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What do you collect?


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  Exxon Valdez Jeep said:
I'm going to bend up a tube table and the top is going to be the caps covered in a clear high gloss urethane.


kinda like so



No I mean actually make it out of only caps, the legs and all. Nothing besides caps.

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Umm it depends on what I'm currently obsessing on, cigar boxes for guitars, 6-string guitars, tools, Jeeps, Jeep parts, Boxing gear, memorabilia and books on boxing, Years ago I collected every Iron Maiden album - on CD, almost every one on LP, about 10 picture discs, several posters and other stuff, still have my I'm poster that I hung in my 8th grade locker, Older Literature Only - Thomas Hardy, Joyce, other poets writers etc, I have boxes upon boxes of books. Two best are a first edition "Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand and a first edition "Mayor of Castorbridge" by Hardy. I can't read pop fiction at all, usually if its on the NY Times best seller list, I pass.


The current obsession is chickens, got about 30-35 now, also just picked up a 12 lb Buff Orpington, he's huge and he's mean as hell too, attacks me every time I try to feed him. I'm also picking up two Phoenix roosters, a red and a golden in a couple of days.


I think I'm about to get into small tractors soon, I was salivating over a Kubota 185 the other day.



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I collect patches, mostly local law enforcement, but also state and masonic as well. And anything NC Highway Patrol related. Any old, interesting stuff I might run across usually ends up in the man cave too.

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other than star wars books (I have all of them...a result of being the geek in school), anything I collect tends to be potentially lethal. knives, swords, bows, and an assortment of guns.


used to collect old pens but couldn't deal with ink all over my hands. I HATE being dirty. (seriously, I wash my hands at least 8 times a day when I'm wrenching)

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  • 3 months later...

my current obsession is gas pressure appliances. So mainly old lanterns, lamps and stoves that are either powered by camp fuel/white gas or kerosene.

I'm really into the oddball/non coleman stuff.


I currently have about 70 lanterns and around 50 stoves. A small collection but mostly rare stuff as thats what gets me goin.


These 3 are all from the onset of ww2. the middle one is one of 4 known to exist and the outer 2 there are around 20 known to exist.


I could go on with pics endlessly..lol.


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Tobacco pipes, I have over 1,000. I think I got my first around 15 riding around to junk stores with my dad, that was my only (and I don't think I ever used it for tobacco) until I got married and my wife found out how much I spent a year on cigarettes, she asked if I could cut back or go cheaper somehow, so I switched to the pipe. Tastes better, saves money (at least when you're not buying new pipes every week), and there's a lot more choices for tobacco. Of the pipes I have less than 10 I think were purchased new, I prefer estate pipes (a fancy way of saying used pipes).

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my uncle Just got me started on collecting American coins 1964 and older.. those coins are actually made with silver. and if Coininflation.com is correct then the coin IS worth more as silver than face value.


I also have some coins from other countries, here are a couple:





sorry for the large pics

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  relyt120 said:
I collect $2 bills, my collection isn't too large but growing.


The two dollar bill is an old strip club trick. Some places when you break a large bill they'd only give you $2 bills, so you'd be forced to tip at least $2, instead of one. I mean, this is just what I was told second hand. I've never been in such a place.

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Just picked up a old gas camp stove in the box very clean not coleman can't remember what name? It is for sale.

  mountainman said:
my current obsession is gas pressure appliances. So mainly old lanterns, lamps and stoves that are either powered by camp fuel/white gas or kerosene.

I'm really into the oddball/non coleman stuff.


I currently have about 70 lanterns and around 50 stoves. A small collection but mostly rare stuff as thats what gets me goin.


These 3 are all from the onset of ww2. the middle one is one of 4 known to exist and the outer 2 there are around 20 known to exist.


I could go on with pics endlessly..lol.


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  sinkrun said:
Just picked up a old gas camp stove in the box very clean not coleman can't remember what name? It is for sale.
  \ said:
my current obsession is gas pressure appliances. So mainly old lanterns' date=' lamps and stoves that are either powered by camp fuel/white gas or kerosene.

I'm really into the oddball/non coleman stuff.


I currently have about 70 lanterns and around 50 stoves. A small collection but mostly rare stuff as thats what gets me goin.


These 3 are all from the onset of ww2. the middle one is one of 4 known to exist and the outer 2 there are around 20 known to exist.


I could go on with pics endlessly..lol.




Send me pics? and a pm or email? if I'm not interested i have plenty of friends who are. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Comanche County said:
  relyt120 said:
I collect $2 bills, my collection isn't too large but growing.


The two dollar bill is an old strip club trick. Some places when you break a large bill they'd only give you $2 bills, so you'd be forced to tip at least $2, instead of one. I mean, this is just what I was told second hand. I've never been in such a place.


I like them because people think they are no longer made but they really are, and the old ones are pretty cool.

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  • 2 months later...

Some of the obscure things I have. Always wanted some when I was a kid; found all but one (Bret Hart) of the WCW ones when I was at a local flea market a few years ago. You can hardly find any cool WCW paraphernalia nowadays anyway; so I lucked out big time.








Only one currently hanging up; two favorites of mine when I was a kid.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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