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Comanche Club Apparel


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sorta.  I made a digital image of a Jeep and from what the attorneys I've talked to have said, our logo should stand up in court as my own art.  the CC logo took many many many hours of effort using MS Paint back in the day.  like pixel by pixel levels of effort.  could I sue the sweater people and win?  probably not.  hell, I'm not even losing money since my art doesn't make any money to start with.  but that doesn't make it any less painful to see my hard work on their product.  :fistshake2:


but hey, at least Comanche owners can now get themed apparel.  :L:   not too long ago that really wasn't the case. :(

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I've had those conversations before and it's never a pleasant thing.  they'll claim they found it in the "internet" and get all defensive, then quote crap from hack dimestore webpages about freedom or ask for my copyright info (that's not how it all works; creating art automatically gives you rights over that art without filing anything). 


besides, in this case I think it's better than the sweaters exist.  they are pretty cool. :L: 

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I can't disagree, butt some credit for the work would be nice. Also, while that may be the take of some people, you never know what the Jeepology people might say.

But, no pressure, I agree with Jesse, be true to thineself.

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