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The Building Of Bucky

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Anything that can and should be removed has been taken off. The only things left in the cab at this point is the seats and dash. All the window trim mirrors and door handles are off and the door jambs have been stripped and ready for sealer. The door hinge that needed replaced I found on ebay yesterday morning and the seller agreed to sent via overnight UPS to my office, will be here today ( as will enough U-Pol Raptor to do 2 complete beds...should be enough for the bed the bumpers side rails bed side top rails and the roll bar. Also doing the lower body and the flat top bushwackers...after the paint is on). It was worth getting a NOS hinge sent rather than taking the time off work and spending it at the junk yard. I want if time off work is needed to be in the middle of the project (read highly visible). All that being said I may need to swing by the p&p for a better cowl vent...that is a quick stop however and not trying to cut out a door hinge. The drivers door hinge is the last big item the cab needs at this point.

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The bed is now ready for final light hand work before sealer at this point. We have the booth for a full week after today, and as I said the door hinge will deliver this afternoon.

the door will need temorary re-mounting to re allign the drivers side front fender I think both got tweeked and buggered up a bit when he ground the hinge in half to get the door off. For all the delays ballyhoo and bull$#!& I gotta say that on the whole the man knows his stuff. The body work is vastly superior to anything I would have been capable of even given the time span spent. I have every reason to believe that he is as good or better with a paint gun. I will be helping evenings this week for the grunt work and to ensure that Bucky stays front burner.

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Thankfully the weather was great for the weekend and is expected to be as high as the low 70s through the week. Here are a couple of shots of another project that he picked up to add to the insane collection of cars trucks engines etc at this guy's house...66' Caddy what a beast this thing is!

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Do you know if any more of those NOS hinges are available? I'm thinking of replacing mine also before paint. I replaced the pin, but it isn't 100% perfect, so I might as well do it.

A link to the listing would be awesome. :bowdown:

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Ya feelin betta now? :laughin: Loooooks sweet! Wait till your guy starts layin down paint. Heck, even the sealer makes it look good. Don't come dragin in so late that we don't get updated. :rotf: This is better than reality TV. :popcorn:

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tell ya what man...I am really lookin forward to seeing this thing in a bona fide booth rather than a filthy packed garage and driveway.

Where it is dirt grit and dust free in an incluttered well lit heated place.....

I want so bad to feel that at least some of this process is being done in a professional environment.

I have to stay optomistic and up beat. ( haven't taken a drink in 23 years....but the week ain't over yet.)

Hmm comanche club on the velocity channel (maybe speed vision) comes on between "chasing classic cars" and "overhaulin"....you might be onto something there Earl

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Got mine yesterday...It is the real deal NOS no BS about it. You will not be dissapointed.

 Have not been able to test fit, but honestly I  don't have to bother. I see this bastard in my sleep and have a tatoo of it on my butt.

  On 4/3/2013 at 12:49 PM, Biotex said:


  On 4/2/2013 at 1:13 PM, buffalob said:


Why don't you hold up untill tomorrow till I get this delivered inspected and test fit.
let me play guinea pig to see if it is actually what they say it is.....
I would not want to steer a brother wrong...

Too late...

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bout sums it up.....painter slid under the radar again.....(and we got hit again with snow)  will post again when I have some more to show...(sigh)

If nothing else I plan to clean and dye the rest of the interior panels over the weekend weather permitting

  On 4/9/2013 at 11:47 PM, earl*t said:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't tell you guys how it makes me feel to get your notes of concern...really touching.


I spoke with the painter Saturday night on the phone (he called ME...shazam!) getting ready to shoot the sealer...(I'll believe it when I see it).

We had out of town old friends and family for the weekend... I have been going way out of my way for these many months to avoid weekend committments (and out of town buisness travel),

to be available if help is needed, and to prod if not. I could not get down to help him this weekend...just figures that he would e-mail, text (and call!!!) when I was so engaged...


The gathering was in part to celebrate my 55th and to have a long overdue jam session with a couple of guys I have not seen and /or played music with in over 20 years...It was a hoot.


I have a couple of calls in to the painter to see where we are at...hopefully a good chunk of progress before we got 5 more inches of snow overnight last night (and it is not expected to let up till later in the afternoon)

when I get an update I will let you guys in on it.........

really... thank you for the concern.



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One day I'm going to learn (finish learning) how to play. 


I really can't wait for you to finish this all up! I really want to know how the dye turns out! Mine arent bad but after 21 years and 200k miles she's really starting to show her age. Hopefully I can get a tip or two from you! :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

After all this time & frustration I hope he does a first class job for you . I wouldn't have the patience to put up with the guy myself  :wall:   Good luck   :cheers:

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  On 5/5/2013 at 6:32 PM, earl*t said:

O dark thirty rendezvous results?


well It was not pretty (and aint over yet)...Got a text before I was to leave yesterday AM that he would not be available till noon...

I returned text acknowledging it said OK see you then...Made it down there about 10 after 12:00...(house and garage locked up no-body home.)

Sent a text I'm here where are you, on your way? 45 mins later I get a text...Didn't you get my text?? running late won't be back till 2:00 P (bear in mind that it is now 1:00 PM and it is 30 mins plus each way home and back)..send him a text...no man did not receive your note...OK I'll go find a place for lunch and meet you at 2:00. 2:30 still waiting getting no response to texts or phone calls....3:30 same thing...Drop him yet another heated no nonsense text...and drive home......

For the record I did not get a phone call, e-mail, or text all afternoon last night or in the morning today.


I have basically been blown off and/or ignored repeatedly for the last month. I have not seen my truck since the day following the last photos I posted.

here are a couple of "excerpts" from the text I send early this morning,(could not get an answer when I called)...


"I need to get an accurate no BS account on where we are on the truck...period. Is any part of it now in sealer and/or paint? We are at this point 2 weeks shy of 6 MONTHS since you picked it up. You insisted on and were paid 50% up front in cash. If it is still in the same condition as it was the last time I saw it I think it best for both of us that we not go any further. It is Sunday I have the company pickup today and can either come back over to work or start getting everything picked up and out of your hair. At this point I am willing to give you ONE WEEK (no more) to complete the work. Or if you prefer I can be there within the hour, your call...let me know what we are going to do."


2 Hours later I got a text stating he would have it done next weekend.......

I sincerely hope he means it as I really do not want to have to take this up a notch. But hey thanks for asking, and how is your weekend going?

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Hi Bob. I was really expecting good news. It's regrettable that such an unscrupulous individual can legally conduct business. Many of us know how exciting it is when our projects are nearing completion. A bad situation like this has to be psychologically draining. I know it's not much consolation, but the CC family is sharing in your disappointment. On the flip side, we'll share in your pleasure when your Comanche is as shiny as a new penny. :thumbsup:  

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Wow! I am sorry to hear about your experience with your body shop guy. The poor communication is inexcusable  :shake: Don't fret too much, my '92 has been at the body shop for two years, but I know exactly what is going on with it.

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