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Removal of old vinyl "hockey sticks"

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I have had great success with this.....especially on old stripes that are broken up so heating and pulling is a monumental task..




Here is a vid of the same type product in action


This thing works great. I got very lucky and my pioneer stripes all peeled off in one long strip.

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Those eraser wheels work good on smaller decals, stripes, etc. For something as long as the Pioneer stripe, personally I'd use a heat gun to loosen the glue and try peeling as much as possible first. Then followup with the eraser wheel for any bits that are left.

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Thanks for all the suggestions!  I am a little concerned about whether there will be contrast when I remove the stripes--the paint is still in good shape, not too faded, so I may try a small area first before I remove the large pieces.

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you are most likely going to see a difference unless you drove only at night and garage kept the truck...I used to work at a sign shop and some people would bring in a van that they bought cheap with obviously newer vinyls but apparently the business went under...underneath the vinyl will be shiny like "new"ish paint compared to the other paint.

might not notice as much with a lot of wax and a good buffer.

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You will notice a difference, absolutely. And a paint polish will only help a little bit most likely. If you're concerned about the paint not matching, the only real solution is to put decals back over top 'cause you will have to deal with that issue.

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Easiest thing for anything like that including stickers, body side molding, and window tint is handheld clothing steamer. You can pick them up for $20-30 and they'll remove the decal and the glue without leaving residue for dirt to stick to. Like others have said you'll notice because the rest of your paint is faded from the sun while the paint under the vinyl isn't. Good buff job can usually blend it pretty well though.

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I have the same dilemma. I have these red "swoosh" decals on both sides, and I want them gone. The truck was painted in 03, and it's only been outside when it's out of the garage. There is no clearcoat over them. They will be easy to remove, but I'm afraid they will still show. And I do not want to paint the truck again. What do you body guys think? I suppose if they still show I could make it a two-tone.


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No idea Adam. I bought this truck sight unseen (except for the internet and lots of pics) and it was painted before I came back from overseas in 03. The paint still looks shiny and new though. I do know there were several coats of clear applied over the base coat, which is the original color.

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I pulled my hockey sticks about three years ago. Truck was 21 years old or so. Just lifted a corner with an exacto knife, and pulled 'em off....no heat, just normal daytime temps, in my garage. You can see where the stripes were, but you have to look pretty damned hard. It's not a difference in color, but a slight difference in sheen. Truck has been garaged some of it's life, but left outside about half the time. The top of the hood and cab are gone...no clear coat left at all. Sides look new.  

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Wait, I remember when I picked it up I got a small bottle of touchup. It had the Dupont label. It's long gone now though........


I have a friend who has a body shop in town. Maybe I'll take it over there and see what he says.


Ask about and Google a product called "Jet Glaze"


I have used it in the past with great results.  :thumbsup:


(NOTE.....Jet Glaze is a brand put out by AC Delco.....you should be able to cross reference comparables available in your area)

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