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freeway bingo

Pete M

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trying to come up with a game for my nephews (7 and 10) for their trip north this summer.  need ideas for bingo spots that are semi challenging, but not impossible to find on any given freeway.  but they can't be super easy like "gas station" which might as well be the free space.


so far I've got: 


Green Truck
Flat Tire
Wrecked Car
Damaged Orange Barrel
Trailer W/ Three Axles
blue Flashing Lights
Yellow Car
Wrapped Car/Truck
Super Expensive Car
Tow Truck
Vanity Plate
Lifted Jeep
Skateboard Truck
RV Towing a Jeep
SoftTop Convertible
Bullbar/ Grillguard
Lowered Car/Truck
Boat with 2 Motors
Left Lane Ends Sign
Punny Billboard
Oversized Load


Lane Closed Sign

non-Uhaul Rental


Empty Trailer

LED lightbar

match pair of letters

all letters

all numbers

diesel pickup

roofrack soft bag


stick family decals

a church

pond/ lake

plate from far away

broken tailight





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Not entirely relevant but theres a game my cousins in VA came up with that I occasionally with friends or family. They call is "Score" and what you do is say score when you see a yellow car(excludes Penske and construction equipment) and when you see a pink car you say "Pink score win" and you win that round/day/trip or what ever. 

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We had a game when I was a kid, I think it was called “Are we there yet?” That was essentially the same. Instead of bingo cards, you just had a box of cards, each with something on it. You har a hand of a half dozen or so and collected the cards as you spotted them (and then drew another card) and the winner was the person with the most cards when you got to the destination. There were a couple hundred cards, all with a different thing to look for. Some of the ones I remember were farm animals, wildlife, wildlife crossing sign, broken down car, police car with its lights on, piece of litter larger than a breadbox (this was a gimme cause none of us knew how big a breadbox is), roadkill, driver in sunglasses, someone in another car picking their nose... and there were “detour” cards that let you swap one out if you didn’t think you would find it.


Edit: a quick google and this is it: https://thenewswheel.com/review-are-we-there-yet-1994-travel-card-game/

There’s a handful of them on eBay:


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  On 3/29/2021 at 7:57 PM, JustEmptyEveryPocket said:

My parents used to play a fun game with me on long road trips. It was called "Sit Still and Shut Up." Can you guess the rules? It did help me develop a very active imagination. 


Not a game I recommend for your nephews though.


Yeah, headphones and a book was a good way to alleviate the boredom once I was a teenager.  That doesn't work as well with younger kids.

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