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Which way is up ?


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I'm not sure where to start or if This is the place but here it goes as I need to write this down and value a lot of people's advice / knowledge on here :


As some people already know I lost my job along with 300 other people , my last day of work was June 27th . I live in Youngstown Ohio and both the job market and wage are poor here I was making roughly $27 an hour which was great and the place I worked for shut their doors ( I didn't quit or get fired )it was physically demanding but I enjoyed the majority of the job . I've been looking for a job with no luck , even applied for several jobs that are an hour plus away . I've been looking to go back to school for something different and I can even apply for a grant for any in demand job ,but most don't apply to this area .


I have one brother that lives in Denver Colorado that most likely will be getting married in the next year and he has asked our mother last week to move out there which will leave me as the only in all our family left in Ohio as it's just myself , my mom , my brother and cousin that are still alive . I was also asked to move there today and it's all that is occupying my mind right now . Moving cross country , leaving friends ,finding new friends , starting over , my house is paid off but eventually I want another , no car payments , I'm single , cost of living in Denver , cost of moving , finding the right house that's not HOA etc etc . I don't classify myself as a pick up and move person , but I don't see a solid future here either and kind of feeling overwhelmed .


I'm of course not looking for a pity party , but advice from outsiders or maybe someone that's been in the same situation and when you look back was it worth it or do you regret it ? I know it's really up to me but it may help aid in my decision . Thanks in advance .

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I totally understand.  I had a home and decent life in michigan but then my sis and her family moved to georgia, then my parents and grandparents followed.  so I gave up the house, simplified my life and kinda live in both states at the same time.  Now if I was healthy enough to hold down a regular job, I'd probably have to choose Georgia because my little nephews are pretty darn awesome. :yes:


bottom line is that if you can't find employment where you are, ya gotta go somewhere and being near your family in CO sounds like a decent choice. :thumbsup:  you'll have a good chunk of cash after your house sells and will be far, far from the land of salty roads. :D  Just be sure to buy a place that has enough land to store all the rust-free jeeps you'll be finding. . :MJ 1: .

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I totally understand. I had a home and decent life in michigan but then my sis and her family moved to georgia, then my parents and grandparents followed. so I gave up the house, simplified my life and kinda live in both states at the same time. Now if I was healthy enough to hold down a regular job, I'd probably have to choose Georgia because my little nephews are pretty darn awesome. :yes:


bottom line is that if you can't find employment where you are, ya gotta go somewhere and being near your family in CO sounds like a decent choice. :thumbsup: you'll have a good chunk of cash after your house sells and will be far, far from the land of salty roads. :D Just be sure to buy a place that has enough land to store all the rust-free jeeps you'll be finding. . :MJ 1: .

Thanks Pete, you bring up a lot of good points . I know that I'm not the first nor will I be the last person that is in this situation and maybe the lack of jobs is a sign to maybe start all over again , who knows . I wish I knew for sure what the future holds but if I knew that I'd play the lottery lol. It's not like I'm ready to leave tomorrow , so I'm going to see how I feel after some time of thinking more .


The only part I disagree with is finding rust free jeeps , between yellaheep and Jim I think they've dried up that well lol. Thanks Pete .

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I left Ohio in 1974 to move to Louisiana as a young teenager because although I loved living there I did not see any future in the "rust belt". Turns out I was right...but that did not save me. since then I have held approximately 10 different jobs in 40 years, all professional and well-paying. I've held my current profession for the longest (over 16 years)....even though it pays the least.


The economy has changed since my generation went to work, employees are considered disposable and jobs are considered temporary until the next one comes along. If you have opportunities in Colorado I would definitely take them because I don't forsee the situation getting better before it gets worse.


You can always go back to Ohio to retire....

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Seems as though Colorado is the place to be. My wife as nine months of school left and then we're planning the same thing. There isn't anything for us here and the wages are terrible. Granted, the cost of living is also low, but it sure makes the fun stuff difficult to afford. If you're even considering Colorado, I'd say go for it. I'llsee you there.  :thumbsup:

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I just returned home (memphis) from Colorado. I've been all over the state and every major city. Stay the hell out of Denver! I was not a fan at all. While it has nice things, like all cities, it's way to over crowded. Traffic is a constant b*@$£ and people were not friendly. Go north or south or west of Denver and pick a town. You won't go wrong in any direction and your still close to your family in Denver.

Colorado is an awesome place and I plan to move outside Colorado Springs in the spring of next year (if things go right). There were jobs available and people were decent. Life shouldn't be how a lot of people think. You have a chance to do something new and change your life for the better. Take it..

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Yeah Adam, I agree with the above. Because of the downward spiraling economy I don't ever see Youngstown ever coming back; it will only get worse. I can use a boxing analogy for this: When Boom Boom was fighting, Youngstown was still thriving and he went on to have a great career. He was always proud of his hometown. Then along came the next Youngstown hope, Kelly Pavlik, and you know what happened to him. The great pride for the city the working class once had is gone now and it's a good time to start somewhere else. Colorado is fine, but so are the southern states. 

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I moved from NJ to VA about 4 years ago for similar reasons.  I was only 20, but was in a small town with limited career options within a reasonable distance.  Decided to move south where cost of living was less, and jobs were a lot more plentiful.  Just bought my 2nd house down here, and haven't looked back.  Sometimes the risk is worth the reward.

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First of all , thanks to all that have replied . I see the general census is to move which for me will be a tough pill to swallow but hopefully for the better and a lot of things need to set in motion for it to happen . I think it would make it easier to move out to CO if I had people like Jim , Ben , Troy and all the other jeep people as well living out there and there will always be everyone on the CC . This I'm sure will take months of planning do I'll be sure to keep everyone updated . Thanks again

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try a thought exercise and tally up all the positives of the move that you can.  dig deep, like all the awesome trails that are within easy driving distance or maybe finding a nice property or 2 near your family.  then focus on them for a couple days and see how you feel.  then do the flip side and tally up the positives of staying in Ohio and negatives of moving.  focus on that for a couple days.  might bring some clarity. 


I gotta tell ya, if it wasn't for the internet, I'd have had a much harder time of moving away from the place I've spent my entire life (near as makes no difference 40 years).  But I can keep in daily touch with just about everyone I know up there.  :yes:  and we can easily plan get-togethers for when I return.  :banana: 

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No matter what the motivation, it is always a hard decision to move from home.  Ohio in general has been a changing area for most of the last 30+ years.  Like many places, old established employment patterns are changing.  If I were much younger and in your place, I would rent out the house you have for at least a few years.  Move to Colorado or another place and try it out.  Rent a house where ever you land till you know you want to stay there.  Then it is time to buy a house.

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... I think it would make it easier to move out to CO if I had people like Jim , Ben , Troy and all the other jeep people as well living out there and there will always be everyone on the CC . This I'm sure will take months of planning do...


Bingo. We've been talking about moving out there for a couple years now and the stars are finally starting to align for us. 

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Everyone is making CO seem like rainbows and roses. And to a certain extent it is. But what nobody has said is how ridiculously expensive it is to live here. All the taxes are high. Rent is astronomical. I know three people who moved here and then moved back because they couldn't make it work. But they could of been lazy and not tried hard too. I moved here and my life has done nothing but get better. I worked hard for it. But with all the people and all the weird/crime happening I've been thinking about moving back to Nebraska. For what I paid for my house in northern CO I could have bought the biggest estate in my hometown complete with pool and just shy of 300 acres. Hell I don't know what to do now. But I am grateful for my life and family.

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At least you can lay back and roll a fatty talk about a stress reliever On a serious note though, I love CO, my parents have owned property outside of CO Springs since I was young I will agree with the above poster that CO is on the expensive side but not outrageous it all depends on what your looking for and how close to the city you wanna be good luck.

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i made the jump from MA to UT about 6 years back. Dead end job, dead end relationship, life wasnt bad, but wasnt going anywhere. I moved out with some buddies from college, which helped IMMENSELY. We lived in a ski town; work hard, play harder attitude. Pretty carefree life. Then i met this chick, neither of us wanted a serious relationship...


fast forward to today: we've been married just over a year, bought a house 2.5 years ago. great group of friends, almost ALL of which are due to wheeling, (seriously 95%).  



what I'm trying to say is: do it. move. pack up and go. i still keep in contact with my friends and family on the east coast; we're actually visiting there in 3 weeks. but they also visit us out here. you don't have to completely cut ties with where youre from, but new chapters are good.

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Pete : good idea to write a good and bad list ever since I was asked to move that's all I've been doing is weighing pros and cons and it becomes a big blur after a bit .


Johnj: if I did move I would never be able to rent my house out for several reasons . Someone damaging the house , someone not paying their rent and me having two houses to pay for , and property values aren't going up ,they're going down .


Ben : where do plan on moving to in CO? Anywhere near Parker ?


Jim : thanks for the invite !!


Ride 172 : I do know it is expensive to live there as my brother has been there for almost 12 years . That's a reason I would consider to stay in Ohio .


GGcnash : I'm not concerned about living too close to the city but I don't want to live an hour away from any company I would work at either . I'm not interested in that type of stress reliever lol , that's what my trucks are for .


Johnny : I wish I could clap my hands and be in Colorado , but it's going to be a long road . Where did you live on the east coast ?

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Rick (xjs4ever) lives in Parker.  or at least did last time I sent him stickers.  I've visited him there, but admittedly I was just passing through and so don't know much of anything about the town itself (we were meeting up for a trip to Moab).






oh, did I forget to mention you would be living just a day away from Moab?  :banana:    




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Rolling a fattie is something I like to do. Growing my own legally while still legally owning firearms is pretty great too. The snowboarding is a perk as well. It is pretty great here. One thing CO needs is for the Broncos to stop choking when it matters.


I forgot to add emissions testing to the "hate about CO" list. Some rural areas don't require it but the Denver/north areas do.

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Quite a few folks were tokin' up while I was there. I didn't par take but man how it would of been nice to not have the 5-0 bust balls because of it back in the day. I even went in a dispensary just to check the "flowers" LOL!

The fact that Colorado is outdoor Mecca is what gets me. There's everything and then some to do.

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Johnny : I wish I could clap my hands and be in Colorado , but it's going to be a long road . Where did you live on the east coast ?


Western Massachusetts. HUGE change. But even my wife can't figure out how I lived in New England for 25 years, but seem like more of a Utah guy haha. 


have you been out to Colorado at all? have you spent any time there? I'm a firm believer that anywhere can seen like a cool place to live when youre there on vacation, but to actually more there and live there day in and day out is completely different that a quick visit. (not sure if this has already been answered). 

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Johnny : I wish I could clap my hands and be in Colorado , but it's going to be a long road . Where did you live on the east coast ?

Western Massachusetts. HUGE change. But even my wife can't figure out how I lived in New England for 25 years, but seem like more of a Utah guy haha.


have you been out to Colorado at all? have you spent any time there? I'm a firm believer that anywhere can seen like a cool place to live when youre there on vacation, but to actually more there and live there day in and day out is completely different that a quick visit. (not sure if this has already been answered).

Yes I've been out there at least 8 times , a couple weeks when I helped move my brother out there 12 years ago , 3 weeks when I helped him fixing up a foreclosure he bought and a week here and there . I agree living out there will be different ....

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One thing CO needs is for the Broncos to stop choking when it matters.


If Manning spent 1/2 the time on football as he does selling pizza,  the Broncos would never lose another game.


Yes I've been out there at least 8 times , a couple weeks when I helped move my brother out there 12 years ago , 3 weeks when I helped him fixing up a foreclosure he bought and a week here and there .

Is this the brother you have in the military Adam?

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