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Cold Start Video


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Mine started yesterday morning at -30ºF and it fired up just fine, even though I forgot to plug in the block heater. Cranked a little slow and I let it idle for a couple minutes before driving, but otherwise no extra drama.

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I have a 6 amp trickle charger and a block heater tied in together with a cord going out under the radiator to the front bumper. Plug it in  to a extension cord from the garage. It helps on really cold mornings and makes life easier for the Jeep.

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Never had a problem with any of my 4L....Have 5 in the drive way right now...-50*C not plugged in ....they always go


But the MJ has a 87-2.5 that has the heater hose running through the intake......she no likey the cold...(always starts...just angry about idling)..once warm runs like a charm.


It is planned to be changed out, just that it only has 60,000 miles on it and it seems a shame to pull a good motor

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Got down to -12 the other night here, was -5 when i went out to start the truck for work. Took a full 20 mins of pumping the pedal, cranking and cussing. Rinse and repeat.

But then again I have a 2.hate with no choke on the crappy carb...

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