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Somebody must be testing me........


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Its been on hell of a week for me.... Found out last Tues that the wife had a miscarriage.(would have been our first child). Had to take a day and a half off work over the weekend to be with her at the hospital. Was looking forward to getting back to work today and trying to get things back to normal. Then I find out at lunchtime that the company is probably eliminating my department and contracting the work out to an outside source. I have the option to bump back down to a lower job but at a $3 an hour pay cut and a loss of 2 weeks vacation.......GREAT....... My boss was really apologetic ( wasnt his call corporate pencil pushers are cutting costs) and told me I could have any shift or days off I wanted.( I would technically be the #1 guy on the senority list).....Its good to know that I still have a job but really sucks to go backward after almost 11 years with the same company.....The wife and I are in better shape than alot of people as all our cars are paid for and we only have 1 mortgage on the house but a cut in pay means alot off summer projects may have to get put off an other :rant: year.....I told the wife today I'm not sure whos testing me with all this crap in my life at once but I hope it ends soon........... :rant: .thanks for listening.......rant off

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Sorry to hear of the troubles, but God will never give us more than we can handle if we believe in him.

Be very happy that you still have a job as there are more & more folks every day like me that are out of work. One thing I have learned is to focus on the positive things, be thankful for what you have and better things will happen. If you keep your mind on the bad things and let them dominate your thoughts then more bad things will come. In these times, everyone is just doing what they have to in order to get through it. :thumbsup:

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Sorry about the miscarrage,

those suck, even when everything else is going great.


The job will work itself out, one way or the other.

Make sure the wife is OK, and good luck when you guys are ready to try again.

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Thanks for the kind words guys. I am keeping the faith but man its been tough the past few days. I am glad to still be working when so many arent. I'm also thankful that the wife and I have been able to resist the urge to spend the past couple years. Like I said her xj and my z71 are both paid for so I can absorb the pay cut. It just means there won't be as much "play money" as there has been. The wife still has a good job with good benefits and I can make a good bit of money hustling side jobs if I have too. On a positive note I have an interview with a local company that installs data cables and fiber optic on March 16.( boss was leaving this afternoon when I was there for vacation in the bahamas)....... I decided today that I'm going to model myself after my mj.........no matter how much you beat on it or how bad you neglect it it just keeps on plugging along never complaining....

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update for those who told me to keep the faith. I've been working 3 weeks now at a new job that so far is going great. Wound up going to work for the company that my old job was farmed out to. Started out at the same pay level with a nice raise coming after 90- days probation. New job is steady daylight with weekends off and has way better benefits....Wife just had her 6 week checkup after the miscarriage on Monday and the doc says everything is a-ok. They don't know for sure why she had the miscarriage but can't see any reason why we shouldnt try again.( when and if she wants to.). So once again thanks for the words of encouragement.

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Glad things are getting better.


Your original post had me thinking about my situation, and how, all of a sudden things can just pile up on you.


Now that things are on the upswing, hopefully you won't mind me posting my "when it rains, it pours" saga :ack:





My last year & a half:


November 1st 2007, laid off after 9 years with one company.


December 2007 "house taken" << found on city hall's website, under my name.

ended up being a snafoo, but they really did 'take my house' (even got a notary to sign off on it) & it cost me ~$300 to fix it.


December 13th 2007, GF had miscarrage (2nd in a row).


January 23rd 2008 got back to work (different company)


May 2nd 2008, I experienced Sudden Cardiac Death, at home, in my bed @ 5:15am.

luckily parametics showed up quick enough, hit me with the paddles (6 times), and kept me on the right side of the grass.

(survival rate for cardiac arrest outside of a hospital = 5% :eek: )


May 7th 2008, after 5 days of testing, no reason for the cardiac arrest was found, so they gave me an ICD implant (defibulator)


June 1st 2008 got back to work (even though Electrician is NOT the best job for someone with a defibulator inside their chest).

Luckily, the guy who just hired me in January stuck by me, and kept me around.


December 2008 eye doctor told me I have a partially detatched retina (lifted in 2 spots, + there's a hole in it),

and may need a vitrectomy (drill hole in your eye, and suck out the gel inside, sorry to anyone eating right now).

After the surgery, I'll have to lay face down for 10 days, so an inserted gas bubble can apply pressure to my retina, and get it back where it belongs.


January 2009 Turned 40 years old (actually happy about this :D )


Febuary 2009 down to about 50% vision in the 'bad' eye.


April 28th Vitrectomy surgery date.


Not trying to bring everyone down, I have a positive attitude about all of it, and am glad to be here.

I don't want to hog the thread, just felt the need to share. image_209027.gif

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Well it's not my place to say since it's oldrusty's thready, but IMO I think it's pretty cool that this thread helped you get all of that off your mind a little. Seems to me that with rusty's positive outcome all of the goodwill is ready to be passed on to you. Again, I can't speak for them but I'm sure all of those guys would be happy to offer the same to you. So, good luck with the surgery, that sounds like it will be more of a test of patience during the recovery than anything else. :thumbsup:

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Good news, Rusty -- thanks for reporting back. I hope the new job works out for you.


As for the miscarriages -- there's no point in questioning God's will. My mother had two (or three?) miscarriages before I came along. Who knows, by the time I was an adult and on her own she probably wished more than once that she'd lost me, too. But after me she had another son, and then our little sister. One miscarriage doesn't mean much more than that your wife had one miscarriage.

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This is a good thread :cheers:. They say it is the darkest right before dawn, but I would swear when you think things are going good is when you get kicked in the shorts. My wife, family, and I are in good health but these financial times the economy is in are really starting to wear. Plus we just found out we owe a substantial amount in taxes. I am thankful for everything that is going good and hope the same for everyone on here. I'm not trying to hijack the thread, but I am a bottle feelings up kinda person and it feels good to get them out somewhere.

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"These are the times that try men's souls..." as the old saying goes. Best anyone can do is try to keep a positive attitude, and whether you believe in a higher power or not,

things happen that are out of our control sometimes. Make the best of what life brings, enjoy all the little things in life, and always look forward to each new day. :D

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One miscarriage doesn't mean much more than that your wife had one miscarriage.


That is oh so true. My wife had a miscarriage on our first. It sucked and was hard to deal with, but we did. Now we have a wonderful girl about to turn two, and a little boy on the way - and everything looks good.


Our doctors told us that over 50% of woman miscarry with their first pregnancy. And that 98% of those same women go on to have healthy babies the second time.

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