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Question From France

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Hello everybody,


I'm living in France, in the Alps, close to Switzerland.


I post today in this forum, despite my poor english, to ask you specialists a very basic question about your favorite car :


I have the oppotunity to buy a 1992 Comanche, 4x4, with the Renault diesel engine, (2.1L Turbo). This car seems close to a brand new one, and have only 20 000 kilometers.


This vehicule is very uncommon in France,where we can see, sometimes, some Jeep cars , mainly Wranglers, or Cherokees. But little trucks ( we call it in french "pick-up") are very few, most of them are japanese (Toyota/ Nissan).


Before purchasing this very appealing car, I would like to reassure myself about reliabilty, easiness to fix common troubles, and if possible, know what are the most common breakdowns and problem you faced with your Jeep Comanche.

What should I check prior to buy it?


Thank you in advance for your advice.

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First of all, BUY IT!!

The rest we can work out together. The truck is basically a Cherokee from the cab forward. There will be some minor differences in the floor pan but nothing major. The rest of the truck is Comanche but with so few kms, it should be in good condition. Interior rust under the carpet is common but overall, these are great trucks. Buy it, take pictures, and post on the site. The members here are willing and able to help you with future questions and concerns.

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Moisture has a tendency to find its way inside, so they basically leak. I thought my 88 was immune until I pulled up the carpet and witnessed rain water on cab floor. These trucks are basically bullet proof with lots of torque. I've had mine since new and it has close to 140,000 miles. The only oil my engine uses is what's lost on the garage floor from a 25yr old gasket. I love my truck.

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I agree - BUY IT! In the US parts for the Renault diesel are very hard to find, and expensive if you can. But in France, the home of Renault, it should be easy for you acquiring the 2.1 parts. :cheers: And post some pictures soon as you can.

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Oui, je vous encourage à l'acheter.


Le Comanche est un meilleur truck (un beau mot Français au Canada) que tous autres, à condition qu'on ne veut pas fair qqch impliquant le mot "passagers". Le 1992 est le plus rare des Comanches (~prononcé ka-main-tchi), avec moins qu'un mille produits. Le diesel est encore plus rare, car ce n'est pas aussi commun en Amérique qu'en Europe. Comme déja dit ci-dessus, c'est la même auto que le Cherokee en avant des portes, et tous les pièces interchangent. Dérrière les sièges, c'est une différente histoire, mais on peut encore trouver des pièces.


Tant que le prix est résonnable et qu'il n'y a pas trop de rouille (en particulière sous les portes, le "rocker" comme on dit en anglais; ni dans les planchers de la cabine, ou la chassis en générale) je dirrais que c'est un bon achât.

Just une avertissement, en générale on trouve que les Comanches ne sont pas entretenues autant qu'on aurait pu, et qu'il existe souvent plusieur petites choses à corriger, mais après les avoir règlé, c'est un véhicule très dépendable.


Je ne suis pas le meilleur mécanicien au monde, mais je peux quand même traduire pour vous et ceux avec un peu plus d'expertise si jamais la situation s'élève. Quelques autres membres du site vivent en Europe, et je croix qu'ils ne trouve pas que c'est un immense défi pour trouver les pièces. Si jamais il arrive quelquechose difficile à trouver, on pourrait toujours vous en trouver icite, et l'envoyer. Ce ne serrait pas la première fois.

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Thank you very much for your responses that recommand clearly to purchase this car ! It's not that surprising since you are all big fans of this truck, but if your are there are certainly reasons for that !

Special thanks to those who replied in french ... and also for nice comments about my english... I don't use online translator!


I will have now to discuss with the vendor, since he wants a lot of money for it : more than 11 000 $ . He thinks it's justified by the low mileage of the truck, and its very good condition.

I think this is really expensive, but if I compare with other second-hand pick-up trucks I can see, it's cheaper than japanese one, with a lot of kilometers... First, I have to see the truck and drive it to make up my mind and propose a price.


In France fuel is a little bit "cheaper" than gasoline : average gasoline price is 1.65 euros / liter (i.e 2.21 USD per liter, 8.36 USD/ galon ) when average price for fuel is 1.45 euros / liter (i.e 1.95 USD per liter, 7.38 USD / galon).

The advantage when the truck is used for professional activities (it will be the case for me) you can discount 20% VAT from fuel price.

In the past, difference was more important, that's why french car providers developed a lot of diesel engines and something like 70% of personal cars and 100% of professional vehicules are equipped with diesel engines in France. It explains also the smell of the air in big towns !


This is the link to the advertisement , with pics :




Many thanks, I keep you informed

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Tabarnac qu'elle est belle!

Je trouve aussi que son prix est un peu cher, mais pas nécessairement trop cher, car je ne connais pas le marché en France... S'il est vraiment moins cher que la normale, je sautterais la-dessus... si j'avais l'argent...


Je comprends bien l'odeur des villes... j'étais à Paris y'a quelques années, et pour une ville si romantisée, la boucane de diesel en centre-ville m'a quasiment fait vomir plusieurs fois...


Mais certainement, conduisez-la, essayez le 4x4. Faites certain que les planchers sont solides. Je bave un peu en voyant les km... le mien a 477,000km d'abus, et est encore fiable. Les seules fois qu'il m'a laissé prit, c'étais dans la veille neige crouteux plus profond que mes portes.

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  On 2/20/2013 at 12:17 PM, mvusse said:

If I read the ad correctly, this truck is advertised as a 1993 model year. I though production stopped early in 1992?


Looks like that is when it was bought according to the seller. My French language skills are not great.

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  On 2/20/2013 at 4:16 PM, gogmorgo said:

Tabarnac qu'elle est belle!

Je trouve aussi que son prix est un peu cher, mais pas nécessairement trop cher, car je ne connais pas le marché en France... S'il est vraiment moins cher que la normale, je sautterais la-dessus... si j'avais l'argent...


Je comprends bien l'odeur des villes... j'étais à Paris y'a quelques années, et pour une ville si romantisée, la boucane de diesel en centre-ville m'a quasiment fait vomir plusieurs fois...


Mais certainement, conduisez-la, essayez le 4x4. Faites certain que les planchers sont solides. Je bave un peu en voyant les km... le mien a 477,000km d'abus, et est encore fiable. Les seules fois qu'il m'a laissé prit, c'étais dans la veille neige crouteux plus profond que mes portes.


I just had to look up Tabarnac. Hestie de câlisse de tabarnac!


Have to remember that. Kind of rolls off the tongue nicely. :yes:

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  On 2/20/2013 at 4:16 PM, gogmorgo said:

Tabarnac qu'elle est belle!

Je trouve aussi que son prix est un peu cher, mais pas nécessairement trop cher, car je ne connais pas le marché en France... S'il est vraiment moins cher que la normale, je sautterais la-dessus... si j'avais l'argent...


Je comprends bien l'odeur des villes... j'étais à Paris y'a quelques années, et pour une ville si romantisée, la boucane de diesel en centre-ville m'a quasiment fait vomir plusieurs fois...


Mais certainement, conduisez-la, essayez le 4x4. Faites certain que les planchers sont solides. Je bave un peu en voyant les km... le mien a 477,000km d'abus, et est encore fiable. Les seules fois qu'il m'a laissé prit, c'étais dans la veille neige crouteux plus profond que mes portes.


In case any of you missed that...he said:


Tabarnac she is beautiful!

I also think the price is a bit expensive, but not necessarily too much, because I do not know the market in France ... If it is really cheaper than normal, I sautterais the above ... if I had the money ...


I understand the smell of cities ... I was in Paris area quite a few years, and for a city so romanticized, the smoke of diesel in the city center almost made me vomit several times ...


But certainly drive it, try the 4x4. Make sure the floors are solid. I drool a little seeing the miles ... mine has 477.000 km of abuse and is still reliable. The only time I took a left, this was on the eve scabby snow deeper than my doors.



...and yes, I'm a smart a$$...you got my number.

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  On 2/21/2013 at 12:47 AM, ParadiseMJ said:

In case any of you missed that...he said:

...and yes, I'm a smart a$$...you got my number.



Google translate ftw

More like:

Sonofabitch she's beautiful. I find the price a bit high, but not necessarily, I don't know the French market. If it's less than the average price (for a truck of the vintage, etc) I'd jump on it. If I had the money...


I know about the smell of the cities. I was in Paris a few years ago, and for such a romanticized city, the diesel fug downtown nearly made me vomit several times.

But yes, drive it, try the 4x4. Make sure the floors are solid. Mine has 477,000 km and is still reliable. The only times I've been stuck were in old crusty snow deeper than the doors.



  On 2/20/2013 at 5:26 PM, hornbrod said:

I just had to look up Tabarnac. Hestie de câlisse de tabarnac!


Have to remember that. Kind of rolls off the tongue nicely. :yes:


That's "ostie" ;)

Colline de bines!

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  On 2/21/2013 at 4:02 AM, gogmorgo said:

Google translate ftw

More like:

Sonofabitch she's beautiful. I find the price a bit high, but not necessarily, I don't know the French market. If it's less than the average price (for a truck of the vintage, etc) I'd jump on it. If I had the money...


I know about the smell of the cities. I was in Paris a few years ago, and for such a romanticized city, the diesel fug downtown nearly made me vomit several times.

But yes, drive it, try the 4x4. Make sure the floors are solid. Mine has 477,000 km and is still reliable. The only times I've been stuck were in old crusty snow deeper than the doors.



What??? That's not what he said.... It reads:


She's more beautiful than my wife. I find the price ridiculasly high but still cheaper than a girl friend, but not necessarily, The French market is impossible to decipher. If it's less than the average price (for a truck of the vintage, etc) I'd be on it like white on rice. If I had the money...


I know about the smell of the cities. I was in Paris a few years ago, and for such a romanticized city, the diesel fumes, traffic, & crappy sanitation downtown made me vomit repeatedly.

But yes, drive it like you stole it. 4X4 the piss out of it. Make sure the floors are solid. Mine has 477,000 km and is still operative. The only times I've been stuck were .... well, NEVER!

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When is the seller going to encounter a potential buyer that knows what this truck is or wants to buy it for the rareness?


Around here a really good condition (i.e. low mileage) XJ or MJ is around $5k or so.




I've seen built MJs with modern (i.e. MY97+) sheet metal, interior and drivetrain listed for sale for ~$8000-$10000. I don't know if the sellers ever got that much for the trucks.


I say offer ~5000 € and see where it leads; see how soft he is on price. 9500 € is definitely too much. For 9500 € you could import a decent built Comanche from North America.


The extra bit of money you offer will compensate for the exclusivity and condition of the truck in your market.


Ultimately, these are still old-fashioned, cheaply made vehicles. Don't let the seller snow you with it being exclusive, rare, whatever.



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Reece146 , I do agree with you.


I will not pay more than 6 000 euros, and I will wait for the seller the time he will need to give in. He seems not in a hurry for now, but when I compare with Cherokee , in very good condition and low mileage the price is less than half.

I do like this very rustic truck but I can't waste money too muchand too often !


I think that I'm the only interested person... I think that patience will be worthwhile



Biotex, you have very funny translation skills ! Great !

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