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Car insurance, who do you have?


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As of September 8th I'm on my own 100% for college. This means that on top of rent, food, fuel, light and water bills, I also have to find my own car insurance. I would be staying on my dads insurance (21st century) but they will no longer cover my truck do to the lift :headpop:


So who do y'all have, how much do you pay, and do they cover lifted trucks? I know mines going to be a bit more thanks to my age (18) but I have a clean driving recored. Also I would like collision insurance, do you think it would be worth it? I don't want to get stuck paying much more then $180 per month. Any thoughts on who I should go with and the prices I'll be looking for would be VERY helpful. Thank you!



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i hate to tell ya but at 18 years old with no credit or real driving history your monthly rate will be about 180-200. My 86 toyota for liability only was 175/month when i was 18


I have never had my insurance company say anything about my car or truck being modified for insurance reasons?

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i hate to tell ya but at 18 years old with no credit or real driving history your monthly rate will be about 180-200. My 86 toyota for liability only was 175/month when i was 18


I have never had my insurance company say anything about my car or truck being modified for insurance reasons?


Well I don't have much credit. I have an apartment in both me an my dads name which I'm sure is bringing up my credit, starting some time next week I'm going to start to take out small personal loans and pay them back to build credit, so I wouldn't say I don't have any. But I think the thing is that I have almost 0 payment history.


And the lifted truck thing, that's what my dad says is the reason for my insurance being canceled... Is that true? I sure hope so, but it is posible that he just wants his to be cheaper :(



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I used to have Progressive, but three months into the coverage they sent me a letter saying that I had an accident 4 years and 11 months prior to the initiation of my policy. Since their cutoff was five years of past driving history (at the time - I think they lowered it to 3 years), they increased my rates by 20%.


Switched to eSurance and their rates are very reasonable.


But, at 18, they're going to screw you every way they can. I stayed on my parents policy until I was 23 and just cut them a check every six months for it. If I were you, I would talk to 21st century and find a way to stay on your Dad's policy.

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I have State Farm. I've been really happy with them, but it could just be my agent. He receptionist has always taken care of me, and given me good advice.


Coming from a good friend who has a body shop, the worst companies for paying insurance claims are 21st century and Farmers. He said State Farm can be difficult too. They like to not pay, and cut corners with cheap Chinese parts.


I'll continue this later, have to get back to work.



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Can't help, I have Kentucky Farm Bureau. They kinda expected a lift kit and big tires when I insured my TJ on 35's. They asked how much more I needed to insure it to cover add ons'. $78 every 3 months for full coverage, however I'm quite a bit older than you. For comparison, I pay $56 every 3 months for my Comanche, liability only. Good luck.

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I used to have Progressive, but three months into the coverage they sent me a letter saying that I had an accident 4 years and 11 months prior to the initiation of my policy. Since their cutoff was five years of past driving history (at the time - I think they lowered it to 3 years), they increased my rates by 20%.


Switched to eSurance and their rates are very reasonable.


But, at 18, they're going to screw you every way they can. I stayed on my parents policy until I was 23 and just cut them a check every six months for it. If I were you, I would talk to 21st century and find a way to stay on your Dad's policy.


At 18 insurance wise, you're going to get screwed every which way but loose.

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I have State Farm - it's something like $30-40 a month for my truck, with high-limit liability and comprehensive. Collision isn't worth it to me - much as I love the truck, I could afford to find a replacement vehicle if I wreck it, and if someone else wrecks it, they'll be buying my replacement. Just not worth the extra money for a truck they'll say is worth a thousand bucks.


Word of warning - be very cautious about justifying credit purchases in the name of "building credit." It can be very easy to let it get away from you and then have a bigger bill than you can afford. You don't need that burden at 18. Take it from someone who's been there - paying cash is nearly always the better way to go.

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agreed you have plenty of time to build credit & pay cash for what you want and need :brows:. I would find out why you can not remain on the ins policy :hmm: it could be the fact that you are no longer under his roof and basically on your own. do some research cause its gonna hurt. They do take things into consideration and the benefits don't kick in until your 25 and thats if you have a clean driving history. GL

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I have State Farm. And they have been VERRRYYYY good to me.


Even with my wife trying to get herself a new van one deer collision at a time, my rates are still very low. I am much older than you and married so that really helps.


I drive my lifted Jeep to the agent at times, he has seen pictures of my wheeling Jeep laying on its side at Cliff's. They have never said two words to me about my Jeep being lifted or any modifications I have done to them...

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I'm now 23, my MJs have cost me 20-30 bucks for liability. My 08 Ram is 170 for full coverage :fs2:


But ya cannot complain when $#!& hits the fan and the insurance company is there to get your life back as soon as humanly possible. Insurance is not something to be cheap on. I have heard about the altered suspension vehicles not being covered but it was just reading on a forum somewhere. I have never heard of anyone being denied their insurance AFTER a accident because the vehicle was modified.

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I think your dad is just saying that. Why would you even tell the insurance company you lifted your truck? I still don't even see why lifting your Jeep has anything to do with the insurance. :dunno: I have Nationwide liability on my 93 and 94 XJ with roadside assistance(tow up to 100 miles for free, and yes I have used it and its really free!) for $67 bucks a month. I'm 22 no speeding tickets or accidents.

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I am 20 and got my own auto insurance last year from Geico and pay about $64 monthly for my Blue 4wd 88 Comanche... (in Mobile, AL.. With only one of my Jeeps.. the others aren't drivable so i don't have them insured)


If i where to add another Comanche it would be about 105 monthly for me any way..

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When I first got my own insurance policy our agent broke my policy away from my parents so it showed I had the policy for as long as my parents instead of brand new policy. This saved alot of money but that was 18 years ago and I don't know if things work like that anymore.

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When I first got my own insurance policy our agent broke my policy away from my parents so it showed I had the policy for as long as my parents instead of brand new policy. This saved alot of money but that was 18 years ago and I don't know if things work like that anymore.


GEICO still does that.

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When I first got my own insurance policy our agent broke my policy away from my parents so it showed I had the policy for as long as my parents instead of brand new policy. This saved alot of money but that was 18 years ago and I don't know if things work like that anymore.


GEICO still does that.


I sorta did that too :yes:

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USAA, but you'll have to join the military to get it. :D


Or have a parent that was in the military.


I have Farmers [which are great to me] and am paying $103/mo for full coverage/collision/comprehensive on the Escape and above state minimum liability on the MJ.

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