cycle continues, over and over and over. Dallas has always been my least favorite NFC East team, mainly because of their self-proclamed "America's Team" years ago joke. They suck, and have sucked for years. I actually feel pity for them now, but not much. They deseve it.


They have a idiot senile owner in Jerry Jones, a lousy coach in Garret, and a tough but inept QB in Romo. Sorry my friend Jay and other Cowboy lovers, no idea what the answer to this no-win situation is. But it will continue as long as their senile owner is in charge.

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I'd say the problem is that the Owner and the GM are the same person.  The only guy that can fire them is the guy that hired them...where's the tension?  Most Mario's need a Donkey Kong throwing barrels at them to keep em in line.


All that said... I'm a Lions fan and my back-up team?  Cleveland.  It does get worse Dallas fans, just wait until next year when we swap coaches 

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I was very impressed with Kyle Orton all night, its just a shame it had to end the way it did. However with a banged up defense a playoff run wasnt going to be long sadly, but to be able to break the current streak of heartbreaking endings would have been great.


O Well, in the end its just a game. 

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I used the be a Dallas Cowboys fan, back when I cared just a smidge about professional football. I read an article about the Cowboys recently and my first reaction was, "Tony WHO? And he's been their 'star' quarter back for HOW many years?"

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Professional sports are full of people who think they walk on water and are entitled to everything and ANYTHING they could possibly want.  The only people who have a bigger sense of entitlement are the owners.  Jerry Jones has the biggest entitlement sense of ALL.


The city of San Diego has a whole lot more important things to fix and to GIVE the San Diego Chargers ANYTHING, much less a new stadium or public land to build a new Stadium and 10,000 more condo for Alex Spanos to sell at a fat profit!!!!!


Did I mention I don't have any use for professional sports?

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I almost agree with you Don, but they're still America's Team, always will be.  :thumbsup:


Personally I think Jones banked too much on the stadium and too little on "the right" players.  They're a great group of players, but not quite a great team for one reason; a lack of consistency.  Sure they'll whoop some of the bad teams but its always a toss up against a good team.  Usually if they win against a good team they don't really "beat" them, they simply outscore them.  Then when they get to the "must win" game, they usually lose.  Its not all Romo's fault, he has put up HOF level stats.  By stats alone, he's the best QB in Cowboy history, but he has always struggled to get the decisive win.  That's a team and coaching issue. 


The management of the team is another issue.  Jones treats the organization like a family and puts a high value on loyalty.  The players often mention the Cowboys as a family.....Sometimes it seems he values that loyalty that higher than winning.  On the macro level, it looks like he's treating the last 5 years since 07' (when they peaked IMO) as a rebuilding period where he's trying to grow the team from within more so than just buying the best players.  I think its because the stadium cost so dang much. I'm not privy to their books, so idk.


I think there's only a few personnel changes that need to be made and they'll be competitive again.  Could be the QB, coach or staff, who knows?  I think they should start with linebackers and the secondary.

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I like that.



He's a dbag and has been called "homo" since freshman year.


I love how our high school coach is still employed because Romo had talent and went somewhere.   God knows the coach doesn't know what he's doing....losing season every year since 2004 now.



Make it a point to make fun of him every coaches meeting lol.

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