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Got a fella East of town facing first degree murder charge now.  People had been stealing him blind and he got tired of it. One night he heard some noise and standing in his doorway, he fired a 'warning' shot blindly into the yard. He couldn't see shet so it was just a wild shot to scare anybody off. Unfortunately he hit and killed some MF thief and now he's facing first degree murder charges. Whole towns pretty much riled up about it. General feeling is ain't a jury will convict him and maybe the DA will get his head out of his @$$ and drop it.

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Let's not forget the MF has a family who will sue the victim ( homeowner ) for wrongful death, no matter what the criminal outcome is. Their poor little Tweeker Joe or Jose Mijo was the pride and joy of the family. Although his years of criminal behavior and costs to victims and taxpayers is not their responsibility in any way, they demand justice ( $$ ) for their loss at the hands of the hard working citizen who dares to defend his life and property. Whew, I need a nap.

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WARNING!!!!  Property protected by   Colt... Desert Eagle... and Claymore!!*   :banana:







*... Rotweiler retired... got too fat eating the scraps! (Currently in the market for 2 large under fed dogs) :laughin:

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One of my favs is a person put a piece of paper on the steering wheel of there jeep and it said "touch my jeep, and hicks with guns will find you" 


A funny story that a friend told me was a guy stole a purse from a woman and ran, when the woman looked down she saw that her hand was gripping her handgun. She rapidly pulled the trigger stopping and killing the man. She then faced murder charges. When she went to court the judge asked why she shot all 9 rounds. And she replied because after the ninth round all I got was a click, and the judge released her with no charges. 


don't know if it was true, but i thought it was pretty funny.

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One of my favs is a person put a piece of paper on the steering wheel of there jeep and it said "touch my jeep, and hicks with guns will find you" 


A funny story that a friend told me was a guy stole a purse from a woman and ran, when the woman looked down she saw that her hand was gripping her handgun. She rapidly pulled the trigger stopping and killing the man. She then faced murder charges. When she went to court the judge asked why she shot all 9 rounds. And she replied because after the ninth round all I got was a click, and the judge released her with no charges. 


don't know if it was true, but i thought it was pretty funny.

ahahhaaah click. 

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Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up.

better yet get to know the local crematory operator --- no dna left and looks like sand :yes:

Or just live 5 min from the ocean like i do , the deepest part of the ocean is maby 20-30 min boat ride and is 2 miles deep ( they say the actual trench its self is comparable to the grand canyon) . o and have a really good budy with a big boat also like i do :brows:

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Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up.

better yet get to know the local crematory operator --- no dna left and looks like sand :yes:

Or just live 5 min from the ocean like i do , the deepest part of the ocean is maby 20-30 min boat ride and is 2 miles deep ( they say the actual trench its self is comparable to the grand canyon) . o and have a really good budy with a big boat also like i do :brows:

You've thought about this, haven't you? haha

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Bodies are evidence, no matter what you do with them. Unless you get that body out into the ocean right away, any small amount of bloating from decomp will make it buoyant, then God only knows where it could end up. Unless 100% complete, cremation won't destroy mitochondrial DNA in bone cells. And most modern cremation leaves a good portion of bone behind, which then gets ground up and mixed with the ashes. Granted, the chances of anyone finding remains in either case is slim, but not impossible. 

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Bodies are evidence, no matter what you do with them. Unless you get that body out into the ocean right away, any small amount of bloating from decomp will make it buoyant, then God only knows where it could end up. Unless 100% complete, cremation won't destroy mitochondrial DNA in bone cells. And most modern cremation leaves a good portion of bone behind, which then gets ground up and mixed with the ashes. Granted, the chances of anyone finding remains in either case is slim, but not impossible.

Havent you learned anything from dexter? Cut it up, put it in trash bags, weigh down with rocks, drop into a current. All gone.

Also, supposedly lye will dissolve everything...dunno, don't care to find out, either.

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Quite the morbid thread this is turning into... Battery acid... break open alot of liquid cell car batteries and dump it all into an iron vat. Within a week you'll have nothing but a frothy mixture of unidentify-ability. Great for getting those stains out of your carpet. 

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I carry everyday everywhere I go, I pray I never have to pull it, it will only be the absolute last resort, taking a life is no easy thing.  If I am in a situation where I have to pull it, I will not hesitate one second to use it.  My brother was car jacked in Ft. Worth, he came out of it okay but he lost his car, all his electrician tools and couldn't work for several weeks.  If it were me, there would have been two dead crack heads.  I'm glad it wasn't me.

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Havent you learned anything from dexter? Cut it up, put it in trash bags, weigh down with rocks, drop into a current. All gone.

Also, supposedly lye will dissolve everything...dunno, don't care to find out, either.

Don't much care for Dexter, personally.

I took a forensic science elective (and I know that doesn't mean I know everything) and it's seriously difficult to get rid of all the evidence. You can make it really hard for the investigators to find it, and make it really hard for them to tie it to you, but even the best methods will still leave a tiny amount behind. Most TV shows don't show anything that would do much to the evidence, for what should be obvious reasons. Most of them also fail pretty hard at actual forensic procedures in interest of a better story.


But like mnkyboy points out, the fewer people who know, the better. As Ben Franklin said, three men can keep a secret if two of them are dead. Obviously, though, it's best to avoid the situation if at all possible...

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i was hooked for a week when i found seasons 1&2 on netflix 2 years ago. havent watched it since.

all joking aside, comanche county hit it dead on. not old enough to carry, and mjs doors don't lock. but anytime i cruise our property, the 870 is right there with me. having more and more problems with the dopers, 2 tweakers on wednesday, and you never know what they may try

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Well, nothing much has changed from the old "Code of the West" in gun law history,.  I work for the Probation department.

  • If someone draws on you, or you have clear reason to defend yourself or others, you have a perfect right to blow them away
  • shooting someone in the back as they flee the scene, unless they've already fired a shot ot two at you OR yours, that's a hangin' offense.  Hell, shoot them in the leg, drag them behing your Jeep for a huindred yards or so.  That''l create some REAL remorse and instant justice.
  • stealing your car (or your horse) is NOT an excuse for taking a life. Killing a PERSON for killing a DOG etc. is not justifiable.  A dog is considerd, by law, personal property, not a family member.  No matter how you feel about the dog.  Not sayin' it's right...that's just the law.  You could sue the MF, you could beat the crap out of him, but kill?...no.
  • defending your home from a clear and present threat (as in someone ENTERING your home) is reason to shoot.  But pulling or even showing/brandishing a gun on a person entering your campsite is NOT (personal experience here) because it's considered public property, but if same person enters your tent/trailer, that's considered your HOME...and you can shoot them.
  • So, if you shoot someone on your front porch, drag em' inside.

Shoot, shovel and shut-up is OK for killing a protected wild animal, like a cougar or a bear...but not a person (even if they are a scumbag), that's murder.  I can't see how an uninteded shot through a wall would be considered Murder 1,,,manslaughter maybe...but not permeditated.

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